Sunday, June 7, 2015

The awning of her life...

It covers her childhood ...
It drapes over her young adulthood ...
The awning of her life ...
It never fades.

It changes colour...
Like her greying hair...
The awning of her life ...
As colourful as ever.

The Chameleon of thoughts...
The gigantic bubble of ideas...
Frothy delights of a humongous mind...
The awning of her life ...
Goes on and on.

In the end...
All will be left behind ...
Nothing taken ...
Nothing given ...
The awning gets left behind ...
A kaleidoscope of a colourful life.

She hides under the awning ...
She smoles under the awning...
She aches for retribution...
All under the awning...
The awning of her life ...
The cover that camouflages...
Her emotions ...
A cool plain face to show ...
Not a scathing of life.

There under the starlit night ...
She stares into the oblivion...
Aware of an aching...
Ignoring the pain...
And moving on ...
The awning of her life ...
A page well written...
A canvas of her feelings ...
The awning never ends.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

The last encounter

Focussed on her resolve,
She walked past him,
Aware of his gaze upon her
She kept walking
Conscious he was following her every move.

She moved far far away
Thwarting his love, for loneliness
A solitude she best understood
An ache within
Buried deep
She moved on for him.

Remembering each moment with him
She spends her days and nights
They say she is dying
Not knowing the cause.

Heartbroken she
In her aches and pains
Only takes his name
Yes she is dying
Of a heart broken into a million pieces.

To the World she exhibits
A smile that is fake
They say she is dying
Not knowing why.

With his memories playing
And replaying in her eyes
She breathes heavily in her coffin
The nails of which
She hammered in...
A darkness she embraced.

Friday, May 1, 2015

A brief encounter ...

They met never,
yet they were bonded easily...
Dreaming of a life together...
they decided to tie the knot...
little knowing that destiny ...
had someother plans for them.

She lost him forever ...
to destiny ...
her destiny tied to death ...
a rope that strangulated ...
aall their dreams ...
separating them before...
they could ever meet.

Tears have dried up...
wails an echo from the past ...
she lives with the brief memory ...
of his positivity...
his soft banter ...
his laughter...
In remembrance she shall remain...
though they say ...
he was a fraud ...
to her he meant no harm ...
to her he remains her hero...
whom she lost to time.

A brief encounter ...
she shall cherish ...
the kind words ...
his friendly banter...
an all encompassing nature ...
he was her hero...
come what may...
whatever they say.

Rest in peace ...
dear departed soul...
for a kindered spirit you were ...
in a hurting heart.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The Disappearing Act ...

The glib artist ...
The one with eloquence ...
He does the disappearing act ...
She is left hanging in there ...
Numb and cold from shock ...
He never existed ....
Is all the answer she gets.

She searched high and low ...
For the one who made promises ...
Empty shells were all she found ...
A cry from her heart arose.

The twinkling in those eyes ...
An image she can't shake off ...
Mocking her vanity ...
Her faith shattered once again ...
Trust in the backseat of a burning car.

She plunges into the deep abyss of depression ...
Wondering what it is ...
That destiny has no smiles for her...
Just thorns and dried roses.

The disappearing act ...
By the artist of con ...
Or, retreating into a shell ...
By a man pummeled to death.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

The Hunk that got the prize ...

The most good looking hulk walking the Earth...
Ranaji, the name fondly referred as...
He swept her off her feet ...
Even after 28 years ...
He had the power...
The charisma to do it all over again...
In a moment she melted ...
His gaze shrouded by eyelashes ...
Intense and strong gaze...
Denuding her with those eyes ...
He took her in his arms ...
And made her his again.

The rippling muscles of his arms...
The biceps on which she lay her head...
The torso strong and wild ...
Passion unbridled they lay.

The handsome hunk ...
That he is ...
Never fades the image from her eyes...
As she lay with him...
All spent in their passion...
She knew ...
She was always his.

Those moments of passion ...
They keep her alive ...
She lives in a World of his and hers.

Her love as before ...
Rising to a crescendo ...
The moans of passion...
Of sweet pain...
An ache that remains within ...
Feeling his warmth ...
Deep inside ...
The ravenous hunger seeks ...
His warmth again and again.

Their love ...
A story ...
A legend to be talked about...
In hushed tones ...
Lest they be exposed...
Lest he be unravelled ...
As the true lover ...
Of the bird of paradise ...
The Phoenix yet rises again ...
The love rears its head once again.

Those hushed I love yous ...

Holding hands and walking in the drizzle ... I remember vividly that walk culminating in cookies and orange juice. Those hushed I love yous in Pune ... all being there yet the world consisted of just you and me.
That morning song ...kaale megha kaale megha paani tooh barsa jaa... a cue for me to join you in the balcony for a cuddle before others woke up ... so many sweet memories ...
Watching us full length, naked in the mirror ...our bodies complimenting each other ... a pair made in heaven.
The moments of passion...intertwined not for a moment ready to unwind ... just remaining in each others arms and dreaming of a future together.
The awkward first time and you soothing my nerves whispering sweet nothings in my ears ... nibbling on my ear lobes ...heigtening the pleasure of your warm love within me.
Those stolen hugs and kisses in the corridors and staircase ...on the way to the terrace. Yes, those moments of bliss ... a stairway to heaven.... leading to the loved one born of our passion... but, you abandoned us at the nth moment... leaving us destitute. .. your child and mine ... had to return to oblivion for your act of cowardice.
Where did all that love go?
Where did all that passion go?
Where did you disappear in your moment of shame?
So many queries ...all unanswered ...
And, here I go again ... a smile pasted on my lips making the World believe all is okay and nothing ever went wrong.
She weeps each night for the unborn ... while you lay there with yours from another.
She still loved yours as her own for she is a mother, she doesn't differentiate ... all she knows is love and to give it freely to little ones as her own.
Where did that night of passion go... when you undressed for her ... you wore the white dhoti in kolkata and posed for her. Those moments when you were with her and none other.
She has a lot of questions ... questions you left unanswered.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

A fact that was ...

Neither can he deny it ...
Nor can he agree to it ...
An act of saying yes ...
Beheads him in full public view ...
Head held low in shame ...
He walks past her ...
She walks away ...
Her head held high as always ...
For such roaches of society ...
Exist everywhere ...
For them , why to cry ...
They deserve no mercy ...
They deserve no glory ...
From gutter they rise ...
There they shall perish.

A fact that was ...
A fact it remains ...
History, a witness to his crime ...
His closed eyes a torment ...
For in his own ...He shall see the pain ...
He gave pain to his future ...
His past a reminder ...
A remorse he shall carry ...
Beyond yonder ...
His pain evident in his eyes ...
The woman besides ...Tormented by his folly.

A fact that was ...
A fact it shall remain ...
His folly ...
His downfall from grace ...
For he thought, a woman was...
A thing of play.

He shall remain cursed ...
The wound gushing with pus...
No salvation in sight ...
He shall remain tormented ...
In his plight.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Unspoken words ...

The conversation left incomplete ...
Unspoken words ...
Of frail emotions ...
Of fazed thoughts...
A frame left incomplete...
Unspoken words ...
Meaningful looks ...
Moist eyes  looking the other way ...
The hurt deep ...
Stabbing into the heart ...
Each day, each moment ...
An ache becoming stronger...
Deeper wounds inflicted ...
By Unspoken words...
Words that could make or break many ...
Not her ...
For, she the Lone Wolverine ...
Roams the mist filled ...
Foggy Hills of an emotive land ...
She walks alone ...

For her solitude is her solace ...

In the melancholy heart ...
Chimes of pain ...
Heard each moment ...
Dreams shattered to bits ...
The path to heaven clouded ...
Just a precipice ahead.

She walks alone ...
Smiling ...
Masking the aches ...
A smug smile ...
A know it all grin ...
She swirls her skirt ...
And, walks farther away ...
Her wings spanning the vast sky ...
She soars up ...
The Phoenix resurrected ...
Her unspoken words ...
Waiting for his spoken words ...
Unheard by her.