Tuesday, May 3, 2016

The horoscope ...

Never a believer ...
she woke up up with a jolt ...
The previous days reading ...
It had predicted ...
He who seeks her ...
Will appear in her dream that night.
The one that brightened her dream ...
The poisoned apple ...
The one she swore not to meet again ...
He dominated the flow of her dream.

If horoscopes are true...
Why does he seek her?
They parted ways ...
It was hard to get on with life ...
She did somehow ...
Now, why does he torment her via dreams?

His destiny can't be tied to her...
Or is it?

Time and again they bump into each other ....
Not right...
These dreams ...
These predictions ...
They need to be done away with ...
None should be one's weakness...
None indeed.

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