Sunday, May 29, 2016

Sweating it out ...

Why do we get affected by trivial issues?
Why do we sweat t out ...
Wondering what the World ...
And it's self created society thinks...
About us and our actions?

To hell with rules ...
Rules that make you crib, cry and nag ...
Antagonize and be apprehensive...
Rules that never let you think freely ...
Rules that get you all messed up and sad...
To hell with thoughts ...
That make you worry , what if...
Sweating it out ...
It ain't for the faint hearted to live like a bird ...
Free willed and flying high ...
If you are always thinking ...
What is the society going to say?

To hell with the society ...
The society doesn't feed me ...
Nor does it clothe me ...
The society doesn't pay my bills ...
The society doesn't wipe my tears ...
Sweating it our, thinking about the society ...
No, not for me.

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