Thursday, July 5, 2018

No woman, no cry ...

Bob Marley righly penned...
No woman, no cry ...
No one , none is worth the tears ...
They have fun with you...
Woman, at your expense ...
They have fun ...
Why shed tears ...
For spineless fools ...
They don't deserve you...
You remain strong...
You have everything...
They have nothing...
But their emptiness to return to...
The circle of life is such ...
We beget what we sow...
They shall realize...
But, you would have moved on ...
Climb mountains...
Explore new frontiers...
This ain't the end ...
This is the beginning...
Agreed, precious time was invested...
So were feelings...
But, what the heck ...
Woman , no cry ...
Move on ...
Cherish the memories...
Move on ...
You have gained from your mistake...
Just another mistake...
No woman, no cry...

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