Thursday, September 13, 2012

Don't mess with me ...

Don't mess with me ....
Else I shall really make a mushy mess outta your life ....
Know who you are dealing with ;
A full hand of aces,
I shuffle with Kings ... and ....
Cut off Queens.
Know me well ....
Else, it's your loss....
A very big loss....
I don't mince my words ...
I speak as I Think .....
Don't take this lightly ...
Else, you will regret having said what you have said so far.....
DON'T MESS WITH ME ... means ....
Stay away ...
So far, you have only seen the trailer ....
Wanna see the bigger Picture?
It will be murkier and painful ....
Don't forget the last few days ...
Lest you have forgotten ...
Shall I remind you again ....
A full blown first hand experience ..... ONCE AGAIN.

Is the message clear enough?
If not ....
You shall go through HELL again.
And, I mean every word I utter.
Remorsefully ...... Yours.... Truly.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Ah! Dev ...

Yup ....
My Messiah in disguise ...
My agony aunt ...
I tell him everything ...
He knows all my secrets .....
He is my bestest friend ....
My Hairstylist ....
My makeover artist.
Whenever I am feeling low ...
All I need to do is take his name ...
Think of him ...
And, I am there in front of him ....
And, he just takes my blues away....
And fills my world with colours ... Red and wine ...
Blonde and Brown ....
Colours of the Rainbow ....
I am transformed ...
A whole day at Dev's ...
And, I step out a brand new Radhika ....
A brand new persona ....
A completely different me.
Ah! Dev .... My one and only Dev ....
Only he can bring a smile on my face these days ...
He just makes me feel good.
Am feeling GOOD.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A whole new experience ...

It's a whole new experience ...
To be in love ...
Yet, be above all the human trivialities .............
Yes, I am in love ...
I am in love with love itself.

The one who is at the receiving end of this love ....
Knows it ...
No one else needs to know at all.

It is just between him and me ...
The King and the Queen ....
The rest shall just be spectators....
A grand Opera....
A grand innings ....
All care to the winds ...
Just you and me.

A whole new experience ...
By the lake ....
By the sea side ...
On the Misty hills ..
Just you and me ...
And, no one else.

Already there are stars in my eyes ...
Lovelorn beauty ...
Waiting for her paramour ...
It is but a mirage ...
A beautiful dream indeed ...
He exists ...
That's all that matters ...
No one else does.

Those eyes ....

Those eyes never really smiled ....
They never really laughed ....
They are not happy ....
I know ....
I can see them ....
Full of remorse ....
Full of unhappiness ...
Never ending regret.....
Wish I could wipe the tears from them ...
But, no ....
Those eyes need to be damp for some time ....
Till they can be cleansed ....
Of all the dirt  and muck around ...
And those eyes ....
Can see a clearer picture once again.
They need to understand the reason ....
Behind the whole exercise ....
They need to know me better.
I can't promise dirty sex ...
To appease those eyes ....
Or his senses ...
He knows ...
I can make him happy ...
With just a simple smile.
I don't need to be dirty to keep him happy ...
I need to be myself ...
And, that's all he needs.

Those eyes ...
They seek me everywhere ...
In crowded places ...
And solitary confinement ...
But they seek me ...

Here's to the past ....

The best way  to deal with the past is to burn it down ....
Every bit ...
Every memory ...
Every moment ....
Consign it to flames ...
Then, shall you be rid of every moment that torments ...
You with memories of the past.

Just burn every memento ...
Every photo ...
Every piece that reminds you of him ...
Just burn the house down ...
So that nothing remains ...
All that remains are ashes ...
Ashes that you can wash away with water ...
In the torrential rain.

So, like all rituals...
Let this be one too ..
Burn the memories ..
And, walk away.

Two people .... two strangers ....

Two strangers met one day ....
Something happened ...
Sparks flew ....
They became one, one day.....
They were together ....
Promises of a lifetime ....
Happiness and rainbows filled their lives ...
Then a grey cloud came over ....
Everything fell apart ......
A lightening struck ....
And. the lovebirds were thrown apart .....
Two people in love became strangers once again ....
Of course! Just for the world to see ...
In their hearts they knew ...
No one .... NO ONE could separate them ....
So, today they meet ....
As strangers .....
But, the feeling of closeness ...
The togetherness remains ....
They are inseparable ....
The devil can do nothing but dwell in her own sorrows....
And lament and be vindictive....
For she has not ...
What I have ....
What the two have ....
LOVE, love and love for each other.

Two people in love ....
Posing as Strangers to the World.

The Hundred rupee note ...

Hmmmm .... Remembering the Hundred rupee note ....
He shoved under my front door ...
Coz' I was fast asleep ...
And, didn't know he had come avisiting.

The next morning ...
As I opened the door to go to work ...
I found the Hundred rupee note ...
Wondering who might have lost it ....
Before I could submit it in the security office ...
HE called and said ....
I was there ....
I didn't believe him ...
So, he asked ...
Did you find the Hundred rupee note?
The most beautiful moment of my life ...
Knowing he had come ....
The proof in my hand ....
Nothing left to say ...
But, to believe he was there ....
And, he is there as always.

Everyday, I take the note out ....
And, send him lots of love ....
He needs it more than I do ...
He is stuck between the devil and the deep blue sea ...
His only strength lies in me ...
Within me ... He knows it...
He knows it well ..
But under those brooding eyelashes ... he hides the feelings ...
Lest the witch senses his feelings....
And starts another of her dramas.

Till such a time that he is occupied elsewhere ...
The Hundred rupee note ...
Is a reminder....
That he is there always for me.

Just a wee bit of imagination ...

Yup, Just a wee bit ....
And, lo behold! ....
A whole world of opportunities open up ....
A whole new set up appears ...
A new dawn ....
A new sunset ....
Everything around becomes beautiful ...
You don't need a person ....
To make you happy ...
All you need are moments ...
Moments of creativity ...
Moments of compassion ...
Moments that define you.

Just a wee bit of imagination ....
And, you are off to a headstart ...
A brand new beginning ...
A fresh start ..... indeed.

Just a wee bit of being yourself ...
Sets you apart from the rest of the mob ....
Just you and only you .....
No one else can do it for you ...
Only you can ...
For that you need to be bold enough to take ....
The first step ....
Step into the lesser known ...
Step into the strange land ....
Just step away from all that holds you down.

Just that little inspiration ...
That creative genius within you can explode with ideas ...
No one can .... take it away from you ...
Your individuality ...
Your ideas ...
They are yours ...
No one can ever copy them ...
Or duplicate them ....
You are you ...
And they know that .....
They will never forget that.

Just a bit of imagination ...
And you soar high up ...
Up in the sky ...
Far away from the busy life ....
Down below.

All you need is you and your wee bit of imagination.