Sunday, September 17, 2017

Once was enough ... #GoFigure

Sitting at her desk...
Soaking in the music of 'The Second Waltz' ...
She reminisces the past ...
All fear and apprehensions at hold ...
The frolicking of young adulthood ...
Images flashing past her open eyes ...
She is enveloped in a happiness unknown ...
The time stands still ...
The music finds her waltzing through the lanes of a past forgotten ...
Traipsing along the gullies of memories ...
She is taken to a World beyond ...
Letting go of inhibitions ...
She shamelessly admits ...
None needed anymore to fill the void ...
The gap, music has flown into ...
A euphoria moment ...
Which shall remain ...
As though , drugged to the point of no return ...
The present doesn't matter...
The future, not a thought given ...
Music and a beautiful past is all she remembers.

Once was enough...
It give her a  lifetime of memories to cherish ...
Moments that were forgotten...
Brought back to life by music ...
The  Second Waltz ...
The Second Innings at loving the same; Once again #GoFigure

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

It's been a while ...

Long time since she wrote something ....
Long time since she felt the need to ...
Today, she sits at her desk , contemplating ...
To write or not to write ...
Some feelings ... to share or not to share.

She has reached a point in life....
Where nothing matters anymore...
Feelings though very much there ...
Yet, not to be shared ...
But, on second thoughts ...
Why not?
This is her haven where she pours her heart out ...
A place where she lightens the burden of her pain ....
Her triumphs , her travails ...
All chronicled here ...
For one day, she would disappear ...
Her mortal being withering away ...
That is when her little ones ...
Her flesh and blood would get a glimpse of her life here.

It's been a while ...
A long while ...
Aah!! One particular pain remains.
A pain she needs to endure in silence ...
A pain of the one lost too soon.

A very strange meeting of souls...
A meeting that never culminated ...
Yet, the departed one remains closest to her heart...
Those moments of talks  frozen in time ...
Thoughts enmeshed in his memories.

It's really been a while ...
Since she saw fresh flower photographs each morning ...
Since someone shared their feelings ...
The innermost desires ...
Of want and togetherness...
It has been a while ...
A long long while.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

The void, the abyss within...

There in her heart lies a great abyss...
Beyond the crevice over the precipice...
Her heart lies vacant...
Spent and broken....
The void within...
Abysmal in its own existence...
The void, the abyss within.

She cries alone and in vain...
For every love lost along the way...
The forest within shedding their leaves...
Dark and gnawed silhouettes...
The dark abyss within, the void unfilled.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

The Copassengers ... #GoFigure

Just like the journey we undertake daily from home to work place, in a share cab... Life is a journey too.

Just like we get some good copassengers and some not so good copassengers, in a share cab ; in the journey of life we get to meet some good people and some not so good people.... Some we want to forget and some we remember for life.

Some we bump into every now and then and some we meet once to never meet again. Some we wish to meet again yet we can never meet again and some leave an indelible mark on our soul, never to be forgotten.

This share ride of life brings us momentous joys and bitter memories too.

She met some good copassengers and some not so good copassengers.

Some left their mark on her soul and some left her scarred for life.

The copassenger for the Neverending Journey... That's a dream that perhaps would never materialize. #GoFigure

Sunday, June 11, 2017

When you wonder...

How could things be the same again?
She wonders...
Suddenly nostalgic...
She walks the bylanes of her memory...
The aroma of cuisine cooked by her...
The gay abandon laughter of her kids...
The swim in the pool...
The walk by the sea...
The lounging in the bar...
Dipping the feet in the Arabian Sea...
Watching the sun set...
The days of yore...
When all was hunky dory...
There's was bliss...
There was sound sleep...
Then where did it go wrong?

Today, there is success...
There is fame...
Yet there is no life.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Garden of Eden or A Snake?

Ironical indeed!

The way he slithers around , the slippery one...

The hidden agenda known to him...
He ensnares women in his trap ...

A suave persona to exhibit ...
A Dark mind within...

Exploring the vulnerabilities of women ...
He seduces them ...
He exploits them ...
Making posters and ...
Using their photographs ...
Which he clicks on the sly ...
Calling them names...
The sly one ...
Cheating on his better half ...
Oh! Better halves ...
For he has one too many ...
Sandeep Singh Arora aka Indeevar @Frozenmusik on Social Media ...
A freak to beware of !!

The French Boulevard ... Keep Guessing!


Yes! The French Connection seems strong still...
The way he watches over her ...
She knows , he is around...
Keeping an eye on her ...
Watching her every move ...
A bit discreetly ...
Waiting with bated breath...
If she would spill the beans.

She walks along the Boulevard ...
Down to the Siennes...
Across the lawns of Lyon...
Up the Eiffel Tower...
Sipping a french Champagne...
Savouring the Mushroom Soup ...
She gives a smug smile ...
A tilt of her head...
A laughter escapes her throat ...
Pfft ! Naysayers...
Become soothsayers #GoFigure

Sunday, April 30, 2017

The end of a beginning #GoFigure

The end seems near to her ...
At the top of the mountain...
Lonely in her quest even at the top...
She sees the futileness ...
Of a struggle not her own.

All she desires ...
Is a peace of mind ...
Away from the hustle bustle of daily life...
 A life not hers to choose.

It is worthless sitting on a throne ...
When there is no claimant for it after her ...
A flaying of arms up in air ...
She brushes away all thoughts ...
No, not hers to waste time on...
She must embark on a new journey ...
Into the unknown ...
Groping in the dark ...
Not the blinding light of the outer World ...
Not hers to own ever.

It is the end of the beginning for her ...
Not her journey to complete ...
She has miles to cover of her own ...
A path of her own to trad upon.

Once again , in her lair ...
Laying upon her bed...
She gazes up at the whirring fan ...
The blades invisible in the rotation ...
She turns around and pens her thoughts...
At first , she draws a blank ...
Then she types away ...
Words seem superfluous ...
But they flow grom her mind ...
Through her fingertips ...
Typing a new chapter ...
The end of a beginning begins.