Saturday, October 25, 2014

Bite into a bit more of affection ...

All along she thought, he was lost forever in her tempestuous outburst. But, lo behold when all else was down and out, a glimmer of hope shimmered in the horizon and there he was with open arms waiting for her towards the sunsetty horizon. She ran straight into his warm waiting arms , snug and secure in the knowledge , he would always be there.

Her live , her Emperor , her life ... her Knight in shining armour ... her love.

Her happiness knew no bounds . In her moment of glee and joy she floated in a dream world of happiness. Her  love established to its former glory , her faith restored in fate and destiny.

In his strong arms , she found her world of hope and bliss... a happiness unaccountable.  His sweets, his love ... she glowed.

Thanking the lord for all his small mercies , thanking the Goddess that blessed him, she prays for his well being and happiness , sne prays for togetherness unlimited.

Her Knight , her Badshah ... she can't keep her eyes off him. The most handsome hunk , by his side she knows she looks best.
Bite into the best of bites , a news of her happiness , she knows she needs to cherish these moments. The bubbling happiness, biting into the bits and snippets of joy.

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