Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Compromising with love...

Not her cup of tea ...
Compromising with love ...
If you want to move on ...
Move on ...
Do not knock on her door and do small talks ...
When you do that...
You raise her hopes...
Don't raise false hopes...
If you are coping with your dilemma...
Do it on your own ...
It's your road trip...
Not hers ...
She knows what she desires ...
If she has to go hiking on her own...
She will leave ...
No questions asked ...
No permissions taken...
Everyone comes alone and goes alone ...
You want to travel with her ...
It's your decision ...
Tomorrow don't give her lame reasons to back out of a commitment.
Life is complex as it is...
Don't make it worse for her...
She can't unlove you...
You fight your demons...
Fight your demons...
She needs a Knight not a coward...
Beside her ...
Her journey is unpredictable...
Don't anchor her down...
You loved her free spirit...
You doted over her free speech ...
Why is it that now you doubt your commitment?
There's no compromising on love ...
Love has to be pure...
Love has to be giving , without being asked ...
Love cannot be demanded...
She has no intention of finding another...
You can't love every Tom, Dick or Harry...
She isn't fickle.

There's no compromising with love for her #GoFigure

The Milky way ...

Aakash Ganga Surya Chandra Taara ...
Sandhya Usha koi na nathi ...
Koni Bhoomi koni Nadi...
Koni Saagardhara ...
Sundarta kaaj banaa vividh rang ...
The milky way... The Sun , moon and stars ...
The Sunset, the sunrise ... Nothing exists ...
What land, what river...
What ocean are we talking about...
Beauty is made by the colours of all these elements...
So are emotions ...
A vivid hue ...
Of thoughts racing through our minds...
The impermanence of all things old and new...
Relationships fragile ...
Like glassware ...
Ready to shatter under stress.

All things fragile...

Nothing kills you...

Nothing kills you like your mind ...
A mind so beautiful...
A genius beyond comprehension...
A mind that concocts situation...
A mind that can imagine...
A brilliant mind ...
So ahead of its time ...
A mind that conjures ...
Nothing kills you like your mind.

There are other minds too...
Ones that lag behind...
Minds that can't comprehend...
Minds that are a tad bit behind...
Minds that haven't evolved ...
Small minds ...
Nothing kills you like those minds.

The last chapter...

The book ended ...
But she pulled over the story ...
Various chapters, various scenarios...
Sweet and lovely scenes...
Gory details...
Melodramatic innuendos...
The last chapter was the most intense...
An interesting mix of histrionics...
Ending a sweet story into a mud slinging match ...
Each character trying to bring the other down...
Just like the war of the roses ...
Ultimately no one wins ...
Both are the losers ...
Both walk away ...
Glad that the ordeal is over ...
But one ...
The protagonist...
With shoulders hung low...
A slow gait of dejection...
Eyes brimming with tears ...
Walks away abjectedly ...
As though the world had come to an end ...
The book had come to an end ...
And so did her world come collapsing down.

The last chapter was pretty melodramatic...
The last chapter ended the protagonist...
The next day ...
They found her floating in the Sea ...
For her book was based on the Sea.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Handcuffed to the mystery of history...

History repeats itself...
In one form or another...
From one time frame to another...
We are handcuffed to the mystery of our history...

Indeed , stuck in a Time Warp...
Albeit a bit secluded...
Far apart from each other...
Leap of faith ...
Or a plunge into an abyss unknown...
We all take our chances...
We all take decisions unknown...
A moment ago to any of us ...
Life changing order ...
A nightmare of sorts ...
Or a dream come true...
We are handcuffed to the mystery of our today and yesterday ...
History in the making as always.

It was good...

It was good while it lasted ...
Till it lasted it was good ...
The drives ...
Through winding roads ...
The walks along the paved paths ...
The food they gorged upon ...
The flights of fantasies they took.

The hilarious moments chronicled ...
Just a distant memory now ...
Nothing remains permanent...
In infinity lies the stakes...
Dreams unfulfilled...
Commitments broken...
Yes, but the memories remain...
In memories lie the vitality...
The birth of a new life.

The gift of life he gave her ...
She lives in those chapters...
The book unread ...
Unopened, all set to unleash...
The yesterday's meeting...
All those fragrant moments...
The bliss of living in a past not so distant...
She wouldn't miss a thing...
Just a click away...
Bound in moving slides ...
Life slips and slides away.

It was good while it lasted...
No regrets whatsoever.

Musings on the way ...

Pouring out to her hearts content ...
That too on the way ...
By the way ...
Musings ...
Tantamount to raising a few brows ...
Leading to misleading thoughts ...
That's the ROFL moment...
When based on your musings ...
People break relations ...
Not for the weak hearted are these words...
You have to be a Lionheart to digest her statements...
Words penned along the journey between workplaces...
Releasing the stress ...
Spinning webs of imagination...
She moves ...
Like a Hydra ...
Tentacles spreading here and there ...
Giving shape to thoughts...
Misshaping common misnomers...
Realizing absurdity of people...
Getting a reality check...
She enjoys the freedom of speech...
A speech that exposes the weak...
Words that unfurl the naked truth.

Musings of the heart ...
The mind ...
The whole self ...
Bringing the world down for some ...
Breaking even at some point...
All along the way.

Trigger Happy ...

She's happy...
Very happy...
A heavy load off her chest ...
One more place to create ...
Beautiful memories to make ...
Something to keep her occupied...
Something to keep her mind off the rigours of human life ...
A rigmarole of activities...
Running from pillar to post ...
Thank God for small mercies.