Sunday, April 15, 2012

Euphoria... No more!

No more pleasant surprises...
No more waiting for the knock at the door...
No more nagging to grab attention...
No more smiles on the lips...
It's gone....
The euphoria is gone.....
Euphoria.... No more!

Some tears streaming down....
Leaving their mark when dry....
No hope left.....
No thoughts....
Just a blank mind.

An uncanny feeling....
A dread in the mind....
A broken heart....
Nursing it no more....
Mending it no more...
Letting it hurt...
The ache reminding me...
What a fool I have been.

In one statement it was all over....
Finished... Period....
No fanfare....
No bells....
Just a sense of doom....
And, it was all over...
Just like that...
Just like that all was forgotten...
Forgotten were moments of laughter....
Forgotten were moments of togetherness...
Just like that.

Euphoria... No more!
Blank space....
No thoughts....
No feelings...
Dead silence!

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