Wednesday, July 12, 2017

The Copassengers ... #GoFigure

Just like the journey we undertake daily from home to work place, in a share cab... Life is a journey too.

Just like we get some good copassengers and some not so good copassengers, in a share cab ; in the journey of life we get to meet some good people and some not so good people.... Some we want to forget and some we remember for life.

Some we bump into every now and then and some we meet once to never meet again. Some we wish to meet again yet we can never meet again and some leave an indelible mark on our soul, never to be forgotten.

This share ride of life brings us momentous joys and bitter memories too.

She met some good copassengers and some not so good copassengers.

Some left their mark on her soul and some left her scarred for life.

The copassenger for the Neverending Journey... That's a dream that perhaps would never materialize. #GoFigure

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