Tuesday, August 28, 2018

She said nothing...

She said nothing and ...
She walked away...

She said " Nothing" ...
She walked away ...
He was getting off to accompany her home...
She stopped him and said...
She said nothing at all...
She just walked away.

In her silence lay her answer.

The Storm of Madness...

It raged ...
It snuffed a life ...
The storm of madness ...
It raged.

Flames engulfed her ...
Tight in their embrace ...
She struggled...
She wriggled ...
Trying to break free...
The storm...
The storm of madness raged ...
It raged high and low...
It burnt her to the core...
The soul searching for solace ...
Searching for an answer...
To this day ...
No reply ...
What was her fault?

In the madness that came...
With the storm...
She was swept away...
Far far away from the maddening crowd...
Far away from the deafening noise...
She had to cull the noise within...
She slit what she thought was best ...
To release her for eternity...
From the Storm of madness...
A life was snuffed out.

Monday, August 27, 2018

Why do you read her?

She's left the past behind...
Long ago ...
Why do you read her now?

There are no memories to share ...
Just nightmares that recur.

Why do you read her?
She's just a ghost from the past ...
Let her remain in vapour form...
She's just a wisp of days gone by ...
Bygone days should bring a smile on your lips ...
The tears are long dried.

Why do you read her Lamentations?
Those are her musings on a rainy day ...
The rains washed the streak lines along her cheeks, long ago.

Why, oh why?

They are just memories ...
Rewinding and replaying...
Images of a bygone era...
Nothing else ...
For nothing remains but our memories...
To torment us sometimes...
That's all, just memories...
Erased ...
Yet, traces remain.

Monday, August 20, 2018

Liar, laying in the lair ...

The fox, the cunning fox...
He stole her moments...
He snatched her happiness...
Hidden in his lair...
He pounces on catches unaware...
The liar...
The cheat ...
The lying fox...
Liar, laying stealthily in his lair ...
He watches for prey ...
He uses them ...
And, then he trots away ...
The grapes are sour.

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Love Unbridled

Their love was timeless ...
With gay abandon they roamed around...
Painting the town red ...

Monday, August 13, 2018

Friday, August 10, 2018

The Dragon within...

Blackmail, intrigue & explosive exploits stretch the bonds of friendship, as lost secrets and untold lore come to light in a world full of magic wielding #dragonswithin

Next up in my chronicles of procrastination: I feed my imaginative cat some mangoes

Oh! Oh! Where did my Van Gogh go?

Been searching high,
Been searching low,

Does anyone know,
Where did my Van Gogh?

My Art, my art of aches and pain.

Do you see me as I see you?
Your fire is a mead to my soul,
And I ruminate on its firefly glow.
Your air unwinds my unseen
Tempestuous gloom, overcoming the dark
With eyes so blue.
It's all the warmth I want
Because all is you.
You are my verses
You are my poetry
You are my pain
You are my annihilation
You are the Does tiptoeing
You are the Cat prowling
Yes, you are my birth and death
You are the keeper of my ashes.

You are the Dragon, I keep chained...

You are the Dragon, I shall unleash one day
Till then, sleep well o' purring one
For the end is near...

Soon we shall be one
A power unbeknownst to man
A power hidden within
The Dragon within.

रेत का गुबार

एक वक्त था जब सब शांत था
हर तरफ खुशहाली थी
वो थे हम थे
सब ठीक ठाक चल रहा था
वक़्त की एक अशांत शांत आंधी आयी
और सब कुछ बिखेर कर चली गयी
कुछ न बचा ,
न घर, न बगीचा और न ही इंसानियत
जो बचा , वो एक हंसता दहकता आग का दरिया
और वो शक्श जिसने सब उजाड़ दिया था
वो एक कली जो बची थी
मुरझा गयी
कोमल कपोलों सी उसकी हंसी
रुक सी गयी
चारों तरफ उजड़ा चमन
कहीं भी खुशी की एक झलक तक नहीं
दूर दूर तक रेत के ढेर
एक आंधी चली और
रेत का गुबार उठा
वो सब खुशियां अपने साथ ले गया
कली बची, सिमटी सी
किस्मत का खेल देखती रही
पलट गई वो
उस रेत के टीले से दूर
उसने खुद अपनी कब्र खोदी
और उसमें समा गई
फिर रेत का एक गुबार आया
कब्र ढक गयी रेत के कणों से
अब कली कहीं दिखती नहीं
कोई आशा भी नहीं

जो गया सो गया
अब न कुछ बाकी है
अब न फिर कोई कली खिलेगी
अब न कोई राधा नाचेगी
अब न कोई कान्हा होगा
अब होगा तो सिर्फ
हहशत और दहशत का नग्न नृत्य
अब होगी हाहाकार
धरती मिट्टी मिट्टी हो जाएगी
न नर रहेगा न नारी।