Sunday, February 9, 2014

असमंजस का माहौल

सीमाहीन अनंत आकाश ..
उसमें उड़ते पंछी ...
उन्हें क्यूँ उन्मुक्तता प्रदान की?
हम परिंदे धरती के ...
हर पल जीते मरते हैं ...
क़ैद हमारी मंजिल है ...
हम क्यूँ नहीं जीते हैं?

आशा निराशा का मंजर...
दर्शाता है असमंजसता का माहौल...
सब परेशां ...
सब नादान ...
उलझनों से घिरे ...
किसी अपने की तलाश नें...
कोई नहीं सुखी यहाँ ...
हर एक दिल ...
ग़म पाल रहा बड़ा...
हर आँख ढूँढती किनारा ...
साहिल न मंजिल ...
कुछ भी तो नहीं दीखता...
गहरी खाई न ओर न छोर ...
बस एक अँधेरी गुफा..
राह ढून्ढ कर जाना है|

असमंजस परेशां इंसान ...
चहूं और स्याह सन्नाटा है ...
कोई नहीं ठिकाना है ...
कहीं नहीं इसे जाना है ...
असमंजसता का माहौल ...
सब परेशां परेशां दिख रहे|

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Just Like That #JLT

Everything was hunky dory ...
Life was going on smoothly ...
The nest was in place neat and tidy ...
JUST LIKE THAT one day ....
A sudden wind swept it all away ...
Just like that a home disappeared ...
And, ruins appeared ...
Just like that innocent eyes became ice cold ....
Just like that humanity was lost ...
And, a cold heart appeared ...
Just like that she walked away into the unknown ...
The oblivion engulfing her ...
The shadows swallowing her...
Just like that she was lost forever.

She emerged one fine day just like that ...
Out of nowhere ...
But, it wasn't her former self ....
This time round what came forth was ...
A person with a mind of her own ...
An incorrigible truant mind ...
That hated men just like that.
Thence none escaped her volatility ...
None could garner the courage to face her ...
She was the She devil ...
That crushed the men who hurt the innocent...
She was the Messiah of the weak ...
A title she got ...

Whatever she did ...
She did Just Like That.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

The River of No Return ...

Splashes of water ...
Against the boat ...
Down the River ...
Life moves on ...
Stifling the sobs ...
She moves further ahead ...
Towards the mast ...
The River of no Return ....
Beckons her to her ...
She turns around ...
No one at the shore ...
None waiting for her ...
All lost to ravages of time ...
A stoic resolve in her heart ....
She moves further down the Boat...
Free of her desires ..
Free from any inhibitions ...
She moves further ..
Her hair windswept ...
A disheveled look ...
She takes the plunge ...
Swims with the current ...
Like a Mermaid of the River ...
A beautiful scene ...
River dolphins giving her company ...
She moves down the river ...
Swimming like a fish ...
Taking to the water ...
She moves towards the Ocean ...
In the Ocean ...
She disappears ...
Having found her place ...
She surrenders herself to the Mighty Sea.

She is lost to mankind ...
Having found her place ...
Via the River of no Return ...
In the vastness of the Ocean.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The beginning of something new ...

Everyday is a new dawn ...
A new beginning to look forth to ...
A new consideration.

This might be the something new ...
It wouldn't be ...
But we are all always keen ...
That it works out.

Discarding the old takes time ...
Moving on to a new platform ...
Takes time ...
Welcoming the new is a process ...
Something that leads ...
To apprehension ...
A sense of Deja'Vu ...
Of having been there ...
Done that ...
Yet moving on.

The beginning of something new ..
A new bond to be forged.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Adjustments ...

Life has been all about adjustments. Adjust to the new locale. Adjust to the new family. Adjust to peoples whims and fancies. This is just too much. How many adjustments to make . Always the one that relents . Right!

No more!

Enough of adjusting to please others. Time to take charge of one's life and just live it the way it ought to be lived on one's own terms and conditions.

No time to spare for others needs. Time for yourself. For work that makes you smile. Time just for yourself , your space .... your life.

I don't think I need to make adjustments anymore.... Time I moved on and my life too moved on.

Damn! Why , am I born as a Woman ?

Why do we have to make sacrifices always?

Why adjustments are expected of us ?

Friday, January 24, 2014

Leather bound Feelings ...

Verses written in blood ...
Red clotted blood ...
Brethren of the kind ...
\WE have our life in scripts ...
In Leather bound books.

Feelings caged within ...
The flesh and blood of life ...\
Cravings of a meaner kind ...
We get on with our lives ...
Not withstanding the hail ...
Showers of the hard mind.

The Devil lurks in the shadows ...
A mirth in his eyes ...
A grin on his face ..
Joy abounds in his heart ...
Somewhere someone being looted ...
The robbers hidden in bushes ...
Pouncing upon a sacred heart ...
Feelings bound in Leather.

A woman dies every moment ...
Her vanity is torn apart...
She grows in leaps and bounds ..
Feelings trapped within ...
She dies an unheard of death ...
With Leather bound feelings.

Why the anarchy ?
Why the shame?
Why the meaning of life hidden ...
In Leather bound feelings?

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Never ever ...

I get upset always ...
Yes, I am jealous ...
I can't see you conversing with another ...
Yes, I am possessive...
I Love you ...
I set you free ...
As it hurts me to see you with another ...
I will always love you ...
But ...
I can't bear to share you with another.

Never, never, never ever...

How do I forget ...
You mean a lot to me ...
You just you ...
No one else ever ...
Never ever...

On my way to Awesomeness ...

Well, well , well!
I am on my way to glory ...
A glory I seek ...
I seek to fulfill and make my own ...
On my way to Awesomeness ...
A greatness I feel ...
My friend, Philosopher, Guide ...
You filled my mind with a purpose...
My Partner...
You compliment me.

I am on my way to a place ...
Where I know ...
I shall glow ...
Bask in the Sunshine ...
Play with words ...
Reach the peak ...
You are making it possible for me ...
I am grateful to you...
For you bring the beast to light ...
You have controlled me with your words ...
You mean a hell of a lot to me ...
If you ever look intently ...
You shall see the light of love in my eyes ...
A love people seek all the time ...
But, I keep entrapped within ...
I shall never let you know ...
How much I love you ...
For I don't want to lose you ...
You mean a lot to me...
That is what matters...
Your presence ...
For when I work ...
I think of you ...
Whether you would approve of my actions ...
When I listen to music ...
It's you I think of all the time.

On my way to Awesomeness ...
Am glad you are by my side ...
But, of course ...
Oblivious of my feelings for you.

I Love you...
Is all I want to convey Now ...
You make me dream ...
You guide me to achieve ...
I set sail again ...
Under your watchful eyes ...
The bond becoming ...
Ever stronger with each passing moment.

I Love You.