Sunday, December 2, 2012

Run the race ...

Run... . Run as fast as you can ....This is a race you ought to win .... Dunno how many more moments you are gonna live .. live those moments in ecstasy ... a life filled with happiness and joy .... No regrets ,,,, never look back ... Catch up on lost time .... live ... Just live .... Run .... Sprint across the field ....But don't take short cuts ... do it on your own mettle .... You have it in you to be the best and maintain the position always ... all you need to do is keep pace with the fast moving life .... just keep moving .... brisk steps .... take in the smells wafting throughout the path ... from homes.... from gardens of fresh leaves in spring ... dry leaves in autumn .... the fresh chilled air of winter.... The smell of the soil from the first rain .... the smell of babies ... the little nuances of life that make a big difference .... Catch up on life ... There is life beyond the four walls .... Jump over the fence .... Roll on the grass... look behind the hedge .... you will find life everywhere .... I found life in every sphere and walk .... I am deeply satisfied ... a satiated feeling ....  a feeling of being full .... I embraced life and life embraced me.

Run the race but don't take short cuts ... go the whole winding pathway.... jog along the ocean .... walk by the river .... soak in the mist of the hills ... Just go ... leave the humdrum of hectic fast paced life behind you and mingle with natures best ... You are made to enjoy life .... celebrate life ... procreate and be happy .... not feeling brazen or barren but fertile and young ... full of life.

Run .... Enjoy the rhythm of your heart beat ... enjoy life ... the music of the chirping of birds ... flight of the Albatross.... wing spanned high and low .... the sweet smell of the ocean breeze .... Enjoy it ....feel it ... Plunge in... swim away into the horizon ... coz' that is your destiny .... melt away into the Sunset .... The next dawn welcoming the mortal left behind .... The gulls hovering above ... but the soul merged into eternity.

That's life well lived ... On my own terms.

Kissa Khatam ... No ways ...

Picture toh abhi baaki hai mere dost .... Kissa khatam nahi hua hai ... woh Geet ab bhi meri zubaan se nikalte hain ... Jo tum gungunatey thei.

Chehra badal jaata hai ... par andaaz wohi purana hai.

Kissa khatam nahi ... shuru hua hai ... ek lambe safar ka .... kahani ek aurat ki ... uski munhzubaani.

No ways can you just go away and let the one who hurt you live happily .... Your story is still untold ... a mystery ... make your stand clear ... prove that you were innocent ... a victim of the evil mind.

Kissa yuun hi khatam na karna ... Picture abhi baki hai ... No way are you going to keep quiet ... apney alfaz sunao .. apne geeton se apni kahani batao.

Know your mind ...

Know your mind and keep the faith.... That's the path of success. Know what you desire and gun for it ... full steam ahead..... Full throttle in the engine .... Just Go for it ... With a clean heart and clear conscience. Life is all about taking risks ... Just take the plunge ... Rest will be history written by your actions.

Know the road to self redemption... no self pity .. Pious thoughts and a faith that cannot be defeated.... Faith in yourself and your ability to overcome any obstacle in your path ... Just do it. You will find peace .... Inner Peace.

It's not about you only .... It's about the people who are in your lives ... Your actions affect them too. Take onus of what you did ... Right or wrong ... Just do it.

Note the peace that surrounds your being and your World when you let go and travel with the wind ... It's a beautiful feeling ... let go ... leave everything behind and move forward .... you have to tarvel a lot ... this is not a full stop ... there is lots ahead. Just do it.

Knowing what you want is the Mantra of your times.... Know your mind ... Your heart .. Rest all will follow suit. Just do it.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Jab bhi jee chahey ...

Jab bhi jee chahey nayi duniya basa lete hain log ....
Ek chehrey pe kai chehre laga lete hain log ....

Whew! What an observation .. First hand observation of false lives led by people seeking material lustful pleasure elsewhere discarding what they have in their kitty.

Some people have everything yet are so empty ... their lives suck coz' they don't wanna merge with what they have been gifted with .... They just throw it all away for material pleasure ... momentary lust that deepens their unhappiness and sends them reeling into depression.

It's never too late to pick up the threads of your life and start all over again with your OWN family rather than seek momentary pleasure elsewhere. Don't give up on your treasures for fake smiles and fake concerns. Have a mind of your own ... It is easier to advise ... but, when you have been through life's ups and downs, it is really easy to write so that others learn from your mistakes and undo what they have ruined so far.

Do not fake a smile ... Do not wear a mask ... Why hide your face behind a thousand masks? No need ... if you are a strong person .... come out in the open and declare all you wanna say ... not behind masks and sly statements.

Enjoy life ... but responsibly.

An open mind with closed eyes ....

Yeah I guess ... Give people a chance to prove themselves innocent .... Keep my eyes closed and my mind open ... Guess this is the name of the game called LIFE.

Refrain from moulding into someone else's image ... be original be yourself ... Let the World go take a walk.

Walk alone ... Best .... after all we all come alone and go alone ... Sunrise to Sunset.

Munching the munchies ... filled in a jar of cookies ... watching movies et al., Life is one big joke .... take it or leave it ... a satire on you yourself ... a comedy of errors ... sometimes a catch 22 situation .... The hardcore reality of life.... Inner peace is what everyone seeks ... Seek it with an open mind and closed eyes.

Ever tried blowing your own hard earned money off on others? It's a great feeling .... GIVING without EXPECTATIONS. Expectations kill the joy of giving ...

Life's like that ... at times a bed of roses and sometimes a path of thorns ... just leave everything and move on ... one is not here to please them all ... just collect all your baggage; sort what is needed and take it .... trash the extra baggage bogging you down ... behind you in a heap ... a pile of garbage ... you just move on with the essentials.

In short, keep an open mind and closed eyes .... seek inner peace.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Woman ... Unplugged ...

That's every woman ... Unplugged ... Unheard of ... You need to dig deep within to find her .... every one doesn't get this opportunity ... when you get it ... respect the woman who opens up to you... coz' she has put all on the anvil for you ... her home ... her family .. her life ... If she openly admits her love for you ... Don't hurt her feelings ... it may have been a game for you ... a passtime ... not for her... When a woman gives ...She gives her whole and complete self.

Don't use a woman for your trivial pursuits ... you will go home ... But, she would have lost her home and mind for you. Mind it ... Do not use a woman for your ulterior motives ... her love will be good but her anger irrevocable ... You shall hurt more than her.

This goes for every man ... That has ever loved a woman ... never hurt a woman ... It HURTS to be hurt and lied to.... To be used and left high and dry.

This is from every woman ... Unplugged and open ... Steer clear ... Don't come near if your intentions are unclear.

Dilemma ... Whom to choose?

Well, Human mind and emotions, a complex network of nerve wracking situations ... Glitches that lead to nothingness... hitches that end up being a mess... Just a pile of nerves ... lots happening and nowhere to go. How can one choose between this and that? I can't, I won't... I want the end of both the Worlds.... this World and the dark underworld ... the Crazy and the Evil .... There is no question of choosing ..... It is all about matters of the heart ... You can't separate the heart from the body ... Neither the brain .... One would be lifeless without either of them ... so one is my heart and the other my brain ... Don't ask who is who.... they are a part of me and there is no parting ... Just plain and simple, a clear understanding ... I would be  lost without them.

Friends are what we all crave for. Good friends ... dependable friends ... Who aren't around but yet are a part of your support system .. psychological backup ... your punching bags ..... You have never met them bt they are always with you ... day in and day out. They need not be around all the time, but when the need arises they never back out. This is what true friendship is all about.

So, no DILEMMA.... None to choose. Both are dear to me and shall remain so. My crazy duos ... my Satanic friends ... Naughty Devils ... No jealousy here ... Just plain camaraderie .... My comrades in Arms (Literally). Words bind us together ... Funny satirists... Comic personas... Our words bind us in a melee' that cannot be set apart.

My comic, joking and funny friends ... They bring a smile on my face ... The rest of the World wonders why I smile and laugh .... Just like that ... Nah,  the thought of my duo makes me grin from ear to ear.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

A Perfect Woman ...

A Perfect Woman ...
What defines her?
What sets her apart?
What brings that glow on her face?
What is her Name?
My name is her Name...
I belong to the genre' of The Perfect Woman ...
I epitomise her ...
I make her what she is...
I am every woman who thinks she is perfect ...
Coz' flaws are in the eyes of the society ...
Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.
When you read this ...
Feel like a woman ...
Be the woman that you are ...
And feel absolutely perfect.
Do not let the bane ...
Of being born a woman ...
Bog you down ....
You are the Creator's best yet...
You are Man's worst nightmare ...
A mare that can change the way of the stallion ...
A mere woman ....
That can launch a thousand ships ....
Can cause dynasties to fall apart ...
Can bring the downfall of Governments ...
One word outta your lips ....
The World will be lapping ...
Every word you speak thence.
A perfect Woman you are ....
Chiseled and carved out of ivory ...
Pearly glow your features revel in ...
Silky skin your forte'...
Then why despair ...
Just show your countenance ...
For you are the very word of the Light ...
The Light in which all merge ...
When they are done with their Worldly desires.
Your chipped remains ....
Glow in the dark ...
The path you take ...
Meandering and long ...
Full of mazes ... Yet ...
You carry forth your torch ...
To set ablaze the trail of Truth.
You are a Perfect Woman ...
I am a Perfect Woman ...
Know your self worth ...
Not to hop on the band wagon ....
Of the desolate souls from the underworld....
You are meant to rise from your ashes ...
Rise and soar high ....
For you are the Phoenix ....
The Bird of Paradise ...
A myth for some...
A dream for some ....
A nightmare for some ....
But you are someone....
Perfect in your features ....
Your shadow becoming you ...
Your contours the delight ...
Your eyes shone the light.
A Perfect Woman you are ....
A Perfect Woman I am.