Tuesday, July 31, 2012

High and Low ...

They are looking for you ...
High and low ...
Only I know where to find you ....
In my heart ....
Deep within ...
Encased in a beautiful box ....
Bejewelled with my love and care ...
You my love ... lie there....
No one can take you away from there ....
You remain there forever.
A sweet memory ...
A bitter experience ...
But, nonetheless ...
My own ....
My very own heart throb.

Let them look High and low ...
You remain within my heart ...
Forever and ever ...
Till death do us apart...
Then too, I shall float above you ....
As a spirit ....
Always protecting you ....
Always brushing you ...
As a wisp of wind ...
A fragrance in the air ....
Reminding you of me ...
Reminding you of our love.

Sweep me off my feet again ....

O Knight in shining armour....
Sweep me off my feet again ...
Take me on a wild wild ride....
Far far away...
Just like you did before ...
When all care was blown away...
With the wind ...
And we were wild and free....
Carefree ....
Sweet whispers in my ears ...
Of love and more ...
The soft murmur of your heartbeat ....
When I laid my head on your chest.

That mole on your chest...
just above your heart...
A faint reminder of days of happiness....
Days of togetherness...
Can't forget ....
These fond memories ...
Memories... that are killing me ....
Slowly but surely ...
I am lost to the world ....
I am wandering ...
Day and night....
I move around ...
Hoping to catch a glimpse of you ...
Just you ....
Sweep me off my feet again ...
My love ...
Just whisk me away ...
To a far away land ...
Just you and me ...
Together forever....
Your fingers running through my hair ...
Your eyes reading every thought crossing my mind ...
Eyes ... those deep brooding eyes ...
Hidden behind the thick lashes ...
I love you ...
There can never be another ... anymore.
Just come by ...
Just sweep me off my feet again.

What are you afraid of?

This is my way of having a monologue with you.
What are you afraid of?
You never call...
Yet you want to compromise ...
That too only in front of other people...
This is just between you and me...
Why involve others?
The moment others come in ...
All is lost.
That is what has happened so far.
This is yours and mine....
Our story...
Not others.
What are you afraid of?
You started the story ...
You can't end it abruptly ...
Not without a happy ending.
It has all the masala of a blockbuster....
Great episodes to tell...
Lots of juicy anecdotes ...
Drama too added in.
No, this story the world needs to know....
This story is a legend ...
We are creating history ...
A niche' in the annals of the stories to be told ...
For ages to come and beyond.
Teri meri prem kahani hai mushkil....
Do lafzon mein yeh bayaan naa ho paaye.

Monday, July 30, 2012

AGNI ....

Agni .... Came and left ...
Twice he came ...
Twice over he was rejected ...
He left ....
But he left his essence behind ....
He left his spirit behind ...
He left his soul in me.

He exists within my thoughts...
He is a part of my being...
I shall carry forth his spirit ...
I shall carry the torch.

My son... My child....
My unborn one ...
I shall get you ...
The justice you deserve....
Even If I have to join you in doing so ....
The enemy is formidable ...
But, a mother is much stronger than any Army.

Agni will definitely get his justice....
I shall strive for it ...
Tooth and nail....
Till death do us apart.

On the run ...

He is on the run ....
Yes, he is ...
Like a rat exposed...
To pesticide ....
Like a cockroach crawling up and down ....
Scurrying from pillar to post....
Seeking ways to save himself.

Save himself from what?
The end result of his crimes...
Just as Krsna said in The Geeta....
Whenever the crime rises on Earth,
O , Arjuna! I shall come and cleanse The Earth...
He is here ...
Krsna is here....
He came as Agni ...
He came again as Agni ...
Now, he manifests within me ...
I am the vehicle of the destroyer of all evils ...
I shall get justice for all.

Krsna is back on Earth ....
This war shall continue ....
There is no looking back ...
Just marching forward ...
Turning the enemy black and blue.

This is just the beginning ...
The end doesn't seem near....
A long fight ...
A victory of Good over Evil....
A long tedious journey ...
But not tiring at all ...
With renewed vigour I march forth ...
For, I am the Commander of my Army.

Let the enemy be on the run ..
Let them run helter skelter...
Ultimately , they would reach a dead end...
And, Justice will be done.

In anticipation ....

Hope he realizes his mistake ...
In anticipation I wait....
Hope he comes to his senses....
I anticipate it all.
 The trepidation ...
The feeling of dread ....
What if he absconds?
What if he runs away?
Then what?
He cannot run away like this...
He has to be brought to the court of law....
He has to suffer the consequences of his acts....
He has to account for so many murders...
No, he cannot be spared....
He shouldn't be spared....
He is a cancer in the society....
This cancer has to be cut off from the society....
This cancer has to be cured....
Else he shall dirty the society more...
Many more innocent victims will lose their senses...
Many more their faith in the law.
The law has to be strong enough...
To bring justice to many and me.
The law needs to be strong ...
So that such demons can be annihilated.

In anticipation....
That the Law takes action quickly...
Catches the crook ...
And brings justice to the fore.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Monologue of Agni ....

Monologue of Agni ...

24th December 2011:

Today my life began. My parents do not know it yet, but it is I already. And I am to be a boy. I shall have brown hair and dark brown eyes. Just about everything is settled though, even the fact that I shall love nature.

31st December 2011:

Some say that I am not a real person yet, that only my mother exists. But I am a real person, just as a small crumb of bread is yet truly bread. My mother is. And I am.

15th January 2012:

My mouth is just beginning to open now. Just think, in a year or so I shall be laughing and later talking. I know what my first word will be: MAMA. Mama can feel me. She is glowing.

25th January 2012:

My heart began to beat today all by itself. From now on it shall gently beat for the rest of my life without ever stopping to rest! And after many years it will tire. It will stop, and then I shall die.

29th January 2012:

I am growing a bit every day. My arms and legs are beginning to take shape. But I have to wait a long time yet before those little legs will raise me to my mother’s arms, before these little arms will be able to gather flowers and embrace my father. Today is Mom's Birth Anniversary,,,, She is very happy... Dad was there to wish her and also bought her a chocolate cake and a crown... The Queen of his heart... I guess, he loves her a lot.

2nd February 2012:

Tiny fingers are beginning to form on my hands. Funny how small they are! I’ll be able to stroke my mother’s hair with them.

5th February 2012:

Mom is very happy that she has me within her .....How happy she must be! Are you happy, mom?

8th February 2012:

My mom and dad are probably thinking about a name for me.  Mom wants to name me AGNI... The fire within her..... But, Dad doesn't seem too happy. I am getting so big already.

10th February 2012:

My hair is growing. It is smooth and bright and shiny. I wonder what kind of hair mom has? Dad tells her she shouldn't keep me. He says not now, later.

12th February 2012:

I am just about able to see. It is dark around me. When mom brings me into the world it will be full of sunshine and flowers. But what I want more than anything is to see my mom. How do you look, mom? Why doesn't Dad want me? He wants to take Mom to a doctor to take me out of her. Mom is crying.

14th February 2012:

I wonder if mom hears the whispering of my heart? Some children come into the world a little sick. But my heart is strong and healthy. It beats so evenly: tup-tup, tup-tup. You’ll have a healthy little son, mom! Today is Valentines Day. Dad didn't meet Mom. He wants to get me terminated. they argued.

18th February 2012:

Today my Dad forcibly took my Mom to the Doctor and the doctor killed me. Mom cried a lot. But, no one heard her. Why did Dad kill me?

2nd June 2012:

I came back .... but this time, I didn't want to trouble Mom.... Dad had abandoned her with me within her .... She wanted to keep me forever.... But, she is too weak and frail and emotionally distraught ... she fainted and fell downstairs.... her laptop also broke .... I just decided to leave .... I can't see her sad anymore and all alone. I know she is in pain .... but she is alone and Dad doesn't care. I can't see my Mom unhappy .... she is  a fighter .... Hope she gets me justice One Day.

How do I live without you?

If you ever go ....
How do I ever live without you?
Every breath of mine ...
Exhales your name ...
You are there in my prayers ...
Day in and day out ....
How can I ever forget you?

How do I live without you?
You are my life...
You are who I am ...
You are my soul ....
You are the fire within me.

How do I live without you?
Together, we were a team ...
A formidable team ...
Strong and soft ...
Like Shiva and Parvati ...
Now, why do you make me dance the Tandav...
Changing it from Lasya.

Love was what brought us together...
Love is what keeps us together....
Yet, We are apart...
Miles apart ...
How do I live without you?

You were within me ....
You are within me...
I remember, what you gave me twice ...
A reason to live forever...
Yet, you took them away...
How do I live without my reason to live?
Why did you kill what we had ?
Why kill the culmination of our love?
It was beautiful, the feeling of motherhood again....
Why did you snatch it away from me?

How do I live without you?
How do I live without my little angels?

Tell me HOW?