Sunday, July 29, 2018


Can memories be erased?
No, not unless you are a vegetable...
But still in that state...
Your mind may be working...
You might be reliving the past ...
The good memories...
The bad ones ...
The not so good ones ...
And the not so bad ones ...
But, none the less reminding...
Episodes of your life's drama.

One can or can not let it rule their present...
Let the memories make you or break you...
If someone wants, one can move on ...
Or just for convenience act...
Act as though they have moved on ...
Enjoy the goodies of current days ...
And then,
At their convenience, blame memories ...
Memories for holding back.

Sad truth of human beings ...
Only humans can manipulate their own minds...
And minds of others...
To suit their convenience.

There is no eraser ...
You can't erase memories...
But, yes you can use them to manipulate...
To get your brownie points ...
At the expense of others happiness ...
At the expense of others always...
It takes a very clever mind to do that ...
Someone who knows how to use people for their convenience...
And then how to leave them high and dry.

Sad, there is no erase button in some peoples memory...
And there is a big delete in others.

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