Thursday, May 31, 2012

It is difficult but possible...

It is difficult to fathom the severity of the problem here but it is also possible to find an answer. Suddenly there are too many lemons being thrown and too little to work upon. It is exasperating not knowing who the enemy is. Shooting in the dark to wipe out the invisible sniper is causing a lot of frustration. What is wrong, what is right is a big question. All that is known is that it has affected our lives and we need to put it all together again... How?

Pick every shard and piece it all together. Glue the happiness again.

To get it all back again is a humongous task... a long and painful journey... but this journey needs to be undertaken in order to get a genuine smile on our faces again. Long drawn out faces, unspoken words and silent glances is all we are left with. Each one wrapped in their thoughts. Each one preoccupied. Questions but no answers.

 Just questions????

Saturday, May 5, 2012

It's a pity...

It's a pity....
Full of apathy...
I forlornly look beyond you...
No time, no space....
No sense of direction...
You are so gullible ....
To your vices.
Vices that claw into your flesh...
Gnawing at your thoughts...
Vices that bring you down...
Every time you rear your head to flee.
Escape you cannot....
From something you created...
A monster...
a dream or a nightmare....
I know not...
But something heinous within.
It's a pity...
Pithily pity.....
You are your own slave...
Slave of your own doing....
Bound by chains you built....
Around your naked soul.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

It 's been....

It's been long coming....
The rage and passion....
Of unquenchable thirst and dreams....
How long ?
How long before I realize....
How long before I truly destroy myself...
Annihilate my mortal self....
Before I can realize my dreams.
I dream with open eyes...
Searching for the right one to take along....
It's a journey from beginning to end...
A path to create of my own.
Somewhere deep down....
In the core of my heart I know...
It's been long coming...
But, come it will.
It's ready to burst out ....
All set to break new paths....
Boundaries awashed with poems...
Of love passion and dreams fulfilled.
Have already taken the plunge...
Struggling to keep afloat...
But that's not the end...
It's the beginning...
I need to swim along with the current....
Strong shoulders and stamina needed...
The shore in sight...
But that's not the end of the journey...
I shall explore the yonders beyond the sandy shore....
The murky forest and hills beyond....
It's been long coming...
And, come it will.
The rest of the World thinks I am crazy...
To have given up everything for my dreams....
But, I gave up the my dreams for the World...
What did I achieve?
So, It's time to live for my dreams...
Time to come of my own.
It's been long ....
The journey winding and tiring...
But what the heck....
Am a tough nut to crack...
And, crack I won't.
It's been long...
It's been hectic...
It's been coming...
Come home to Momma baby...
Come home to your dreams.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

All I know is...

All I know is that I have loved and lost...
Am lost myself ...
No idea where I am...
Or where am I headed...
All I know is that there's no end...
No end to this suffering...
Am suffering in silence...
No one to turn to...
No door to knock upon.

It was so beautiful...
No worries...
Nothing to bother about...
And suddenly...
My whole world fell apart...
There was no pain...
Yet an ache...
Memories bringing forth...
Unknown emotions ...
Painfully fond memories...
A story to tell someday...
It wasn't so painful...
Just the sound of breaking glass...
A shattering screech deep within...
Just a why... A question mark...
An unanswered question...
All I know is...
That I have loved and loved only...
Yet I remain thirsty...
Yet my love remains unrequited...
An emptiness...
Beyond which is an abyss....
A deep dark never ending journey...
All alone....
Just by myself...
Walking into the sunset all alone.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A Mistake....

A mistake, you say....
It was all a mistake....
You realize now...
A full season and a barren womb later...
You realize it's a mistake.

Shock, is my expression....
Colour drained from my face...
No thoughts....
Just a blank expression.

A mistake you said it was....
It wasn't a mistake....
When your eyes pierced through me...
Across the room...the first time...
It wasn't a mistake ....
When you made the first contact...
It wasn't a mistake when you whisked me away....
To hills far away on a wet night....
All those dinner dates...
All those crazy nights...
They were a Mistake????
Then why realize now?
Why now?

A mistake, you say...
Just a plain mistake for you...
But, my entire life ruined ...
My life in shambles....
And, you say... IT'S A MISTAKE!!!!!

Eerie Silence.....

No more waiting now....
Just an emptiness....
An eerie silence...
A vast expanse of nothingness...
Lots of time...
Yet no time at all.

The hollow emptiness....
Filling the space within....
Mind in a distasteful state...
Not knowing what to do...
Not knowing what lies ahead...
An eerie silence in my life...
A pitstop or the end.

Numbness has covered my senses...
I cry yet I don't cry....
No feelings...
No expressions....
Just an eerie silence in the heart....
The mind with a burning ache.

What went wrong?

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Euphoria... No more!

No more pleasant surprises...
No more waiting for the knock at the door...
No more nagging to grab attention...
No more smiles on the lips...
It's gone....
The euphoria is gone.....
Euphoria.... No more!

Some tears streaming down....
Leaving their mark when dry....
No hope left.....
No thoughts....
Just a blank mind.

An uncanny feeling....
A dread in the mind....
A broken heart....
Nursing it no more....
Mending it no more...
Letting it hurt...
The ache reminding me...
What a fool I have been.

In one statement it was all over....
Finished... Period....
No fanfare....
No bells....
Just a sense of doom....
And, it was all over...
Just like that...
Just like that all was forgotten...
Forgotten were moments of laughter....
Forgotten were moments of togetherness...
Just like that.

Euphoria... No more!
Blank space....
No thoughts....
No feelings...
Dead silence!