Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Like the fine French Wine ...

She flows through her life ...
Each day maturing a bit ...
Just like ...
The fine French Wine.

He watches her...
Remaining in the shadows ...
Every move of hers noted ...
She knows ...
She smiles and ...
Moves on .

He had made promises ...
Of Fine Wine  and Chocolates ...
She awaits  ..
The fulfillment...
Of those subtle desires.

The fine Gentle man ...
The World sees ...
The finer man ...
She has seen ...
From close up front ...
Her bucket list ...
A visit to his abode.

An intelligent impostor ..
what makes him tick?
She wonders ...
She ponders ...
What his life would be like ...
Living in fear of exposure ...
Yet committing crimes.

Like the French wine her love grows ...
For she likes the excitement ...
Of a good chase ...
The one she gives him ...
For all he is worth.

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