Sunday, April 30, 2017

The end of a beginning #GoFigure

The end seems near to her ...
At the top of the mountain...
Lonely in her quest even at the top...
She sees the futileness ...
Of a struggle not her own.

All she desires ...
Is a peace of mind ...
Away from the hustle bustle of daily life...
 A life not hers to choose.

It is worthless sitting on a throne ...
When there is no claimant for it after her ...
A flaying of arms up in air ...
She brushes away all thoughts ...
No, not hers to waste time on...
She must embark on a new journey ...
Into the unknown ...
Groping in the dark ...
Not the blinding light of the outer World ...
Not hers to own ever.

It is the end of the beginning for her ...
Not her journey to complete ...
She has miles to cover of her own ...
A path of her own to trad upon.

Once again , in her lair ...
Laying upon her bed...
She gazes up at the whirring fan ...
The blades invisible in the rotation ...
She turns around and pens her thoughts...
At first , she draws a blank ...
Then she types away ...
Words seem superfluous ...
But they flow grom her mind ...
Through her fingertips ...
Typing a new chapter ...
The end of a beginning begins.

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