Thursday, July 5, 2018

Beating The Stress...

Her way of beating stress is ...
Cook, clean and bake a cake ...
So she ends up making baked potatoes and chicken breasts...
With an added dash of ...
A singularly sinful chocolate cake ...
The kids know ...
They eat quietly...
Ever watchful eyes...
Following her every move...
For her actions speak louder...
Of a mind at unrest...
A heart broken...
Shattered to pieces ...
She laughs with gay abandon...
The kids know ...
She is hiding her pain behind smiles...
Her aches camouflaged behind a tough exterior...
She gets down to the basics ..
Cooking and cleaning...
As though absolving her woes ...
In lather and butter...
Peeling potatoes...
Chopping onions ...
Blaming the shallots for the tears in her eyes...
Hell yeah!
She hides behind the utensils...
The pots and pans become her world...
She drowns her sorrow in the muffins...
Muffling her sighs...
She braises the lamb...
Basting it in barbecue sauce...
The kick of the spices ...
Lifting her spirits..m
She forgives the perpetrator...
She moves into her own World...
Of pots and pans...
She hides behind a veil of smoke ...
Smoke bellowing from her oven...
Her roast got burnt ...
She scrapes out the dark gooey matter...
To start another roast ...
She keeps herself busy...
Her mind wanders about...
Beating the stress out.

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