Monday, October 2, 2017

The Dolt

He couldn't have used a better term...
To describe himself...
The Dolt.

The sweet endearing Dolt of a man...
The one with prowess over language one too many...
The one constantly reading between the lines...
The one actually assuming what is not said...
The one figuring out the unspelt...
The one reaching a conclusion for you...
Because he is the Dolt that wants to be...
One up on the others.

Regards he overconfident Mr Know IT all...
The Dolt who cares to hoots what anybody thinks...
My reflection...
The Dolt of course,
The one I love.

The one I love picking arguments with...
The one that gives the saintly advice...
The one I really listen to...
The one who never mince his words...
The one I obviously love...
The one whose lectures on dos and don'ts...
I look forward to...
Ahh! The uncrowned King of words...
The Dolt that I love.

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