Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A Mistake....

A mistake, you say....
It was all a mistake....
You realize now...
A full season and a barren womb later...
You realize it's a mistake.

Shock, is my expression....
Colour drained from my face...
No thoughts....
Just a blank expression.

A mistake you said it was....
It wasn't a mistake....
When your eyes pierced through me...
Across the room...the first time...
It wasn't a mistake ....
When you made the first contact...
It wasn't a mistake when you whisked me away....
To hills far away on a wet night....
All those dinner dates...
All those crazy nights...
They were a Mistake????
Then why realize now?
Why now?

A mistake, you say...
Just a plain mistake for you...
But, my entire life ruined ...
My life in shambles....
And, you say... IT'S A MISTAKE!!!!!

Eerie Silence.....

No more waiting now....
Just an emptiness....
An eerie silence...
A vast expanse of nothingness...
Lots of time...
Yet no time at all.

The hollow emptiness....
Filling the space within....
Mind in a distasteful state...
Not knowing what to do...
Not knowing what lies ahead...
An eerie silence in my life...
A pitstop or the end.

Numbness has covered my senses...
I cry yet I don't cry....
No feelings...
No expressions....
Just an eerie silence in the heart....
The mind with a burning ache.

What went wrong?

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Euphoria... No more!

No more pleasant surprises...
No more waiting for the knock at the door...
No more nagging to grab attention...
No more smiles on the lips...
It's gone....
The euphoria is gone.....
Euphoria.... No more!

Some tears streaming down....
Leaving their mark when dry....
No hope left.....
No thoughts....
Just a blank mind.

An uncanny feeling....
A dread in the mind....
A broken heart....
Nursing it no more....
Mending it no more...
Letting it hurt...
The ache reminding me...
What a fool I have been.

In one statement it was all over....
Finished... Period....
No fanfare....
No bells....
Just a sense of doom....
And, it was all over...
Just like that...
Just like that all was forgotten...
Forgotten were moments of laughter....
Forgotten were moments of togetherness...
Just like that.

Euphoria... No more!
Blank space....
No thoughts....
No feelings...
Dead silence!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Four leaf clover....

He loves me, he loves me not....
The as always questions...
A girl ponders over...
Plucking the leaves ...
Of the four leaf clover.

An answer seldom answered...
A question that remains...
Wondering always..
What lies lurking...
Behind those heavy lashed eyes.

Berries of paradise...
So rare to find...
Deeply treasured...
Leaving the past behind...
I gallop forth....
Like a mare on a mission...
A mission of love....
To consume the fruit forbidden.

Every new dawn bringing in new hope...
Every dusk taking depression away...
That's the dream to achieve...
A long way to go before I really sleep.

A whole bunch of aims in life...
A sprig of life to live...
Lots to achieve...
Long way to go....
A stretch of road unknown...
But him beside me...
My silent beacon...
I know I can pull my wagon...
The mare I am....
Of the finest stallion around.

Four leaf clover no more to shred...
Four leaf clover no more ...
I am game for come what may....
I know for now am secure.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Yet again.... I drink the nectar alone...

I drink to forget...
I drink to sleep my blues away...
Yet again,...
I drink the nectar again..
The bitter sweet nectar....
The drink of Gods....
The forbidden drink...
Yet again, I take to it....
To while my time away.

The nectar makes me forget...
The wily ways of the world....
The torment...
The trauma...
The jilt....
The guilt.,...All the sins....
Of others and me ....
Everything wrong I did...
All the wrong done to me.

Yet again,.. I drink the nectar...
The bitter sweet nectar....
To while my melancholy times away.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Karma is a Bitch...

Sure it is... Karma for sure is a bitch...
It makes you rave and rant...
And want more and more....
There's nothing in it but aches and pains....
And echoes of your moans.

Life couldn't be better...
If Karma wasn't there....
Hell couldn't be merrier...
With Karma ensconed there.

Karma, Karma...
Why do you torment me?
Oh Karma! Why, Oh! Why?
I was fine...
Living in my own World...
I was fine all by myself....
Why did you have to repeat the story?
Why, Oh! Why?
Once again, am cheated...
Once again, am bruised...
Why Me?
They say History repeats itself...
Yes, It does...
Have made the same mistake twice over...
Not learnt my lessons well.

Karma sure is a Bitch...

Monday, March 19, 2012

It happened...

It happened ...
It just happened one fine day....
One fine day....
I just got up and moved out....
A strong gusty wind....
Giving me wings....
Giving me the courage....
To just let go and move on.

Move on I did...
One fine day...
I did move on.

None to worry about...
None to look upto...
None to please....
A free bird...
Flying with the flow of the wind....
Gliding through the sky...
Clouds beneath me...
The World below me...
I could see them all....
Ghosts from the past...
Looking at me....
Crinkling their eyes...
Looking at me ...
The Sun behind me....
Majestic did I I look...
A large shadow ...
Hovering in the sky.

It all happened one fine day...
One fine day it all happened.

I walk out....

I walk out...
Tall and elegant....
Faking a smile....
Feigning happiness...
I walk out... indeed....
Dignity personified...
Vanity intact...
I walk out....
A trail of blood behind...
Gory death of a heart...
Stoning of emotions...
Masking of feelings...
I walk out...
Never to return.