Saturday, October 13, 2012

Phir Hera Pheri.....

Stop the nonsense ...
If you don't stop ...
Don't blame anyone for the consequences....
You shall face ...
Phir HERA pheri mat kar ...
You will burn ...
Your entire world will burn in hell ...
And, you will be responsible for it ...
So, stop peeping ....
Peek a Boo ain't my style ....
Only people who are insecure do that....
Your world is entirely different from mine ...
Don't ever try stepping into mine...
You shall BURN.
What you have ..
Be content and happy with IT....
IT ain't mine to ask for ...
IT ceased to exist when your existence was known ...
So ... Steer clear of my path ....
Else, I shall burn everything you have with just one whisper...
Then, you will have nothing but ashes to play with.

Relax ... Don't Stress yourself ...

Relax ...
Don't stress yourself ....
I don't play with broken and used toys....
That TOY you are so stressed about ....
Is YOURS and not MINE to keep or think about....
So, just relax and enjoy some good time making your family.

My Love Story ...

My Love Story ....
Played and replayed over and over again ...
All the time ...
Only the characters change all the time ...
The protagonist remains the same ....
ME..... The central character ...
Around whom the story revolves...
From whom it starts and ends ....
The rest of the characters keep coming and going ....
Some pop up in all the love stories ...
Some just fade away.... into the oblivion ...
Some return as the ghosts of the past ....
But, return they all do.
It isn't a one in many case....
It happens in everyone's life ....
Some say it all ... like me ...
Some aren't as candid as I am.....
Social taboos and what not ...
Inhibitions ...
Everyone goes through the same sort of life ...
Only some stories become legends...
Some just disappear without a sigh.
We are all not made the same way....
So, we exhibit our emotions in different manners...
Some are rough and furious....
Some docile and numb.
My Love Story ...
Told and retold ...
In different formats ...
In different posts ....
My way of living life ...
All so different yet so similar to all.
Lessons for some to learn .....
Learning lessons from some time to time....
It's all about how you grasp it ...
How the wordsmith weaves the stories....
How one man's loss has been ...
Another's victory ...
The journey of a woman ....
Through thick and thin ....
Through tumultuous rivers....
And, rough terrains....
But, a journey to remember ....
And, to learn from.
We all have stories to tell ....
We all have legends to read about ...
This is one ... in times to come ....
People will speak .....
They do discuss....
Some scorn my openness...
Others pity my situations...
But, that's all momentary ...
What remains  is ...
My Love Story ....
Each time .... A different one....
Each time ..... A unique way to celebrate my learning ...
Each time .... A new person to talk about.
My Love Story ...

In a world where ....

I am deeply ensconed in a world where no harm comes to me....
I am safe in my world ...
Away from prying eyes ....
Away from evil eyes ...
I am happy ...
If that is how happiness is defined.

In a world where there is no feelings left ...
In a world full of inhumanness...
In a world rife with strife ...
I am safe behind the frigid exterior I portray.

If the state of no action in life is happiness...
I am the happiest person alive ...
No action ....Just living ....
Mechanically doing all my jobs ...
Commitments being fulfilled .....
All for what ....
Nothing at all.
At the end of it all....
We are alone ...
Everyone is.....
No one shall remember you .....
Only certain occasions ....
But you won't be missed at all.

In a world ...
Where men sell themselves and their loved ones ...
You can't expect anything ...
Have no expectations ...
Just keep moving ...
There is a lot to be discovered ...
Lots to be done....
But, not for others....
For yourself ...
When was the last time you did something to make....
Your own world a better place to live in?

Friday, October 12, 2012

Life worth living for ...

Every life is worth living ...
Whether in palatial bungalows ....
Or matchbox flats ....
Make life worth living for.

The wheels of time ...
They go up and down ...
Just like the rhyme ....
Wheels of the bus go up and down ...
Same way the events in life happen...
An upheaval here and there ...
Some downfalls here and there ...
But, life goes on ...
And, it should be worth its weight in gold....
So, to the shards of a broken heart ....
Say gleefully....
Make your life worth living for ...
Go on... lead a happy and eventful life.

Make your life worth living for ...
Make yourself proud.

Bling, Bling...

Bling was all she was about ...
Bracelets and necklaces ....
Rings and ear rings...
Looked good on her ...
Bling, bling ...

Then, came a day when all that bling wasn't worth looking at ....
Nothing mattered ...
All the bling was removed ...
She shaved her head ...
And, walked away ....
In the moonlight ....
Her silhoutte...
A dark shadow ...
Moving away from humanness...
A bald figure ...
Luminous in her own light ....
The blings done away with ...
No more shining armour ...
But a glow upon the face that once smiled ...
No more smiling...
Just a harsh look ....
People say, She is very stern ...
She says, so be it ....
I don't care.

To untrained eyes....
She seems like a frigid ice maiden ..
Trained eyes... make out ...
The pain in those eyes...
The faint smile she gives ...
A shadow of a wide grin of her past.
She is a terror...
Walking, talking terror...
People run away from her presence ...
Lest she devour them with her harsh words...
She is divine ...
Yet, destructible....
She is the ultimate truth....
But, an unsaid, unwritten poem ...
About to be unfurled bud of rose...
A bleeding Red Rose.

Bling, bling ... All gone ... in the blink of an eye.

Some lessons in life ....

We must hurt in order to grow,
Fail in order to know,
Lose in order to gain ....Some lessons in life ...
Are best learnt through pain.

Life moves on ....
People left behind...
New friends made ....
Newer places visited......
New ventures to think about.

So much to outgrow ...
So much to leave behind....
But, leave behind we must ...
In order to grow....
Yes, lots to miss out on ...
But, go on we must too.

Some lessons in life are learnt the hard way ...
Nah... all the lessons in life are learnt the hard way...
It's fun ... when you think of the past ...
Wow! The mistakes we make ...
Laugh at your own foolhardiness...
No more Tomfoolery you say to yourself ...
And, still you end up making a new mistake again.

No hard feelings ...
Just a tad bit hard heart ...
For some time ....
Till you make another mistake ....
Else one wouldn't be called Human.

Some lessons in life ...
Some beautiful unforgettable moments...
Some moments you can let go of....
Not letting them entwine in the neural pathway ...
Just let the toxins out and move on.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

My wild side ,,,

See me shopping ....
I go wild .....
Hoarding the best of clothes and shoes ....
That I am never gonna wear....
Am a hopeless romantic....
So everytime I fall in love ....
A new wardrobe is selected and bought....
My designers catch their head and sit tight ....
Strange outfits ....
Stranger colours....
No bling...
Plain Jane but Royal dresses....
Beige ... lightpink...cream... black.,,,purple and grey.....
Long flowing anarkalis... Churidars.... chinese collar.....
My trademark.... shawl or stole on one shoulder.... Radhika style ...designers say for the mannequins...
Good fun ... my wild side ... which tries to hide the pain within by buying stuff and keeping it in polybags.

Shoes..... my weakness ... wedges and stilettos...
Catharsis ... wedges ...heels.....
Money blown away....
Am happy.
My wild side ....