Tuesday, May 15, 2018

The moment...

The moment she hears his voice...
She melts...
All the anger within...
The resentment, melts...
It just disappears...
The power of love is so strong...
It lifts a downtrodden mood ...
And once again...
She soars into the sky ...
Awaiting the showers of love.


Some are lost on the way ...
Some leave along the way ...
Some just fade away ...
Some remain as memories...
Some become artifacts ...
Some are just numbers...
Numbers in your contact book ...
Blocked numbers ...
A mistake to be never repeated again...
To be forgotten in time ...
Never to cross paths again ...
Some die a natural death ...
Some a violent one ...
But eventually they do die ...
In those moments...
Memories flash by ...
Only memories, nothing else.

Monday, May 14, 2018

Fairytale life ...

Her life was a Fairytale...
A tale to be remembered for ages ...
A tale of live, heartbreak and betrayal...
She lived through it all ...
Only to be betrayed at every step by her loved ones .
She loved truly ...
But her love was taken for granted...
She was used to make ends meet ...
She was a means to an end to all the miseries of the world...
She kept giving of herself...
Having known only love ...
They kept betraying her ...
Till one day ...
She could give no more ...
Then lo behold !
They disappeared...
Her demons et al...
She was free at last ...
But she was barely herself...
She was reduced to ashes ...
Just a pale reflection of her radiant self ...
She jumped into the fire ...
A pure lit for her ...
There she was aglow ...
Resplendent in her glory ...
Glowing head to toe ...
Burning from within ...
Burning all over ...
A smile on her lips ...
She was consumed in her own pyre ...
A fire lit by her aches ...
A fire she carried in her heart.
They say ...
They can still hear her giggle...
The child like laughter she was known for ...
In the winds that pass by ...
Through the rustle of the leaves ...
In the ocean breeze ...
In the wind that carries from the lake ...
On moonlit nights ...
You can still see her skimming across the placid lake ...
A ghostly aura ...
Silver in its glory.

The great ocean...

The ocean calls her ...
Every day the great ocean beckons her...
Nudging at her senses ...
Bellowing sounds of waves in her ears...
The smell of the Sandy shores ...
The breeze of salt from Sea...
The taste of the ocean in her mouth ...
The feel of the wind on her sweaty skin ...
The sifting sandwich beneath ...
The Ocean , her father ...
Beckons her ...
Aaye daughter of the Seven Seas ...
Come forth my child ...
The World ain't the place for you...
The schools of fish remember you ...
Come swim beneath ...
The ocean floor awaits you ...
Ride the waves like a queen ...
Come claim your kingdom ...
Come forth my child ...
Your world awaits you ...
She takes the first step towards the Sandy dunes...
She looks behind...
There no one stopping her ...
She looks ahead at the vast expanse of blue ...
She takes the final plunge ..m
Diving into the mesmerizing aqua blue ...
Merging with the hues ...
Never to return to the land ...
For that's not her world to be.

Will you come looking for me ...

She had asked him once ...
Will you come looking for me when I a lost?
He had said ...
He had dilly dallied...
No, he didn't give a straight answer ...
Well! It's time to find out...
If he will really come searching for her ...
It's time to get lost ...
Go away, far away ...
If he really loves her ...
He will come in search for her ...
Hope it isn't too late by then...
Will you look for me?

Permutations and combinations

After downing a couple of pints of ale ...
Everything in the head comes to a standstill...
Then there is no chaos...
There is no apprehension...
There are no doubts ...
Just a mist of love ...
Of uncertainty...
A ghost passes by ...
A cold whiff of his scent ...
Tears well up in her eyes ...
Not a drop trickling down her hollow cheeks...
As though everything is at a standstill...
Like that droplet of tear at the edge of her eyelid ...
The eyelashes moist ...
She closes her eyes...
Tears streaming down...
She wails in the quiet empitiness...
Shell shocked for words.

The darkness in the eyes ...
Spiraling her away ...
Into the Oblivion...
Nothing in sight ...
Just a duststorm...
Engulfing her completely.

The permutations of love ...
The combination of heartbreak...
So bleak yet so evident...
She shrugs her head ...
A Hand reaching out to the beer mug ...
One more large seig and we are ready for the road.

Memories in a pause ..

Memories of yore ... in a pause...
Like menopause ...
Coming in spurts ...
Gushing in at times ...
Gone for a long time ...
Painfully abominable and deathly haunting ...
Leaving her pale and semi dead ...
Eyes a hollow ...
No shine ...
No glow on face ...
Shaved head belies the pain ...
The cathartic fuel of her soul.

The clots of memories ...
Clustered together ...
Painful yet agonisingly blissful when shed ...
As though in labour ...
The delivery of pain crucifying.

Yet, flushing the toxins out ...
Cleansing the system ...
Knowing fully well ...
The agonizing pain of love ...
Love gone astray.

memories as though kindled by a pause button ...
She turns around ...
He isn't there ...
He had gone long ago ...
With a promise in his eyes ...
Never to return ...

Her pride clashes with her feelings ...
She says he will be back ...
The pride says NO...
An answer only he can give ...
But he is long gone and lost somewhere ...
For his eyes were set elsewhere.

Memories in a pause ...
Memories in a period ...
Memories of bygone days ...
Should she erase?

Her Mind ...

Enmeshed within a plethora of neurons ...
Are thoughts that haunt her day in and day out ...
Her mind is a mesh of words ...
Some known some unknown ...
Lost in this quintessential world ...
She wanders aimlessly ...
Some say she has lost her mind ...
Some say she has reached nirvana ...
She looks with vacant eyes ...
Beyond and far ...
A galaxy of new stars exploding ...
Somewhere new life beginning ...
Her own ended too soon.

Love lorn or lost in love ...
She is just a pack of skeletal remains ...
Covered in flesh, blood and blubber ...
They say she has lost her smile ...
There is no life in her eyes ...
Lifeless she wanders about ...
They numb her with pills ...
She numbs herself in liquor ...
A ghost of her yesterday remains ...
But not she ...
A swamp of gases and wilderness ...
Her mind wanders in ...
Looking for the lost one ...
They say he has gone ...
Lost forever ...
Yet. she searches ...
Lest she find the soul if not the body.

Her mind ...
Wandering ...
Way beyond human civilization...
An alien may know ...
The chapter within.