Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Deep brooding eyes...

He has the most intense ...
Beautiful, deep brooding eyes ...
When he looks at her ...
She loses herself in their depth ...
She is lost forever ...
His love so intense ...
So deep ...
She couldn't surface once immersed...
In his love ...
She found her solace ...
Her need to belong ...
She belonged to him ...
The one who searched for her ...
Those many years ...
Relentlessly,  unstopping ...
He looked for her ....
High and low ...
Every nook and corner  of the World ....
Ultimately seeking her out ...
There she was ...
In all her unabashed nakedness ...
In front of him ...
They melted in each others arms ...
Never to emerge from ...
The embrace so tight ...
Breath infused  in each others ...
They love each other as one ...
Entwined in a deep embrace ...
She already drowned in his eyes ...
Melting into him...
Being one with him...
Her love  , hers...
She fears none ...
For she is his shadow ...
He is her soul.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Castles built with sand...

Castles built with sand ...
Wash away ...
Castles built in air ...
Vaporise ...
All that remain are ...
Memories made together...
Moments spent ...
Finding happiness ...
Nothing remains permanent...
All is lost ...
When the day of reckoning arrived ...
The Knight galloped away ...
Into the Sunset ...
Not to be seen again ...
The Kingdom collapsed ...
The Queen withered away ...
In dungeons she imprisoned herself ...
Chained to her memories.

Her castle remains in ruins ...
People ask why ...
No one answers , why.
They say she walks the ramparts...
The chains of her memories clinking ...
The clangs a hollow wail ...
On moonlit nights ...
You can still see her flitting across the skies...
In the darkness ...
You can hear her cries ...
Her castle in cinders ...
Smouldering , burning within ...
She seeths in her anger.

Castles they built with sand ...
Washed away before time ...
Castle built in air ...
Came crumbling down.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Ranaji ... The best Salesman ...

Be it the  corporate world...
Or be it personal life ...
The best Salesman is the one ...
Who can sell himself and his lies...
He is what the best mould is made of...
A blend of sauve sophistication...
False values ...
A go getter...
Ranaji has been there done that ...
Whether it is using relations...
Or be it emotions ...
He has sold his soul to the devil.
The devil reincarnate ...
God only knows ...
How many women has he used ...
To make his end's meet.
Sick, that his kids also became his pawns.
Shameful , that he emotionally ensnared a woman ...
Used her , abused her sensibilities...
And left her high and dry...
Sad, butnhe knows not ...
There is something known as ...
Divine justice ...
That one hand of God ...
Ensures that we all pay for our sins here ...
Ranaji ...
It is time to pay for your sins ...
Time for you to suffer ...
Time to wake up from your slumber...
Your kingsize bed ...
And utterly lazy wife ...
Can wait ...
For hell hath no fury ...
Like a woman scorned.

Your goods are outdated Ranaji ...
Your tactics redundant ...
Your charm has fizzled out ...
All that is left is ...
The remains of what once was...
Ranaji , you are history ...
Sales will never remember you ...
Nor the ones for whom you stooped so low.

The best ever ...

Friday, August 29, 2014

Am I jinxed?

Am I jinxed?
Who so ever I love ... dies ...
I am better off alone ...
I can't bear to lose loved ones...
I need to go shut myself. ?.
In the blackhole I created...
My shell needs to be donned again.
I was so much better...
All alone ...
No pain ...
No emotions...
Just me ...
My zombie self...
The emptiness enveloping me ...
I am better off alone.
No more losses ...
No more pain ...
Just a dead woman walking ...
In my mourning ...I find solace ...
Jinxed as I am in love...
In matters of the heart...
I am better off alone.
In this aloneness ...I seek my death...
In this aloneness ...
I am fine...
In this aloneness...
Is my salvation.
Death shall become me...
Death is the only answer ...
How many more should I lose ...
To really realize it?
My jinx follows me ...
My fate tainted with death ...
I seek solace within ...
For the World ain't made for me.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

The Others ...

Do they matter?
The others ...
She doesn't think so ...
What matters is the matter of his heart and hers ...
Why bother about what others have to say?
Why delve into nitty gritties of a leper society ?
Societal rules do not matter ...
Neither do people ...
For seldom have wagging tails been quiet ...
Silence is not the virtue of Gossip mongers.

The others ...
For them, why spoil your today ?
He says ... what if you were in my situation?
She has answer ..
I wouldn't be where you are ...
If you can't sustain a relation ...
Why begin it?
If you have fallen into the trap ...
Better play along ...
You can't play with someone's feelings ...
Walk away saying ...
I have responsibilities.
Where were these responsibilities ...
When you wooed her?
Now you remember your duties?
Where did the duty list disappear?
When you were courting her?
Don't wash your hands off her now ...
Not when she is already deep in love with you ...
Not when she is gasping for air ...
Not when she carries you in her thoughts day and night.

Had she been in his place ...
She would never give up on him ...
With conviction ...
She would own up her relation with him...
For she grew up ...
Never to back track ...
Never to give up ...
Never to step back...
She grew up defying stagnant rules of the others...
She grew up loving him.

The Others don't matter ...
They never did ..
It was always about Him and Her...
It was always about Them.

Monday, August 25, 2014

He has gone to the other room ...

Let go my love ...
Don't cry for him...
He wouldn't want you to ...
He wanted to see you strong ...
You carry forth his torch ...
He has just left the mortal life ...
He is in the other room watching ...
Let him go ...
No remorse ...
No pain will get him back ...
But following his preachings will...
He will live through your deeds ...
He will live in your thoughts...
He will live in you.

He is but the spirit in you ...
Do not let him down ...
He waits for you to let go ...
So he can soar high ...
The birds gliding in the sky ...
Amongst the clouds are with him ...
He watches over you as the moon ...
He smiles at you as a star ...
On starless nights ...
He is the breeze ..
That whizzes past you ...
He is with you my love ...
He is in you my love...
Look within ...
You shall find him there ...
Like all the elders from the past ...
That dwell in you memory.

Smile my love ...
For he is rid of his worldly aches and pain ...
Smile my love ...
For he left his legacy with you.

Think of him ...
And, move on ...
Let go ...
So he can go...
To the other room and find his peace there.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Her Reality...

He is her reality ...
A realization ...
Of who she is  ...
What she means to him ...
How she affects him ...
How he affects her...
How much he means to her...
How she waits each day for a message from him ...
To hear his voice...
How she yearns to meet him ...
He is her reality ...
Her ground reality.
She never asked God for another. ?
She always prayed for him...
Then and now ...
Her prayers answered ...
But, a big question mark remains...
Is she His reality too?
All her life she waited ...
Only for him...
She found him ...
But, a dilemma ...
Torn between right and wrong ....
Each day she lies awake...
Wondering what fate awaits them ...
For her, he is her reality ...
The only dream she ever had ...
Can she forego that reality?
Now that destiny brought them together...
She can't think of life without him...
What a fatal twist of fate ...
She has him, yet he isn't hers.

Her ground reality is his reality.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

The power of love ...

She knows not what binds him to her...
Yet, he lingers on...
Like a shadow ...
The love from her past...
He stays put ...
Whatever she tries ...
To put him off ...
He doesn't budge ...
Believing her ...
Trusting her...
He doesn't walk away ...
He stays put.
The love from her past ...
He remains ...
Despite all her lamentations...
Her nagging...
Her cuss words ...
Choicest of abuses ....
He stays put ...
For he believes in her.
That is the power of love ...
Love in its purest form ...
Love of two souls ...
Conjoined somewhere deep within ...
A coitus made in heaven ...
A destiny ...
That had to be....
A love none can surpass.
A binding relationship...
At heart ...
One with each other ...
Not separate ...
They continue their love affair ...
Under the wraps ...
Wrapped in each others thoughts.
A love none can match ...
The power of love unimaginable...
They meet in their thoughts ...
One not separate from the other.

The power of love ...
Surpasses all boundaries ...
All barricades broken ...
Every moment cherished ...
Loving being there for one another.

The oneness shows ...
The power of love.