Sunday, September 17, 2017

Once was enough ... #GoFigure

Sitting at her desk...
Soaking in the music of 'The Second Waltz' ...
She reminisces the past ...
All fear and apprehensions at hold ...
The frolicking of young adulthood ...
Images flashing past her open eyes ...
She is enveloped in a happiness unknown ...
The time stands still ...
The music finds her waltzing through the lanes of a past forgotten ...
Traipsing along the gullies of memories ...
She is taken to a World beyond ...
Letting go of inhibitions ...
She shamelessly admits ...
None needed anymore to fill the void ...
The gap, music has flown into ...
A euphoria moment ...
Which shall remain ...
As though , drugged to the point of no return ...
The present doesn't matter...
The future, not a thought given ...
Music and a beautiful past is all she remembers.

Once was enough...
It give her a  lifetime of memories to cherish ...
Moments that were forgotten...
Brought back to life by music ...
The  Second Waltz ...
The Second Innings at loving the same; Once again #GoFigure

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