Wednesday, September 13, 2017

It's been a while ...

Long time since she wrote something ....
Long time since she felt the need to ...
Today, she sits at her desk , contemplating ...
To write or not to write ...
Some feelings ... to share or not to share.

She has reached a point in life....
Where nothing matters anymore...
Feelings though very much there ...
Yet, not to be shared ...
But, on second thoughts ...
Why not?
This is her haven where she pours her heart out ...
A place where she lightens the burden of her pain ....
Her triumphs , her travails ...
All chronicled here ...
For one day, she would disappear ...
Her mortal being withering away ...
That is when her little ones ...
Her flesh and blood would get a glimpse of her life here.

It's been a while ...
A long while ...
Aah!! One particular pain remains.
A pain she needs to endure in silence ...
A pain of the one lost too soon.

A very strange meeting of souls...
A meeting that never culminated ...
Yet, the departed one remains closest to her heart...
Those moments of talks  frozen in time ...
Thoughts enmeshed in his memories.

It's really been a while ...
Since she saw fresh flower photographs each morning ...
Since someone shared their feelings ...
The innermost desires ...
Of want and togetherness...
It has been a while ...
A long long while.

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