Thursday, August 7, 2014

She meets him in her dreams ... The Gentle Giant

The abominable Giant ...
The gentle Giant ...
The feared one ...
Only She could tackle him ...
She met him never ...
Yet  his Hearts strings ...
Were in her hands ...
She loved him none the less...
He loved her in return ...
They met when the World slept ...
They had heir share of fun ...
Talking for hours together ...
In their innocent love ...
Lay the key to their happiness.

What happened ...
They know not ...
But , One fine day ...
They lay separated ...
Languishing in the jail ...
Of their own meandering thoughts.

They suffered a fate unknown ...
Agony and pain ...
Replaced ecstasy...
They were lost ...
Yet in dreams ...
She makes it a point ...
To meet him each night ...
She hardly sleeps ...
But makes it a point to shut her eyes ...

Just to visit him.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

No big deal ...

Loving him was no big deal...
It was slated to be...
They were destined to meet once again ...
Just to know what was amiss.
Once they met ...
The floodgates of emotions opened ...
Welled up in walls  ...
They found an outlet to flow....
She was lost in the flow...
He was lost too ...
Immersed in their love ...
Oblivious of all ...
When one fine day ...
A lightning bolt struck them ...
They  were separated once again.
Whether they meet or not .
For they loved truly ...
And more...
For loving each other ...
Was no big deal ...
They were born to love each other anyways.

I lost myself ...

I lost myself ...
Loving him once again.

In loving him ...
I became obsessed with his obsession.

I was immersed in his love ...
All over again ...
Someone who was ..
Just a distant thought ...
Became too close for comfort...
I disappeared in his eyes ..
Melted in those pots of love ..
Moulded into his being ...
Became one with him.

I love him ...
I can't fathom life without him...
But, why do I shy away from his presence?
Lest I blurt out my feelings...
Not withholding the passion.

Am lost in his thoughts ...Day and night ...
I have only him in my mind ...
He is all over ...
Written in the passion ....
That oozes from within.

My love ...
My lost love ...
My love isn't love for you...
It rages within ...
Burning me in all its glory ...
Gay, abandon its forte'...
You ... Its destiny.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

His voice...

Heard his voice yesterday...
His voice...
Makes me go weak in the knees..
I lose myself ...
The echo ringing in my head.
It took a while to stabilize...
Gosh !
The man knows his cards well ...
And, plays them well.
His eyes quite clear and sharp ...
In my memory now...
I wait to catch a glimpse of him...
Just so I can feel nice.

Having loved him ...
I find none so worthy....
None can repkace him...
My soul , am his shadow.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

I spotted him ...

Yesterday ... just another day ...
I saw him ...
Walking the footpaths of our common alley...
With his little one throwing a tantrum in his arms....
I saw him with a frowning brow...
Sadness in his eyes ...
A ritual perhaps ...
Chores he does ...
I felt a pang of pity ...
Enveloping my emotional mind ...
My heart skipped a beat ...
I wanted to turn my eyes away ...
I couldn't ...
My heart went out to him....
My eyes wept for him.
I tossed and turned in my bed last night ...
Feeling sad for him ...
No, I can't let emotions take over me ...
I have let go ...
I can't turn around...
He has become a stranger to me ...
I can't ...
There is nothing to go back to...
He has his miseries to deal with ...
I can't help him in that...
He has to fight his demons on his own ....
I could have  been his shadow ...
But, not anymore.

I saw him ...

Saturday, August 2, 2014

The Devil's Advocate & His Innocence ...

What binds me to him?
His Innocence.

He remembers still ...
Not knowing, I haven't forgotten either.

He laments my actions ...
Not knowing, they are just farce.

She still waits for the phone to ring in the night ...
To hear his soulful laughter ...
To hear him call her "Babyyy" ...
The cow in the background ...
The lady on the terrace ...
The innumerable calls on his other phone ...
Him telling his Mom...
I am home.

His drunken stupor ...
Remembering her ...
Sitting by the roadside tea stall ...
Talking to her for hours.

His Innocence is what she craves for ...
His boyish face in her eyes ...
The image shattering all myths ...
The Emperor of her Heart ...
The Devil's Advocate ...
Who swooped her off her feet ...
The one who was beside her ...
When she was really down and out ...
Lonely in surgical attire ...
He was there the whole night talking to her.

She never could walk away ...
She just hid behind a veil ...
She covered her emotions ...
Steeled herself ...
Knowing he was hurt....
She kept in the shadows ...
She tried ...
Level best to never visit him ...
But, matters of the heart...
She lost to her Heart,..
She lost the battle with the Devil's Advocate.

She doesn't miss him ...

She is done with his hostrionics ...
She is done with his drama ....
She doesn't need him ...
She has his essence within her ...
Enough for her to live ...
With his memories forever.

He won't be there ...
But his shadow will tag along ...
Just like she was his shadow ...
Only this time ...
She will have him forever ...
In what he gifted her that night.

She can feel him grow within her ...
Unconditional love sweeping her being ...
She is one with nature ...
Whispering sweet nothings to her unborn.

She won't ever miss him ...
She is thankful ...
He gave her a gift ...
A gift of life just hers.

A custom made gift ...
A tailor made bounty ...
A basket of happiness ...
A bounty of joy...
She waits for the Stork to visit ...
With her bundle of love.

She knows the journey will be lonesome...
But with her baby in her arms ...
She is ready to take on the World.

She doesn't miss him ...
She loves him more ...
For what he gave her ...
Was a second chance ...
To be a mother again.

Friday, August 1, 2014

He She Story... 28 years later...

A lot has been said and written about the love story of 28 years ago ... Not a word of what happened after 28 years ago...

The bestiality of an affair gone sour due to the selfish motives of a lover whose libido was just too high for him to control and then eventually how he conned the innocence of yesteryears for just his lust and lust alone hurting the one person who truly loved him in the process and making her a ghost of her gloripus past.

The He She Story ... catches the journey of those few days when innocence of pure love turned into lusty fiery passion unleashing the trapped libido of a selfish Salesman. Libido is the word He coined for his lust and selfish motives.

She loved him then, She loved him all through... She remembered him all these years and He asked her... How much do you love me? Why didn't you wait for me? Why didn't you seek me out? All She said was.... What was a 16 year old supposed to do if her family moves away from the place ? What can She do, if life churns a dufferent story for her each day? She waited but He never came looking for her ... She had to take a decision ... If He really love dher , He would have sought her out or waited for her. He went ahead and himself got married for the status of the  family of the girl whose proposal came to him... He sticks on in a loveless marriage for his wife's family's status not for her ... and noe, for the children he has sired with her. How can He talk of love when all along He was the one who went after status and money for all the selfish reasons known to him.

He meets Her and speaks of his undying love for her. Six years they lived in the same neighbourhood hut never did he seek her out... and He talks of love. She knew who He was, She knew where He resided but She never crossed her line for She knew He was married. She believes in the  sanctity of marriage and its vows.

He pursued her for his own vested interest ... used her to get favours of waiving off financial burden of education of his kids so that his pocket would remain warm... She did it for Him, for past relation and pure love. But, that didn't stop the beast in him and finally , He mauled Her ... He caught her in his snare and ravaged her for his libido and left her languishing after he had was satisfied ... saying my kid sleeps with me , I need to go home ... She was left bereft of her vanity and shame. SHE was shattered ... used and thrown ... Her self esteem an all time zero ... She laments each moment spent in that bestial encounter ... and He enjoys his King size bed with his status quo partner.

He enjoys his time now ... satisfied and searching for a new victim ... She lives with no feelings left and vacant and eyes  devoid of tears now. The He She story gone awry  because He is a beast on prowl and She a victim of the beast unleashed.