Monday, October 13, 2014

The landing of the Stork

A flight due to a landing in Summer...
The Stork readies itself for the final flight.

Grasped in its beak ...
A knotty bundle of delight...
The culmination of unabandoned love...
The Stork preens its feathers...
For the final flight.

The damsel...
Glowing with health...
Gaining in weight ...
The seed within nurtured with love...
She musters courage ...
To face the harsh World...
The Stork smiles ...
A sign ...
For the damsel ...
To ready herself for its arrival.

The feelings of impending motherhood ...
A mixed bag of affairs...
The mother to be smiles shyly...
Looking at the growing bump...
The belly distending ...
A warm feeling taking over ...
The Stork readies for its final flight.

Motherhood. ..
Long forgotten ...
Being revisited ...
The damsel is no more distressed...
She smiles at ghe thought of baby smells...
She feels warmth ...
When imagining her baby...
She is happy ...
Glowing with the growinb seed within.

The Stork waits for the signal...
All set to deliver ...
The product of uninhibited gay love ...
That surpasses all surprises ...
Motherhood revisited again.

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