Sunday, July 29, 2012

My blood boils ....

My blood boils ....
At the thought of you...
In someone else's arms....
My blood bubbles over ....
When I see you with her.

Not right!

What you did wasn't right...
Nope, you shouldn't have ....
Now suffer.

All about giving up ...

You must have given up on me ...
I never gave up on you ...
You abandoned me ...
I never left you.

If it's all about .... Giving up ....
What did you give up for me?
I gave up everything for you.
I left everyone for you.
I did as you asked me to.
Today, am alone and you....
You are in someone else's bosom.

I never gave up on you.
You did.
You were afraid...
In your words...
You did what you did ...
As you are afraid of her...
And her manipulative ways...
You who manipulates others...
Afraid of a con woman.

Is it that you both are conning the rest....
You both are cheating the innocent?

It's all about giving up.

Friday, July 27, 2012

We thought ...

We thought he was family ....
We treated him like one ...
We loved him, adored him ...
We gave him everything ....
He just stabbed us all ...
He just used us all...
He left, never to return....
Even animals don't do that.
To term him a Dog,
Would be an insult to the canine...
For dogs are faithful...
He was just lustful...
And a stigma to the society...
By and large.

Whoosh ......

Whoosh ....
All the air was sucked out from within me ...
In one statement ....
He made me a sick woman....
A very sick woman.

"You are a mistake"...
He said ....
I looked at him....
Not a word escaped my now dry lips ...
I could hear my heart .... Thumping ...
The same sound...
I heard ... an year ago ....
When he had proposed to me ....
And, now ....
When he just disposed me .....
Used ....
Used , like a sanitary pad ...
Used and thrown into a bin.

All the air was sucked out...
I couldn't breathe ....
I gasped for air ....
I struggled hard ....
I just lay literally dead there.

A mistake....
Just a plain mistake .

I didn't want to lose you ....

I didn't want to lose you ....
He said.....
I was happy ... for a moment ...
And, then .....
The whole world came shattering down....
For the sake of BUSINESS..... He said...
I couldn't breathe ....
I lost sense of time and space ...
A void ... A black hole  opened up ...
And swallowed me.....
 I was lost forever.

I didn't want to lose you for the sake of BUSINESS....
He said....
And, many decades were added to my face.

The colour drained from my face ...
My blood dried up ...
I heard a shrill shriek deep within ....
A woman died somewhere...
I could hear the wails of mourning ....
Somewhere a dog howled ...
Logs of wood were collected ...
Somewhere a body was burnt.

The soul roams the streets of Mumbai ...
The soul cries in vain ...
The soul screams out loud ...
People say ...
They can hear her ...
Muffled cry somewhere.

I didn't want to lose you ...
But, YOU lost me forever.

Reason behind the smile ....

He was the reason behind my smile ....
Yes, he was...
Now, no more smiles ...
Just a sad look in the eyes ...
A vacant faraway look ...
The look defies happiness...
All it does is showcase ...
A pale sad face ...
A face ravaged by his treachery  ...
A face saddened by his absence...
He was the reason behind my smile ...
He was the reason for the glow on my face...
Yes, he was.

My mornings began with him ....
My days ended beside him ...
Now, when the day begins ...
And , ends... I know not...
All I know is darkness outside and within.
He was my Sunshine ...
He promised to walk into the Sunset with me ...
He isn't there now ...
I walk alone ....
Alone in the rain ...
Tears washing down my cheeks ....
Peals of laughter from World around ....
My World .... a sad story to be told.

He was the reason behind my smile ...
He is the reason behind my fake smile today.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Met the Devil ...

Met the Devil a day ago ....
He was there with his concubine ...
The duo tried to sway me...
I stood steadfast and strong ...
Strong in my conviction...
To bring justice to this world...
A far cry ...
But, a war cry.

Met the Devil and his advocate ...
Wasn't impressed nor suppressed..
Laughed at their desperate attempts...
To malign me..
To waylaid justice and the lawmakers...
He tried hard....
God! Be there beside me...
Through thick and thin...
Be there and show me the path...
The shining path...
Don't ever let my spirits down...
It is a fight for justice ...
Down to my last breath.

Met the devil and was amused...
He was desperate...
He was whining....
He was literally crying and begging...
A beggar always...
Isn't he?

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

He came twice....

Yes, he came twice ...
Twice he came in my life...
But, each time he came,
He was annihilated by the devil's advocate...
He comes now...
In my dreams...
That turn into nightmares....
When the devil carries my dead baby ...
And throws him into the fires of hell.
I wish I could reverse time...
I wish I could destroy the devil...
I wish I could give justice to my dead ones...
I wish.....
I wish he would come again...
This time I shall give my life...
Protect my unborn....
Kill the devil ...
But keep my baby alive...
He was the product of our love....
He was love himself...
I glowed with him within me...
I was happy .... I was blessed...
But, the devil took him away....
The devil deserves no love...
The devil deserves no apathy....
The devil deserves to die.

He came twice...
My unborn child... he did.