Sunday, May 29, 2016

Just because ...

Living in solitude ...
Just because ...
She hasn't found a soul ...
Compatible at her mental level ...
Not a person ...
With whom she can ...
Discuss anything and everything under the sky...
No, no gossip ...
Strong intellect is what she seeks ...
All one finds these days is ...
Corrupt bogus minds...
Interested in their own selfish adornments.

She seeks inner solace ....
By reading up every topic ...
On Science and technology ...
Brain research and Genetics her forte'...
She enacts conversations in her mind ...
Deep thoughtful discussions with Ghosts ...
Created by her ....
Intelligent beings ...
At times it seems she is talking to herself ...
But little do they know...
She speaks to the people she has created  ...
For no living being can match ...
The speed of her thoughts and logic.

To the rest of the world...
It may seem she has gone bonkers ...
But, happy and content is the woman ...
That thinks eons ahead ...
Of the rest of others.

There is so much to explore in space ...
No telescope or spacecraft can go there ...
But, the speed of thoughts can ...'
They take her where no man or craft has gone before ...
The entities they speak to her.

A healthy discussion of ...
What becomes of Earth ?
What becomes of Mankind?
What about relations?
What about feelings?
There is no two ways about it ...
Pros and cons discussed ...
Conclusions drawn and redrawn ...
Even twenty four hours ain't enough.

They say she is lost ...
But, she wanders in space ...
A space she created with her thoughts ...
A space where she converses with like minded people ...
Ghosts for the rest of the mankind ...
But, friends that never let her down...
People who never leave her alone ...
Entities that give her company.

Just because, sh is lost in her thoughts ...
All isn't lost to her ...
She is but a player ...
Wordplay her forte'...
Mind games her exercise ...
Concocting situations ...
For enacting on the stage of life.

The smile becoming her ...
Spring in her gait ...
She moves forth ...
To yet conquer another day ...
Amongst the living ghosts ...
Known as humans.

Just because ...
She has to live another day.

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