Tuesday, October 9, 2012

No one ...

No one has challenged anyone ...
Nor insinuations made ...
A question about identity was asked....
Coz' you were following the person in question ....
Why follow?
And, what I write at any given time is the state of mind I am in....
If I am bugged ...
It reflects ...
And everybody is at the receiving end ...
Not just one person ...
So no offence ought to be taken ....
That is why WE separated....
My Anger knows no bounds ....
And, anyone who has been around knows ...
It is a short outburst ....
But destroys Worlds.

I have never blamed anyone else ...
My shortcoming is my ANGER....
My anger is something...
I can do nothing about .....
Poor Kids.... imagine their plight ...
They are right there suffering each day....
Just like others...
The day their wings are strong enough ...
Even they will fly away ....
I shall not cry ...
For I know ...
It will happen one day...
They are just biding their time....
Just like others who left.
I need no one around me ...
I am better left alone ..
Alone ...
My World has many possibilities ...
Many promises ...
Many dreams ....
I need no one.
Neither do I dream of growing old...
Only living till the birds fly away from the Nest ...
Then I shall release the soul (If any left)...
And leave the mortal remains behind.
My words are my legacy to my flock ....
Nothing else.
No one needs to feel sad....
My words are my outpourings...
YOU are not the target ....
NO ONE is ....
I am me ...
And, that is how I live my life ....
Everyone has a demon to fight with ....
I have no demons to fight with ...
But, my ANGER....
Which is worse than cancer....
It has no CURE.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Charity begins from home...

It's so easy to be a philanthropist these days ...
It is so easy to say ...
I did so and so ...
But, you did all for Others ...
What did you do for your own?
When they were struggling ...
Their heads barely bobbing on the surface of a rough ocean ....
Where were you?
Charity begins from home ...
Don't term it as charity though ...
Responsibility ...
Where were your strong shoulders....
When the fledglings were still learning to walk ?
Where were you ...
When they most needed you?
You weren't there....
Yo are not there....
You are but a ghost of the past ....
A memory ....
How can they ever respect you ..
Someone who pledged his life to the nation ...
But, forsook his own responsibilities....
This is an outburst ...
But not a cry to beg ...
We don't need nobody's charity ...
They shall never beg for it ....
They will never have to...
For as long as I live ...
I won't let them starve ...
And, when I am gone ....
They will have enough ...
And, they are capable beings ...
Who hold their heads high and walk ...
They don't need no man to man their lives...
The woman they call MOM is man enough to bring them up ...
All alone ....
She is the only MAN in this man's world ...
Who has balls.
Yes, she has the balls to stand up to anyone.....
And say .... Leave ... you are not needed here.
She doesn't need a man to tend to her flock ...
She has done it in the past....
She is still doing it ..
And, when she is no more ...
There will be enough.....
She doesn't need another man ....
To bring up HER children....
They are hers and hers alone.

Charity indeed begins from home ....
If there ever was one.

Every moment....

Every moment is a new opportunity ....
Waiting in the wings .....
Wings that take you high up in the sky ....
High ... high .... higher....
The moment to rise has arrived .....
Soar high up in the sky ....
How things change suddenly ...
Situations arise ....
Dream palaces crumble ...
Yet the sandstone ones remain...
Old is Gold.

Nonsense .....

Utter Nonsense .....
Bloody squeeze the juice outta a person ....
And, then just disappear ...
Coward, Bastard.....
That's what such men ought to be known as ...
And, referred to.
They think it's pretty manly ...
To strut their teeny tiny jelly around ...
An, feel proud of it ...
Fuck them all....
They are nothing but Mother fucking bastards out on a roll.
Nonsense .... no sense at all.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

The roses in the garden ....

The roses in the garden ....
Brought me back ....
The love and care shown ....
Melted the ice maiden ....
Such love, not to be found today ...
Rest all is just a mirage ....
Pheromones acting up ....
Hormones raging ....
Yours is true love ....
And it shows in your Garden.
She smiles through the blossoming buds...
She watches every move you make ...
She shows her presence from the colours...
Unique and beautiful in their own way.

The roses in the garden ....
Are her eyes and ears ...
They are her way of showing ....
She cares too....
You are lucky you found her ....
You found true love in her.

Can't trust anyone again ....

No Dad.....
Kukaram or not ...
Mistake was mine to trust someone ....
Suffer I must for that trust which was betrayed ...
All I know now is that ....
I can't trust anyone anymore ....
And, Society ....
I don't care a damn about it ....
It was never there ....
And, still doesn't exist for me....
People can talk ....
I don't care....
I know the truth ....
And, the Almighty knows the truth....
That is what matters ....
Mere zanaazey mein koi naa aaye ....
Kyunki yeh bhi ek dhokaa hai ...
Khaakh se bani yeh moorat ...
Ek din raakh ho jayegi ....
Uss raakh se ek aah tak naa niklegi.
But, the Phoenix has risen again from her ashes ....
To ashes she shall resign herself ....
But, not before burning the city down.
The anger within ...
Seething and raging ....
In the winds of laughter ...
It only adds fuel ...
Fuel to the anger ....
That can burn even Hell.
Hell hath no fury ...
Like the fury I own ....
It's not for me to judge anymore ...
But, for the anger within to forgive or burn them to ashes.

Can't trust anyone ...
You know me well....
Till I quench the thirst within ....
I shall not rest...
Lest something happens to me ....
I know you are there for the flock I keep.
My words keep you updated of my days...
The day they stop ...
You know the action to take ....
Open your arms and keep the sheep warm.
They are your treasures ....
Not mine to keep ...
I am but a keeper...
The keeper of your herd.

Writer's Block .............

Guess am suffering from a Writer's block ..
What with all the drugs to numb the senses....
Senses that remind one of all the mistakes....
Mistakes that ruined my life....
So, numb the feelings and move on ....
Chat with friends made new....
Resolute never to fall in love again.

Love is nothing but an illusion....
Just like this mortal being ...
Everything is an illusion ....
Just some colours splashed all around ...
By some painter sitting up there in Space......
A blockade means .....
All the colours have merged and turned black ....
Nothingness ... A blank....
Peace ......
An uneasy peace....
Writer's Block ... more apt.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Dilemma, dilemma....

It's a big dilemma....
Whether to let him go scot free ...
Or, really give him the just punishment he deserves ....
The compassionate heart says ... let go....
The justice seeking one says PUNISH him.
What do I do?

Dilemma, dilemma....
Today we are two strangers...
People till yesterday who were sweethearts....
But, that doesn't make his crime any lesser ...
Does it?
Punish or not ...
Is the dilemma....
What to do ?

Oh God! Show the way....
I can't see him in pain too...
It pains me to see him hurt...
But, .....................
Dilemma, dilemma......
Somebody tell me what is the right thing to do?
Punish or just let go ....
Let God do justice.

Dilemma, dilemma....
Need to take a decision ...
Either with pity in my heart ...
Or, a stern one to put him behind bars.

Dilemma, dilemma.