Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Wanna know my mood today?

If you really want to know ...
Want to know ....
How your day with me is gonna go ....
Read my blogposts....
Yep..... That's where my present day....
Present moment feelings are expressed ....
So explicitly .....
That it gives goosebumps to the person ....
Who is reading it ....
And, sleepless nights ...
To the one who knows it is for him or her.

This is the best way ....
To take it all out ...
Early morning ablution ....
Expel the shit outta your system....
Rather than let it sit in there ....
and rot and cause stink and decay ...
Just let the steam out ...
So that you feel better ...
I meant, I feel better ....
And, it helps move on.

These memories remain ....
But, later as scars only ....
So best is to take it all out ...
An outbursts ...
And then there is calmness ...
Pure serenity and bliss.

The last couple of months ....
I have had no peace of mind ....
The heart broken ....
Trying to gather the pieces ...
And, then I just let go ...
Didn't bother picking the pieces ....
And, putting it all together ...
No more ...
Just let go.

Rightly said, When one thing is lost ....
Another is gained ....
I gained some experience ....
Saw the true colours .....of the so called Rainbow ....
The Land of colours ...
Showed me the that colours are just...
A figment of imagination .....
Rest is nothing ....
Nothingness .... A black hole ...
An emptiness within each being.
Each one tormented by their troubled souls ....
Each a sad being .....
To each his own then....
Coz' am moving away ...
Found my Nirvana .....
My Moksha ....

Monday, August 27, 2012

Crimson tide ....

The tide came in today .....
All crimson ...
As though someone's throat was slit ....
And he was left to die ....To drown ...
In the deep blue Ocean.

The sky opened up ...
And it is pouring like hell let loose ...
Guess, God too is letting go ...

I remember him at this time ....
Sitting by the window sill ...
The walk by the Sea face ...
The walk on the beach ...
The walk on the hill ....
I tell AGNI the whole story ....
He has to know ...
To know from the womb itself ...
He twists and turns .....
As though wincing in pain ....
Seeing his mother so sad ....
But, that's life ...
Sometimes it throws lemons at us ....
Better make lemonade and have it.

But, frankly I have no regrets.....
Time spent with him was full of happiness at least ...
Momentary yet a fulfilled  love life ...
He brought a smile on my face ....
His hugs gave me a reason to celebrate ....
Crimson hues but beautiful horizon ...
He was my Sunrise and ...
He is my Sunset.

Today,  I raise a toast in his memory ...
A memory of a bygone era ....
Memory of a lost love ...
Memory of a beloved ....
I wish him luck ...
I wish him happiness ....
There is no looking back ....
 There is no fast forward either.

Crimson hues ...
Crimson tide ...
Waves crashing on rocks ....
Drops of salty seawater on my face ....
What do I need?
Nothing .....
Just the total recall is enough to last me a lifetime.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

I am sailing away ....

Time for a sabbatical .....
Am sailing away to a far away land ....
Time to spend alone ...
All alone .... My space , my time ....
All alone with just AGNI for company ....
Time to go away and give AGNI the chance to survive ....
I shall be back ....
The movie hasn't ended yet .....
This is just the beginning ....
The Tip of an Iceberg ...
There is lots underneath ....
With time ... all will come out ...
Everything exposed ....
Now is the time to rest and recuperate ....
To come back with a vengeance ....
Kannagi Style ....
Who was Kannagi ?
A woman whose love for her husband burnt a whole city down ....
Know your facts ....
Time for some respite ....
And then ..... You know what ...
I can die for people I love ...
And, destroy the ones I come to hate.

I am sailing away ....
A long cruise ....
Travel with my unborn ....
And, then return with the prodigal son.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Poor Katrina Kaif .... He didn't spare her either ....

I dunno whether it is true or false ....
I took his word for it ....
Blindly believing him ...
Till his truth was revealed ....
Till I realized that he was a habitual liar ...
And attention seeker.

 He used to say that Katrina Kaif was his first love .....
And he was her first love ....
Before stardom touched her ....
When she was a nobody ...
And, she left him for the starry lights ...
Breaking his heart ....
He showed photos of her younger self ....
He made them his Profile pictures .....
I believed him ....
He didn't spare her either ....
This man seems to be a habitual and perpetual liar ....
One who is a parasite ...
Thriving on women's riches ....
Using them ....
Till he is exposed ...
And, he sets on a journey ....
Of finding another victim.

When ... Oh when! Will he ever stop?
He roams the streets yet again freely now ....
Seeking a new face ....
A new victim ...
To bleed her to death.

Not so long ago ...

There was a  queen ...
Not so long ago ...
Empress of her World ....
The best in her field ....
A promising career ...
A great future ahead ....
Everything was going smooth ....
Till ....
He set his eyes on her .....
And, cast an evil spell ...
He ensnared her in his clutches ...
Lies and tall tales ....
He set the ball rolling ...
For her downfall ...
He had a windfall....
He took it all from her ....
He snatched her life .....
He sucked her dry ....
He a leech ....
Drained the colour from her life ....
The Rainbow turned into ...
A grey cloudy day .....
All was lost ....
She was lost ....
She wandered hither tither ....
Till she reached the end of the World ....
Just before the darkest hour seemed endless....
They say.... A ray of light emerged ...
The dawn broke the evil spell ....
A fire so intense ....
Fire ... AGNI emerged ....
The colour on her pale skin returned ....
The Sun came out shining bright ...
There was a reason to smile again ...
There was a chance to reign the World again.....
There was the promise of a bright and beautiful future .....
Once again .... She was the Princess ....
Once again .... she was all set to rule the World again.

The Not so long ago story ....
Became today's ongoing saga.

Troubairitz .....

Yes, I am Troubairitz .....
I invent my poetry ....
I write from my heart ...
I compose songs ...
I touch hearts.

I am no lame person ....
I ain't no saint either ...
I am human ..
And, human emotions I write about.

I weave dreams ...
Dreams are what I am made of..
Dreams are what I deliver ...
To every lost soul who visits me.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Dreams ....

AGNI .... in my arms ....
AGNI on my lap ...
Dreams ..... And I am dreaming my life away ....

My day begins with AGNI ....
My dusk and dawn is AGNI ....
 A sweet dream ....
About to come true ....
Motherhood beckoning me again.

Only one who has truly loved and lost ....
Can value the price of my dreams ....
Endless, seamless dreams ...
The end result of uninhibited love.

A careless whisper ....
All care to winds attitude ....
A child within ....
A dream about to come true.

Little frocks, tiny mittens ....
Gearing for a Winter child .....
Miniature sweaters and woolen socks ...
A creche' of wood ....
A melody to sing ....
A sweet lullaby .....
Baby blues ....

Sitting by the brook ....
Watching tiny fish flit in the running ....
Crystal clear water .....
I see a dream ...
I feel him within ...
Twisting ...
Letting me know ...
He is there ...
As eager to meet me ....
As I am to hold him close to my heart ....
My dream .... My AGNI.

My Red Rose Garden ......

The Garden ....
My  Red Rose Garden ...
Bleeding Red ... Roses so bright ....
Where does the colour on them come from ...
Ever heard of the Nightingale....
That thrust it's heart into a thorn ....
So the Rose that bloomed on it ...
Was a scarlet ...
The brightest Red....
The bleeding heart ....
Gave the Scarlet colour ...
The bleeding heart made the rose ...
The red rose ...
The epitome of pure and true love.

My garden blooms with roses ...
As red as my bleeding heart ...
For the thorns have embellished my heart ....
My heart ...
A sad thorny picture ...
Scarred ... bleeding ...
Yet feeding the blooming roses.

My Red Rose Garden ...
A beautiful picture ...
A sad story ....
My love story ....

An epic saga ...
To be told and retold ....
Down the ages ...
It shall remain ....
The story of true love ...
Endurance and sacrifice....
An example for all lovers ....
A story to be told ....
A fairy tale...
My Red Rose Garden ....
The thorns bleeding my heart ...
Yet the most beautiful garden ...
With the most beautiful Red Rose blooming within.