Wednesday, January 19, 2022

He loves me, he loves me not !

From time immemorial...
Girls have always plucked petals off flowers...
Mumbling; he loves me, he loves me not ...
Today also, it's no different...
For the ones who still believe in...
The good old love stories...
The Mills and Boon kind of love ...
The silhouette of the proposed lover...
Tucked away in the mind ...
Only difference ...
We are not ready to say it out aloud...
Lest there is a rejection ...
In doing so, multitude of love affairs...
Never materialize ...
For ego is a bitch ...
That can ruin relationships...
Before they even blossom ...
Now, where's my four leaf Clover? 
He loves me, he loves me not ... #GoFigure 

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Early morning conversations !

A page from the past ...
The early morning conversations ...
Now, past ...
Yet, so fresh in her mind ...
His mindfulness ...
Her laughter with gay abandonment ...
The cute moments ...
Still fresh in her mind ...
In her memories ...
His smiling face looking into the camera ...
Recording a message ...
Making her feel special ...
Just vivid memories in her head ...
She picks up her phone in anticipation...
Whether he be online or not ...
Checking, rechecking ...
Early morning conversations...
Relegated to the past ! #GoFigure 

Monday, January 17, 2022

Rangbhumi !

His acting skills seem to have improved over time ...
Or all that is projected is an act ...
Those kids seem to resent him ...
Yet, they don't show the hatred on social media ...
There is an underlying current of defiance ...
They don't show it to the world ...
Just for their Mother ...
She is definitely rich ...
No wonder, he is on a leash ...
Enjoying the riches of the second better half ...
What an act ! 
He definitely deserves an Oscar for it ...
She is either a fool who doesn't know ...
Or, she is a better actor ...
Hiding the truth she knows ! 
It is a Rangbhumi they are in ...
When the show ends ...
They will all be gone their ways ...
Lonely and battered ...
What a show! 
And, the show must go on for the time being ...
Rest, Karma is certainly a BITCH ! 
The Rangbhumi of Karma ...
Will tell in time ...
Who was the victim and who the perpetrators !
Till then #GoFigure

Saturday, January 15, 2022

An object of desire ! #GoFigure

After a peg or two of Jim Beam ...
If you find her as an object of desire ...
Beat it, my boy! 
You are no match for her ...
She's beyond you in the school of desire ...
She isn't some instant momo you can steam ...
She isn't for you to take ...
She's far too ahead of you in this game ...
It's a no go situation when you are drunk ...
And, you desire her ...
Else, she's forgotten in your day to day life ...
She ain't your night queen ...
She's way ahead into the dawn of the day ... 
She ain't an object of desire ...
She's desire itself ...
But, on her terms ...
You can't flit in and out at your own behest ...
She decides when you can have her or never ...

Friday, January 14, 2022

Steadfast Friends!

She has to date only a couple of real good friends...
Steadfast Friends...
Who have withstood the ravages of times ...
Friends, whom she can count on the fingers of one hand only...
But, real friends...
With no hidden motives or agendas ...
There's the best friend forever...
The Grand Old Man ...
He watches over her...
Advises her ...
And, can you believe it...
They have never met ...
Nor will they ever meet in this lifetime...
But they are best friends...
He knows every pulse of hers...
Every move ...
He knows her better than herself...
He's always around...
Like the Eye Surgeon friend of hers...
They are a brain squirt together...
But steadfast indeed...
He's become the family physician too in times of COVID...
But, he's a great person to have around...
When the mood is down ...
He uplifts her mood ...
She sees through the eyes he cares for...
Then, there's the couple from her past...
Who keep an eye on every move of hers...
They dote over her kids ...
It's fun to gossip with the lady...
She's a treasure trove of gossip...
But, she stood by her always...
To count on her fingers...
These are her steadfast friends indeed ! #GoFigure

Brazen Virtues! #GoFigure

He thinks that women are expendable ...
The misogyny and patriarchy of the mindset ... 
The lilac purple and crimson look ...
One of brazen virtues ...
One where none exists ...
Walk the path alone...
For they don't deserve you ...
He doesn't deserve you ! #GoFigure 

Expectations !

Fuck the expectations ...
Expectations fuck with the peace of your mind...
Letting go ain't easy...
But that's the only way to unduck your mind. ..
Declutter the heart ...
Feelings lead to expectations ...
Have no feelings ...
That's the best remedy to heal ...

Pinned Hopes ! #GoFigure

When was the last time your hopes were held high?
When was it that hope materialised into something beautiful?
Never do hopes come to realisation...
There's always an if and a but ...
There's always somebody's butt being kicked somewhere ...
Hopes don't materialise...
Whatever the positivity Gurus may say ...
Destiny isn't destined to keep your hopes flying...
They dash to the ground ...
Just like a mismanaged Airplane ...
So, cut down on the emotional drama ...
There's no hope for any kind of happiness for anyone...
We are all just living by ...
In hopes of a better tomorrow...
But, the tomorrow never comes...
If tomorrow comes...
Be ready but not hopeful ! #GoFigure