Friday, July 4, 2014

Am no Concubine of yours ...

Am no flower that you can pluck ..
Am no vine you can hang from ...
Am no Concubine of yours ...
A slave for life ...
No Sir, not me.

Am no shadow to you anymore ...
For I follow my own path ...
You lost your chance ...
Long ago ...
I waited , but no more ...
Get a grip on your life ...
My life is not for you to live.

The flowers in my garden ...
Have long gone ..
An eerie wintry silence ...
Pervades all through ...
Do not use the shrillness of voice ...
For there is none to hear it here.

Am no Concubine of yours ..
That would wait upon you ...
Day after day.

Long gone are days ...
When I would lay eyes upon your steps...
No more red carpet treatment ...
For I respect you no more.

Am no Concubine of yours ...
That you turn to ...
For Time pass.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Rhythm of the Rain...

In the rhythm of the falling rain ...
I can hear your heartbeats...
In the pitter patter of the falling drops ...
I hear you call out to me.

I turn around ..
A wisp of cool breeze ...
Touches my skin and passes by...
I know...
It is your kiss...
Sent from across miles ...
of Land, air and water ...
You , the very beat of my heart ...
Skipping across oceans ...
Lakes and the sky...
My love ...
Pure, unintentional feelings ...
Yes, you the man in my life ...
You , the very symbol ...
Of unabashed love ...
You, the reason behind my smiles.

I feel the raindrops on my skin ...
Know well...
That it is you touching me ...
In your own way...
Kissing my naked soul ...
Through drops so cool.

I seal our love ...
I close my eyes ...
I feel one with you ...
I can feel you around me...
I can...
For your love reaches me ...
Through the drops of rain...
The rhythm of the falling rain ...
Reminds me of your heaving chest ...
Your flesh ...
A memory so sweet...
Yes, I love you ...
Have always loved you.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

The fate of a Lover ...

Why  do I suffer the fate of a failed Lover?
Do you want to know why?
Well! Long story cut short ...
Coz' I can't lie ...
I can't feign ignorance ...
I can't act innocent ...
I can't be cunning ...
I can't manipulate ...
I call a spade a spade ...
That's it ...

I suffer the fate of a Lover ...
Solitude ...
Forlorn ...
Always alone in thoughts ...
Lonesome ...
In her own World ...
A World of Bliss ...
A World of Imagination ...
A World where No one can hurt me ...
My own small Little World...
A World where there is no feeling ...
No remorse ...
No pain ...
Just me and my melancholy loneliness.

I suffer the fate ...
Of many a failed Lovers ...
Down the path of life ...
Just another failed love affair.

Frigid , as I am ...
Rigid thoughts ...
Dead feelings ...
Nothing at all affecting ...
I suffer the fate of a Lover ...
A Failed Lover ...
Always  ..
Never ending saga of gory love story ...
Never ending story of failure ...
Time after time ..
I am the very epitome ...
\Of a failed love affair.

The musings of a Criminal Mind ...

Learning to come to terms ...
With ones disabilities...
Coming to terms with ...
Our apprehensions ...
Our troubles ...
Our dreams  shattered ..
Our dreams realised ...
How far do we go to ....
Get what we desire?
How far is far enough ?
Or, close enough?
The wound that doesn't heal ...
The heart knows not why...
It aches for the joy...
That is not within your reach ...
Why do we want ...
What is not meant to be?

A heart that wants more ...
A mind that conspires to get it ...
Is it criminal to desire?
Is it wrong to conspire ?
Is it not meant to be?
Why can't we make it happen?

Ah! The thoughts of villainy ...
The musings ...
Of a Criminal Mind ...
Is it wrong to love unconditionally?
Am out of the dark ages of sorrow ...
Am all for the light at the end of the Tunnel ...
But, when does the journey end?

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Shrewd Intelligence ... Crude Emotions ...

Prudent thoughts ...
An intellectual with a mind of his own ...
Dabbling in the Green matter ...'Laundering Black to white ...
Shrewd crude mind ...
All about money over matters of the heart.

All about making a career ...
Losing out on life's small pleasures...
The real investment in humanity ...
In relations, forgotten ...
A shrewd man indeed.

At the onset of Sunset ...
He realizes ...
By then , it is just too late...
For he has missed the Train ...
Travelling on a flight of fantasy.

No one knows him better ...
Than the one betrothed to him eons ago ...
The one he rejected over the Green matter ...
The one who watches his every move.
The damsel moved on ...
A slight waxing and waning still persistent ...
The feelings rekindled by his visit ...
She wonders whether to stand tall and walk away ....
Or give in to human emotions ...
And, give him the chance he forsook.

Ah! Life comes one full circle ...
We meet the dear departed ones ...
Sometime or another ...
We need that respite from the daily grind ...
And really unwind.

Shrewd Intelligence ...
Crude Emotions....
Is all in the crux of the matter ...
The natter and bickering ...
The possessive inclination ...
All gone for a toss.

Shrewd mind ...
Shrewder heart ...
Taming which is a big task.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Shreeman Shreemati Duffer ...

An abomination of one's imagination ...

Miles apart ...
Yet so near...
They meet in their common imagination ...
In a World of their own ...
A virtual reality created ...
Transcending all other realities.

They meet ...
The man and the woman ...
To express their love ...
Their feelings ...
Their desires ..
Everyday affairs ...
Literally, everything under the sky...
Pure uninitiated love for now ...
Two souls just bonding.

Two souls from time immemorial ...
Loving each other...
Craving to embrace ...
Yet, an inhibition ...
Setting them apart ...
Ah! The clever ones in Worldly dealings ...
Yet, duffers in love ...
Meet the Duffers...
Mrs and Mr Duffer...
Shreemati and Shreeman Duffer.

They laugh at every little happiness they can gather...
They smile at each others antics ...
She gets angry ...
He pacifies her ...
Lovers in a virtual World ...
They are happy there.
The worldly pleasures and pain ...
Least affect this lovers paradise...
For they have crossed the lines ...
From beyond which ....
They remain unaffected by anyone ...
If they meet Love wins ...
If they don't ...
Love ain't a loser.

Shreeman and Shreemati Duffer ...
Waiting to make it a reality.
Virtual to Real...
Just a matter of time!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Providence speaks ...

And, thus spake Providence ...
Of matters of the heart ...
Of mind and matter...
When the heart said it is love ...
Providence said , Nay...
Just a figment of your imagination.

When the heart skipped a beat ...
Providence  raised an eyebrow.
When the heart sighed ...
Providence flared up ...
Saying Nay again.

When will the heart ...
Be freed of the shackles ...
That Providence has tied it in?

When will the heart ever ...
Make up its mind over the ...
Matter of Providence?

When will emotions really flow ...
From where Providence resides?

When will freedom be the ...
The boon of love ?

Ah! The curse that the heart has been set upon ...
Providence the fore bearer of its truth.

In the depth of a bleeding heart ...
One finds the dagger of Providence.
Isn't that proof enough ...
To punish the sins of Providence?

Ah ! The dagger ...
Providence left no prints upon it.

So, ye come forth my slave...
Thus, spake Providence ...
looking at a morose heart ...
Melancholy strings playing...
Far away in some place ...
But, deep within in the heart ...
Smoulder the ashes of a ...
Bleeding Heart.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

The Crush of '86 ... A Love Story that never Began, will never End ...

A sly smile on my lips when all relate me to him...
A love story that never began , that will never end .

Looking lovingly , flitting between mathematical formulas...
Two hearts met, but never confessed ...
A dilemma eating into them ...
Waiting for one another to make the move first .

Destiny set them apart ...
She left , he grieved ...
Thinking she had forgotten him ...
She was bereaved ...
She bled ...
Lead a life of utter neglect ...
But, destiny had other plans too.

Destiny brought them together ...
They met ...
Yet shy even as adults ...
Ageing yet still totally in Love ...
They kept quiet again.

Each yearning to hug another ...
Each yearning for that first kiss ...
Yet both shy in their own embrace ...
Parted again but with story told.

It is a true story ...
Ever to be told ...
Of True love kept on hold ...
For both have lives to live ...
Loved ones to answer to.

So, their love remains ...
A mute spectator forever ...
Of emotions kept at bay ...
Words unfurled but ...
Promises never made.

The Crush of 1986 ...
A Love story that never began ...
But, shall never end too.