Thursday, September 1, 2011

No pain, no gain....

The phrase 'No pain, no gain'....doesn't just apply to me. It applies to one and all. All and sundry. We all learn from our mistakes and cry over the aches and heartbreaks. But yaar, we all get over it and walk on. We don't remain stuck to that one person and the pain. It all ends up in the bin ultimately.

Move on that's what military discipline advocates and I moved on coz' that's the doctrine I follow. Today, am at peace with my status.... Single ready to mingle but no not ready to share my feelings with you anymore. You were given another chance, you squandered your baubles away in frivolous pursuits. This time round, I watched silently, didn't react and moved on as silently as I watched every move of yours. Family is right, family was always right. I wasted time and energy on you but you know what ... YOU WERE GOOD TIME PASS. That's the attitude I am  gonna keep, to keep myself away from falling into the deep abyss of unhappiness and depression. You don't deserve me or the kids not even your own. No need to feel guilty about it, you paid the price for it and believe me there won't be any REFUNDS.

No pain, no gain.... Good times have come again...... you are out of the picture..... to all their OWN. I have moved on and I am happy being with someone who doesn't commit.... No strings attached relationship... I guess that's the best thing to happen to me in a long long time. I am loving it.

No pain, No gain...... I am loving it....

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