Saturday, May 17, 2014

Culling the desire ...

The moment of reckoning ...
When what you desire ...
Clashes with sense and sensibilities ...
A line to be drawn ...
Decisions to be taken ...
Silence to be maintained ...
So that you don't hurt anyone ...
Anymore ...
You don't hurt Anymore.

Culling what you want ...
Uproot the desires ...
Pour acid over wants ...
Pluck the feather of feelings out ...
Knocking the head off ...
In one stroke ... all gone ...
Nothing left ...
To turn back upon ...
All ties severed ...
So all can live in peace ...
Be at peace yourself ...
So be it attitude ...
Kill the very desire ...
That makes you human ...
Kill all feelings ...
Cull the devil ...
Nip it in the bud.

Culling the desire ...

Friday, May 16, 2014

The way out ...

The way out is the way in too ...
No two ways about it ...
Just the path ...
Carving new boundaries...
Setting new goals

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Setting sail again ...

Unfurling the sails ...
Tying the knots ...
Gearing up for yet another ...
Brutal journey in the Tempest ...
I slip on the life jacket over my head ...
Onto my torso ...
Sticking the velcro together tight ...
I look at the unending horizon ...
I know there is an Island ...
Somewhere out there ...
Waiting to be discovered.

I push my rickety wooden yacht ...
Out into the deep blue Sea ...
Mind and matter left behind ...
A new life to lead.

There in the vast blue Sea ...
Under the vast blue Sky ...
The scorching Sun ...
Burning my skin ...
I still am happy in my solitude.

The gulls keep me company ...
The accompanying dolphins dance to my tunes ...
It ain't so bad on your own ...
When you set sail to conquer self.

A never ending journey ...
From one realm to another ...
A life full of anecdotes ...
To share on foreign lands ...
Throwing anchor in new terrains ...
Watching life elsewhere ...
I know I have truly arrived ...
When I set sail again.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Hurting ...

Yes , she is hurting ,,,
Not because he used and left her ... But, she the good friend ...
Was the precursor of it all ...
And, stepped back rather ...
Than being there for her ...
A cowardly move ...
By a friend , she vouched for always.

The hurt made her hard ...
Bitter and foul mouth ...
Spewing venom at them all ...
The hurt swelling in size ...
Enveloping all in its wake ...
A Tsunami of sorts ...
That swept their World away.

Her hurt knows no bounds ...
She caged herself to get over the aches and pains...
A bleary World to be ensconced in ...
Doubting all approaches ...
Deleting relations ...
Shrinking in her cocoon ...
She watches silently ...
She hurts in silence.

A life once again trampled upon ..
A feeling distorted ...
Faith in friendship shaken ...
She hurts for the treachery left her shaken within.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Worlds Apart ... Ground Reality!

We were born Worlds apart ...
Different settings,
Different environment...
What brought us together?
what destiny had in mind?
Bringing together people poles apart ...
In stature...
In societal standing ...
Yet, bringing them together ...
To bring forth bad blood .......
Bad timing ...
Maybe the parcel landed...
In the wrong place.

An unnerving experience ...
To be stalked by a Psycho ...
Believing it was love ...
Finally discovering ...
It was just a mirage ...
And, one is better off without them ...
And their idiosyncrasies ...
And their bipolar disorder.

In the nick of time ...
The angel saved her ...
Else, she too would have been...
One of the victims...
A mental wreck ...
He wreaks havoc on others and their emotions....
No wonder ..
He has to drown in liquor each day ...
To kill his inner demons ...
A loveless childhood ...
Strife with trauma ...
A gift he gives now to his progeny.

Sad truth ...
But, fact remains ...
They were Worlds apart ...
It is best to forget that chapter ...
As a bad dream ...
Close the book on him ..
And, walk away ...
Than God for small mercies ...
Eyes opened at the right time ...
Not much damage done ....
But, pity the ones that keep...
Their eyes closed to reality ...
Ground Reality!

Saturday, April 26, 2014

He reads her yet ...

He's gone .. long ago ...
Yet, he reads me ...
Reads me voraciously like ...
A bookworm inhabits the world of literature ...
Yet , he hides his face ...
For he knows...
He has erred and ...
There is no coming back ...
Into the folds of warmth and leisure ..
For, a cold winter has swept over....
What was once a Green paradise ...
A Shangrila destroyed ...
By his silliness....
A dream swept away by his mistakes.

He reads her, yet ....
There is a pause  in what he sees...
There is pain ...
Yet, he is helpless...
For she shall die but ...
Let him enter the bastions of her shielded Castle.

Behind those walls ...
Engulfing her persona ...
She feels safe ...
From the prying eyes of the predatory Wolves ...
She is in a World ...
Created by her fantasies ...
A beautiful World...
Untouched by another ...
A cocoon she has woven around her ...
She writes ...
For him ...
But, never waiting for his return.

He reads her ...
He writhes in pain ...
Turning in his grave ...
He screams her name out ...
She hears it ...
But, doesn't move an inch ..
She flicks her hair from her face ..
And, moves on ...
Penning her way into her fantasies.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

उसकी कायनात की मिल्कियत ...

उसकी कायनात की मिल्कियत है वो ...
उसकी जिंदादिली की हरकत है वो...
है वो कोई और नहीं ...
उसके अन्दर की आवाज़ है वो...
अपने दिल के बादशाह की मिल्कियत है वो ...
किसी की कनीज़ नहीं ...
अपने आप में रज़िया है वो|

किसी की राह का पत्थर नहीं...
अपने में मस्त आदम है वो...
अपने बादशाह की रज़िया है वो....
किसी की मिल्कियत नहीं ...
अपने बुल्लेशाह की कायनात की ...
जीती जागती मिसाल है वो|

कोई रोक नहीं सकता ...
उसके अन्दर उठे उफान को...
सरफ एक बांध है ...
जो उस्की राह रोक सके ....
और कोई नहीं ....
अपने खुदा की खुदाई है वो...
अपने बादशाह की रिहाई है वो|