Saturday, August 4, 2012

Our Rights ...

We have a right to our own opinions ...
You and I ...
Whether it is your side of the coin or mine.
I express mine in my own way ...
You do yours your way ...
We are all different ....
Aren't we?
That is what sets us apart ...
I lead my life on my terms ...
I don't need you to counsel me ....
And your opinion doesn't matter...
You had your say ...
I shall say mine.
If my statements involve your name ...
It is because you were instrumental in that event taking place ....
So why bother ?
You should have thought of all the repercussions....
Before playing with my life at least.
I don't take things lying down ...
I stand upright for justice ...
I don't use my loved ones ...
I create my own path.
We all have our decisions to make ...
We all have our ideals to follow...
We all have our lives to lead...
We all have our point to make ...
We all have our justifications...
We have a right to our speech.
My life isn't bound to yours ...
But, I am bound to my experiences ...
To get justice or express...
Whatever I do ...
I have every right to do.
I don't need to take your permission for the same ....
You live your life ...
Do not tread upon mine.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

I remember ....

I remember .....
A distant memory ....
Yet, I remember ....
Every moment ....
Every hour ....
Every day ....
And nine months spent with you.
Each moment vivid and colourful ....
Each hour so vibrant ....
Each day so dynamic ...
Each week of happiness ....
Nine months of pure bliss...
Spent dreaming of life with you and with you.

You were there always ....
I just had to say it ...
The three samosas and tubful of popcorn ...
Coke and your arm...
The reels of the movie whirring away ....
You and me in our world.

The momos and wantons ...
The crab and jumbo prawns ...
The Costa coffee in your hand ...
The barefeet walk in the Juhu sand...
The stolen kisses at Bandstand ...
The kebabs at Colaba ...
The drive to Worli Seaface...
And along the Gateway of India...
The car parked in some bylanes ...
The quick rush of love and adrenaline.
The Tiger Hill drive and the backseat of the car ...
The walk in the moist fog along the precipice.
Every moment vivid and live ...
The Skype talks and Google chats ...
The Blackberry updates and messages ...
The photos exchanged every day ....
The possessiveness you displayed ...
The love I felt in that...
How can I forget those moments?
I can't...
I can never...
The looks you gave me ...
And I melted like chocolate ...
Even now when I met you ...
I didn't look at you ...
Lest you make me forget my resolve ...
You mesmerize me ...
You hypnotize me...
You are one magician ...
Who can only fool me....
I am but a fool ....
I remember you still.

See only good ...

I chose to see only good in you ....
I overlooked the bad ...
I saw the positive ....
I ignored the negative ...
Am suffering  because ....
I believed you....
I still want to believe you ...
But your actions ...
Your actions make me think otherwise.
There are doubts raised ....
But no answers ....
You are just a memory now ....
A bad phase of life....
A nightmare best forgotten ...
But you recur every day ....
Each moment ....
Taunting me ....
Teasing me ....
And that hurts .....
The hurt feelings turn into ....
A raging anger ....
And I smoulder in my rage.

Am turning to ash ....
A hot smoking ash .....
Touch me and you will get burnt ....
A spark from me ...
Would burn your world.

I wish I could forget ....
The hurt and pain you caused ....
I can't ....
How much ever I try ....
I just can't ...
I wish I was dead ....
So that I could forget ....
The moments spent in your arms ....
The moments of pure bliss.

I want to see only good ...
Good in what you did ...
But all I see is ....
Treachery, dishonesty and a venomous snake under the hood.

Jump a little ...

Jump a  little... hop a little.... 1,2,3 ...
Run away little rat ...
Before the eagle swoops down for a kill.
Run scoundrel ....
Hide where you can ....
One day you will come out ....
Then what?
Where will you find solace ...
You are already dying a thousand deaths...
Each moment in your dreaded life.

Jump a little .... hop a little ....
You are like water boiling in a kettle ....
Lots of steam ...
And burning within.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Coffin ...

I have a coffin deep within ....
I have you in that coffin ....
Buried deep within .....
In my heart ...
A place from where no one can ...
Take you away from me.

You are mine ....
What is mine... belongs to me....
I don't like to share ...
As a kid too ... I never shared my toys...
How can I share you?

You know how possessive I am ....
You can never be anothers' ... once you are mine....
You are mine ...
And here to stay ....
I can never share you.

You are my coffins resident ...
I am your undertaker...
There can be no other ...
Know this for sure ...
What can't be mine ...
Can never be any one elses'.

The coffin is of your size only ....
It's made to order ...
To fit your corpse ...
And no other.

Come step into the coffin ....
It's waiting for you.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

High and Low ...

They are looking for you ...
High and low ...
Only I know where to find you ....
In my heart ....
Deep within ...
Encased in a beautiful box ....
Bejewelled with my love and care ...
You my love ... lie there....
No one can take you away from there ....
You remain there forever.
A sweet memory ...
A bitter experience ...
But, nonetheless ...
My own ....
My very own heart throb.

Let them look High and low ...
You remain within my heart ...
Forever and ever ...
Till death do us apart...
Then too, I shall float above you ....
As a spirit ....
Always protecting you ....
Always brushing you ...
As a wisp of wind ...
A fragrance in the air ....
Reminding you of me ...
Reminding you of our love.

Sweep me off my feet again ....

O Knight in shining armour....
Sweep me off my feet again ...
Take me on a wild wild ride....
Far far away...
Just like you did before ...
When all care was blown away...
With the wind ...
And we were wild and free....
Carefree ....
Sweet whispers in my ears ...
Of love and more ...
The soft murmur of your heartbeat ....
When I laid my head on your chest.

That mole on your chest...
just above your heart...
A faint reminder of days of happiness....
Days of togetherness...
Can't forget ....
These fond memories ...
Memories... that are killing me ....
Slowly but surely ...
I am lost to the world ....
I am wandering ...
Day and night....
I move around ...
Hoping to catch a glimpse of you ...
Just you ....
Sweep me off my feet again ...
My love ...
Just whisk me away ...
To a far away land ...
Just you and me ...
Together forever....
Your fingers running through my hair ...
Your eyes reading every thought crossing my mind ...
Eyes ... those deep brooding eyes ...
Hidden behind the thick lashes ...
I love you ...
There can never be another ... anymore.
Just come by ...
Just sweep me off my feet again.

What are you afraid of?

This is my way of having a monologue with you.
What are you afraid of?
You never call...
Yet you want to compromise ...
That too only in front of other people...
This is just between you and me...
Why involve others?
The moment others come in ...
All is lost.
That is what has happened so far.
This is yours and mine....
Our story...
Not others.
What are you afraid of?
You started the story ...
You can't end it abruptly ...
Not without a happy ending.
It has all the masala of a blockbuster....
Great episodes to tell...
Lots of juicy anecdotes ...
Drama too added in.
No, this story the world needs to know....
This story is a legend ...
We are creating history ...
A niche' in the annals of the stories to be told ...
For ages to come and beyond.
Teri meri prem kahani hai mushkil....
Do lafzon mein yeh bayaan naa ho paaye.