Wednesday, July 4, 2018

What a fool!

What a fool she's been...
Oh Damn!
It was written large in his actions...
His nonchalance attitude...
Bespoke it ...
Damn it girl!!!
You did get the hint ?
Oh ! What a fool has she been...
To have believed his lies...
Getting carried away in emotions...
The emotional fool...
Once again...
Has been played around with...
Damn it!!
Why does she fall for these ploys?
Oblivious to the truth...
Time and again...
He goes back on his words ...
Time and again he retracts his vows.
The hopeless romantic...
She's but a fool...
To have believed EVERY word of his ...
All that he wanted was ...
He got ...
Now he doesn't need her.
Once again, he's fooled her ...
Once again she dives deep in depression...
Once again...
Once again.

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