Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Intrigued ...

She is Intrigued ...

Yeah! By her innate ability to con myself in to believing all the lies people tell. How can someone be so naive to believe anyone , let alone  a stranger.

People come and people move on. They take what they came for , leaving behind a bleeding herat and she bleeds herself to death. Why can't she ever realize, all human bondage is just bondage and nothing else ... no feelings should be assigned to bondage else it hurts. Just like them, she ought to just Use and Throw. Why harbour feelings for strangers not meant to be? Nah! She will never learn. For she grew up differently. An upbringing that taught her to live and let live. Give people a chance to prove them all wrong. She grew up hurting always , never learnt her lessons well. She hurts, evermore; testing her capacity to hold on to hurt; checking the threshold limit of her pain.

A woman who lost everything to destiny , destitute in her forlorn World; she eggs on ahead, searching peace... not written in her pursuit of happiness.

They say her fate card holds no name close to her; they say her fate is a blank; They say she is meant to spread humanness, and drink all sorrows of the World. Silently, she sips on others pain and gives the nectar of love and compassion; dissolving into the oblivion, she marches on in every direction seeking pain ; her fuel for sustenance , her destiny ... PAIN!

She watches children drenched in rain, gives her umbrella to them; they think she is a maverick from whom to gain. She looks at trembling women in Winter and gives off her cardigan, herself bracing cold and chilly walks, yet her warmth securing other homes.

She is the unsung Hero of her life's story, she is the muse of many. For she embodies truth and frank feelings, blunt cutting edge pain yet a truth none can deny.

INTRIGUED is the World with her unabashed display of longing for love. Intrigued they all remain!!!

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Anomalies in Love ..

You research on Anomalies in Heat Capacity ...
Try some research on your Heart  Capacity...
The love consummated in the Heat of the moment...
Those nights spent till dawn ...
Fawning over love all night long.
The capacity of your Heart and the heat of the moment ...
The Anomaly in the Love it brought about.

The Truth you couldn't take...
Yet falsifying your own existence ...
The anomaly in your feelings ..
The Anomaly of your thoughts.

The Anomaly in our Love ...
Is your Cowardice ...
Which you cover up in guise so vile ...
People think you are kind ....
Not knowing your real Kind.

Yet, the wo,an loves you for your mind ..
Caste , creed , age no bar ...
She waits upon your anomalies to discard.

The love you promised her ...
Your outstretched arms ...
Ready to embrace her ...
Anomalies in arms.

Intensity of Love ...

The love he showered upon her has become a curse. She can't forget him , neither can she forgive him his decision.

The intensity that sparked the relationship remains but the partners shrivelled in their shells of human intentness and a sociology of caste, creed and myths.

The myth he believes in and follows yet when it comes to him he continues his spam yet when it comes to her he invokes societal pressure and his conscience.

He can say and be what he wants to; but when it comes to her, she ought to be pure and true. Her true self showing but his lies intense and perpetrating foolhardy at his own fakeness not withstanding. What double standards!

He is allowed his mask but not her. Why?

The Intensity with which he showered his love upon her; where has it gone? She waits for him to realise his mistake and return. He waits for her death. For she has seen his vulnerability. A witness to his real self. He can't let her escape his bloody claws yet stares deep down her heart to vilify her.

Her love for him shall remain as words for all to read. For her love was true and stands true even today. she destroys herself each moment dying a thousand deaths in his memory.

On the path to destruction she only finds more hearts ready for her intense love; she thwarts them all, waiting for him, pining for him is her fate. Her fate is the coffin she sees in her dreams ; made of deep red roses and white lillies. She smells death every moment ... she whiles her time waiting for death.

That is the intensity of love .... destroying what belongs only to him for him, in his memories. She shall die with his name upon her lips and tattooed on her heart. Her embalmed body waiting forever for him to consign her to flames.

There lies the beauty, the Beast of night confined her, chained her in his love , stuck to his name and deeds ; she lies there stoic in her silence yet words speak volumes in her statements here.

The intensity of love ... miles apart yet so near. Two hearts living yet dead forever.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Stuck between the Devil & The Deep Blue Sea ...

The Devil is the one I love ...
The deep blue Sea is where I am drowning in ...
Stuck between the decision to stay put ...
Or, move on.

Why do I love the Devil?
Why do I wait upon him?
Why? Oh, Why do I suffer?
Why do I make myself so vulnerable?

He pretends he doesn't care...
But, deep down he does....
So what if he is the Devil...
I know he loves me like no other.

He is hurting for the words I spake....
My words hurt him a lot ...
I am hurting too ..
So, I am killing myself by the second ...
Each moment , my last ...
Then I shall be gone forever ...
Then what shall he miss?
Nothing amiss but my words ...
My sanity lost ..
I search him ....
Insanity my bane ...
A curse so banal ...
I writhe in pain each moment.

Stuck between the devil and the deep blue sea ...
I am lost in an oblivion ...
Oblivious of the shame ...
My words bring upon me.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Once again... The wings are eager to spread out ...

Like the Albatross,
Wing spanning far and wide ...
I rise ...
Soaring high in the sky ...
Amongst the clouds...
Gliding down to Earth.

The wing spanning ....
Crooked moutains ,
Desseret areas
.... Rivers na shallow brooks ..
Grns and petakThat;s me ... al mine

Buss kuch hai ri kahani ..
lambi kahan ...
sunn lo yoj safar kutt jayegg

Monday, November 25, 2013

The Story as it goes ...

The saga began a long time ago ....
Never to end ...
Each time a different tale to tell ....
Each time a different story to begin ....
The story as it goes ....
Is the story of love ....
A journey that never ends.

The main Character stays ...
The others ...
They play their part and leave ...
All return at various intervals ...
Only to be thwarted ...
The advances turned a blind eye to ...
For they gave up their roles.

A story begins ...
Sometimes in Winter ...
Sometimes in Spring ...
At times during Monsoons ...
And, almost everyday.

Love never ends ...
It comes in full bloom ...
Different hues and colours each time ...
But, never ends.

A new lover each time ...
A new meaning to the word Love ...
But, never Lust ...
Pure and simple Love ...
With a twist each time.

For there are flowers ...
Of different colours and fragrance ...
We love them all ...
Prefer a  few ...
Love is the same .....
A Flower...
Each time different.

The Story ...
My Love story is nothing new ...
Yet it is different ....
 A ladder step at a time ...
Miles of yarn ...
Storeys of a building to climb ...
A new web spun of words ...
Catharsis and pain ...
Yet a new gain each time ...
A new experience.

The Story as it goes ...
Ages with mildew and time ...
My time on Earth ...
Worthwhile while it lasts.

The Professor of Science ...
Loveth the Professor of Words and verses ...
He knows not what else to do ...
So peeps in from to time.
That's the power of True Love ...
Our Love Story ...
The saga continues.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

The French Connection ....

Aromatic breads, buns, cakes and pies ........

My French Connection is all about ................
Passion, Pride and Justice .

A long story, forgotten ...
But a new one written ...
Love you My French Man ...
Love you Professor .

Friday, November 22, 2013

His Pain ...

His pain ...
It makes it impossible to move on ...
His rantings on love lost ...
Make the heart sad ...
My love lost amidst the chaos of confusion ...
He my love is saddened by the fact ...
That I left him...
Whereas the blatant truth is ...
I never left ...
He found happiness elsewhere.
I waited that night ...
I wait still ...
The night never ended ...
But, yes one life ended ..
A woman never became herself again ...
She lost track of time ...
Her goals and aspirations ...
She remains sozzled in wine and liquor ...
Hallucinogens to keep her company ...
For what she lost was not just love ...
She lost her Self Esteem.

Her dreams ...
Her hope ...
Her love ...
 Lost forever ...
But, most important ...
Her trust and faith gone ...
She walks around as though a Ghost ..
A pale version of a beauty that has faded ...
Into the oblivion.

His pain...
She has taken upon herself ...
She hurts herself each day ...
She dies a thousand deaths  each day ...
She lives no more ...
She exists. Period.