Sunday, July 29, 2018

Trigger Happy

Going through the mundane chores of a nasty Sunday morning, she seems trigger happy.

What has triggered that smile on her lips ?

A Faraway look, as though she's in Dreamland. What happened in the past few days to have made her so at peace with herself?

No, she's not on some mood enhancers. Neither is she a brethren of anybody nor waiting for anyone. Suddenly, her solitude is all she craves for. The emptiness within is such a bliss. It echoes her non-existent feelings. For long, she's waited for this silence. The trigger to Happiness, her silence within.

There's no chaos. There's no turbulence. An inner calm.
Or, is it true there's a lull before a storm?

The trigger is in her hand ... She uses it or not , depends on the silence within.

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