Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Festivities ... not meant for her ...

For her ...
Only solitude ...
Her reclusive getaway ...
Her world of gadgets ...
Her world of geeks ...
No emotions to be shed ...
Just a blank screen ...
An expression , she chose.

For her ...
No festivities ...
She absolved herself of all...
All that meant relations ...
Alone in her melancholy moments...
She observes them all.

A sarcastic laugh ...
At human vanities ...
And vain efforts at happiness...
All will be lost one day...
They would all sit in the same dias ...
As her ...
And watch festivities pass by.

Her nest, a cold place to be ...
No warmth there ...
A cold stare from her ...
Is all one gets.

In her aloneness she has companionship...
Her world her solace ...
Where none can hurt her ...
None can touch her.

Festivities , not her forte'...
She wat hes others with a smug smile ...
Knowing well ...
All that is a farce.

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