Monday, November 3, 2014


Avoiding meeting him...
Avoiding any contact with him ...
She seeks her salvation from the ache ...
Of separation from him.

A self imposed exile ...
She cages herself in ...
Just a bit oc worldly duties...
No escape from them.

She evades any talks regarding him,
She lowers her eyes at his mention ...
Lest they see the pain ...
Less they see the love ...
She harbours in her eyes.

Craving to scream ...
To howl and cry ...
Take out all the pain ...
She shudders ...
Shoulders stooped ..
She turns and walks away.

What has cast the spell on her?
She was living ... she was happy...
Why was he sent in her life?
Questions left unanswered ...
Awkward ,
She numbs her feelings ...
She walks away...
Evading him yet , once again.

Vacant eyes

Staring blankly at the idiot box ...
A pair of vacant eyes ..
Just watching ...
Not taking in anything ...
Everything incomprehensible ...
Trying to find a  solution...
No answers ...
No signs ...
Just images passing by ...
Pupils static ...
Unblinking vacant eyes.

The only image ...
Of him ...
Those brooding eyes ...
Regressing into the past ...
Reliving each moment ...
Showing no emotion ...
Just staring into space.

Vacant eyes,
Bereft of emotions...
Emptiness around ...
Drugged to sleep ...
Pain too deep.


Going through one,
One wishes not the same for another...
Trauma in any form ...
Not for the one ...
With whom one has ...
Spent memorable moments.

Moments to cherish forever ...
For they are a thing of past...
No more shall flowers bloom ...
In this forest of despair.
But,  pain not for the loved one ...
Never ever ,
Love forgives ,
Never hates.

The trauma that he feels ...
Becomes hers ...
She takes it all within her ...
His pain ...
His aches ...
Albeit this time ...
Without him beside her...
A decision she made ...
Hardening her heart ..
Murdering her feelings ...
She absorbs his pains ....
All alone ...
For even in her loneliness ...
She isn't alone ...
She carries him within her.

She will never stop loving him ...
But, she won't meet him again.
The trauma too overbearing ...
She drowns in spirits ...
Where she forgets the pain...
For a while ...
She is free again ...
Soaring high ...
For a while ...
The trauma gone.

A Contract for Life ...

It hurts, to know ...
To be aware ...
That people just assume things ...
They presume they know all ...
When in totality ...
They have been fed a separate picture ...
A concocted story ...
To save oneself  ...
One can fall so low ...
Sad ...
But that is what has come across.

Someones assumptions can really make or mar ...
What was once so pure ...
So genuine ...
All lost ...
In a blasphemous affair.

Where did the innocence vanish?
Where has the love gone?
Emotions vandalised ....
A painful experience ...
Is all that remains.
The sweetness of childhood ...
Replaced by bitter experiences of today.

Presuming   on your own ...
You make your decisions ...
To suit your convenience ...
Think of the one that left everything ...
And everyone for you ...
Just once you had to say ...
And, she left all ...
To be your SHADOW ...
All you did  in your pretentious existence ...
Was shun the one that waited all those years ...
Once again ....
Vacant eyes ...
Once again pain....
A contract for life.

He meant it , really...

Whoever said that ... meant it...
Once a man went to a Psychologist for his problems in life ... and this is what transpired...
Who cooks breakfast for you ?
The cook ...
Who makes tea for you?
Either I do or my maid makes very good tea...
Who prepares lunch and dinner for you?
The cook does...
Who goes grocery and vegetable shopping at home?
I do... or I call up and have it delivered....
Who cleans, sweeps and mops the floor?
A maid comes for that...
Who makes the bed?
The maid does...
Who washes, cleans and takes care of your kids?
The maid or I do ...
Who runs errands for you at home?
I do ...
Who goes to work and makes ends meet?
I do ...
Whom do you turn to for your emotional needs?
My childhood sweetheart ...
Whom do you use as a punching bag when you are down and out?
My childhood sweetheart ...
Whom do you turn to for help when you are running out of time and have to get things done? Who runs around for you?
My childhood sweetheart ...
Whom do you open upto when down in the dumps?
My childhood sweetheart ...
Whom do you like to spend your time with?
My kids ...And, my sweetheart the flower I plucked and crushed
Who sleeps with you on your kingsize bed?
My wife ...
So, your wife is just another .... !
All the housework and taking care of kids is done by maids or you, your wife just sleeps with you ... the statement is JUSTIFIED ...isn't it , said the Psychologist.
Well.... No comments ;-)

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Her true love ... betrayed

One and only ...
The first time ...
When the strings of the heart had stirred...
Creating  a melody never heard ...
Her first love ...
Donald Duck!
For him ,
She left everything ...
She became his shadow ...
As he desired she did ...
Becoming one with him ...
She lost herself in him ...
Vaporising in his love ...
The passion melting her ...
She lost herself ...
Lost to herself ...
And to the rest ...
Like  a drop in the ocean ...
Never to be found again ...
Her entire identity at stake...
All at stake...
She tied herself to the stake ...
Burning in the pyre  ...
Reduced to ashes ...
The wind blowing the ashes all over ...
She touches his being ...
She is blessed.

Her one and true love ...
She destroys herself for him ...
She annihilates her existence ...
To smithreens lying bare ...
She looks skywards ...
Asking for divine justice...
The betrayal unfathomable ...
A fury raging in her eyes ...
Questioning ...
She burns at the stake ...
The fire lit by him.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Rising from her ruins ...

She turned around ...
All she saw was brick and mortar ...
Ashes of her being ...
Rising  like the Phoenix ...
She moved away from the rubble ...
Her silhouette , a mere shadow ...
She spanned her wings out ...
Ready to fly once again ...
Another horizon to explore ..,
Another adventure to begin.

She turns around ...
In the ruins ...
She sees faces ...
Familiar ones ...
Loved ones ...
All left behind ...
None in her journey ...
For it is for her ..
And her only to take.

The Knowing ...

As if knowing him wasn't enough ...
Now , knowing he exists ...
Within you ...
As if your own ...
Is a killing proposition.

The faint heartbeat ...
The turning ...
Features developing ...
All leading to a thought ...
What now?

Too much happening ...
And , he out of sight ...
Whom to turn to ?
The big dilemma ...
Killing the soul within ...
A question ...
Now what?

His being within her ...
A testimonial of their tempestuous affair...
No turning back ...
Yet, nothing to look forth to.

A tiny kick ...
felt now and then ..
Reminding her ...
Of the reality ...
She turns her face away ...
No attempt ...
To Hide what is his...
What is theirs.