Friday, August 10, 2018

The Dragon within...

Blackmail, intrigue & explosive exploits stretch the bonds of friendship, as lost secrets and untold lore come to light in a world full of magic wielding #dragonswithin

Next up in my chronicles of procrastination: I feed my imaginative cat some mangoes

Oh! Oh! Where did my Van Gogh go?

Been searching high,
Been searching low,

Does anyone know,
Where did my Van Gogh?

My Art, my art of aches and pain.

Do you see me as I see you?
Your fire is a mead to my soul,
And I ruminate on its firefly glow.
Your air unwinds my unseen
Tempestuous gloom, overcoming the dark
With eyes so blue.
It's all the warmth I want
Because all is you.
You are my verses
You are my poetry
You are my pain
You are my annihilation
You are the Does tiptoeing
You are the Cat prowling
Yes, you are my birth and death
You are the keeper of my ashes.

You are the Dragon, I keep chained...

You are the Dragon, I shall unleash one day
Till then, sleep well o' purring one
For the end is near...

Soon we shall be one
A power unbeknownst to man
A power hidden within
The Dragon within.

रेत का गुबार

एक वक्त था जब सब शांत था
हर तरफ खुशहाली थी
वो थे हम थे
सब ठीक ठाक चल रहा था
वक़्त की एक अशांत शांत आंधी आयी
और सब कुछ बिखेर कर चली गयी
कुछ न बचा ,
न घर, न बगीचा और न ही इंसानियत
जो बचा , वो एक हंसता दहकता आग का दरिया
और वो शक्श जिसने सब उजाड़ दिया था
वो एक कली जो बची थी
मुरझा गयी
कोमल कपोलों सी उसकी हंसी
रुक सी गयी
चारों तरफ उजड़ा चमन
कहीं भी खुशी की एक झलक तक नहीं
दूर दूर तक रेत के ढेर
एक आंधी चली और
रेत का गुबार उठा
वो सब खुशियां अपने साथ ले गया
कली बची, सिमटी सी
किस्मत का खेल देखती रही
पलट गई वो
उस रेत के टीले से दूर
उसने खुद अपनी कब्र खोदी
और उसमें समा गई
फिर रेत का एक गुबार आया
कब्र ढक गयी रेत के कणों से
अब कली कहीं दिखती नहीं
कोई आशा भी नहीं

जो गया सो गया
अब न कुछ बाकी है
अब न फिर कोई कली खिलेगी
अब न कोई राधा नाचेगी
अब न कोई कान्हा होगा
अब होगा तो सिर्फ
हहशत और दहशत का नग्न नृत्य
अब होगी हाहाकार
धरती मिट्टी मिट्टी हो जाएगी
न नर रहेगा न नारी।

Thursday, August 9, 2018


वक़्त है कि थमता ही नहीं
अपनी ही रफ्तार से चला जा रहा है
और हम
वहीं के वहीं
न एक कदम आगे चल सके
न एक कदम पीछे जा सके
बस वहीं कदम रुक गए
जहां थे, वहीं ।

ज़माने को देखो
वो तेज़ दौड़ा जा रहा है
एक मृगतृष्णा के पीछे
अपना सब कुछ छोड़े जा रहा है
अपना घर
अपनी मोहब्बत
अपना वजूद
फिर बचा ही क्या ?
कुछ नहीं
पर इंसान है कि
लालच का सिरा छोड़ता ही नहीं
चाहे कुछ भी हो जाये
ये इंसान सुधर नहीं सकता।

वक़्त की आंधी आएगी
सब तिनका तिनका हो जाएगा
न घर रहेगा न घरोंदा
बस बाकी रह जाएंगी  यादें
यादें भी धुंधला जाएंगी
कुछ नही बचेगा
बस एक स्याह अंधेरा
और कुछ नहीं।

वक़्त का तकाजा है
वक़्त देखा है हमने
वो किसी के लिए नहीं ठहरता
वो बस चलता रहता है।

वक़्त ...

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

The darkness engulfs her ...

She runs wildly ...
Arms flayling in space ...
Feet trying for a foothold ...
She's engulfed in darkness ...
A hot tub of emotions...
Imagination wild and distinct...
Cold and fierce ...
There's sadness all around ...
She has only herself to surround herself with...
She's lost ...
Wandering hopelessly here and there...
Wondering where she went wrong...
Whom did she harm.
She harms herself...
The pain brings some relief ...
But that ain't the antidote...
To the poison left within.
She cries silently ..
Wails within ...
A hollow holler at her self ...
How could she allow this to happen again?

The silence within , deafening...
A chill going up her spine ...
She looks at the sleeping pills ...
And knows best what to do.

She has to numb the feelings...
She has to shut the noise out ...
If not now ...
She might act weird ...
For sanity's sake. ..
She has to cull the insanity ...
The noise within.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Dreams ... With a tragic end ..

They met out of the blue...
As though destined to meet...
At a place, which none would recommend ever ...
Yet, a twist of fate made them meet ...
A whirlwind first date ....
Led to another and another ...

Then suddenly dates out of the blue ..

He would kidnap her from work and take her away ...

Far away to another place...

A beach a sea .... A beautiful seat on the rocks. ..
She was floored...
Totally smittened ...
Enamored by  his love. ..
Licensed by the Black Pearl bracelet and neckpiece for her birthday.

She was taken by his charm...
She fell head over heels in love ...
Once again to be taken for a ride.

Ride she did ... High on the waves ...
A tsunami of love ...
Kaput!!! One day it all came crashing down ...
Her monument of love came crashing down ..
She was devastated.
.She cooped up in her coccoon...

There she started her cleansing process...
A metamorphosis taking place....
She made her feathers better ...her wings stronger ..
She was different...she was above  human interaction.

She turned further into her shell ...for she was a wreck to be salvaged
He surfaced again ... She turned her face away.

Sunday, August 5, 2018

She was ... Waiting for the footsteps that never came...

She was full of life ...
Smiling all the time...
Fun to be with...
He entered her life ...
Like a whiff of fresh air ...
And ,
Snuffed the life out of her...
He ravaged her mind and soul...
He raped her sensibilities...
He left her a vegetable...
To her own existence...
Just existence...
No life at all...
Just another dead body ...
In the trails of death ...
That follow his footsteps ...
One gone forever...
Another, a living dead ...
He killed her alive ...
Throttling her life ...
Leaving her on her own ...
He ensured there was none beside her ...
He murdered her in broad daylight...
Proclaiming himself a saint...
He was far from one ...
Actually, Devil's Advocate in disguise...
She was trapped ...
Ensnared by his false charms ...
Used by him...
And, left to die alone.
She was in love till her last breath...
Her eyes glued to the door...
Her ears attuned to his footsteps...
Footsteps that never came.

They found her ...
Eyes wide open...
A smile on her lips ...
Waiting ...
Waiting for the footsteps that never came.

Friday, August 3, 2018


When they become a page from history...
That ...
That moment you are liberated...
It is the D Day landing for you ...
The day when you nuke all the feelings for them...
They become dust ...
The rising , swirling...
Dissipating dust like Hiroshima...
They become the Nagasaki skeletal remains...
The memories of them become...
The dilapidated buildings...
Of your wartorn mind.

The conflict resolves...
And you see clearly ...
The foolhardiness of the efforts...
The efforts put in to keep it together...
When all the Nazi wanted was the pleasure...
The pleasure of destroying your peace...
The ally of your thoughts...
To ravage your body ...
For his own annihilation.
They are history now ...
Let them remain history...
Do not repeat the same history...
They will get the just justice ...
For you were naive they weren't...
They have become history...
Even in the pages of their own lives.

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Body Language... It says it all

She can understand languages ...
A lot of them...
She can read them well...
But, she reads best is ...
Body Language.

She doesn't trust words ...
No messages...
Nothing on phone ...
She meets in person ...
To understand the person...
The motives ...
For they say ...
Action speaks louder.

She makes it a point ...
To meet in person...
For she trusts her gut instinct ...
It tells her everything...
It never lies.

She understands...
Body Language. #GoFigure