Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The Abominable Salesman .... The Infidel Bastard ...

Festival time and he grins ..
Poses like a hero ...
Little does she know ...
His truth ...
The con man ...
The one who gets away by lying.

Holding his little ones ...
A grim expression  on his face ...
But, with the fat one ...
A loving smile ...
Hiding his wicked acts ....
How far fetched  is that smile ...
Only She knows.

The one who preens in front of the life size mirror ...
The one who watches her slyly...
Yeah ! The Salesman ...
He and his ways ...
Of conning them all.

Hah... The grinning smile ...
So like him ...
The eyes they tell all ...
Of his wayward ways...
The Bong ...
The infidel Bastard of them all.

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