Wednesday, July 20, 2011

It must have been love... It's over now....

Listening to this song from Pretty Woman.... heart rending soulful melody....

It must have been love, It's over now...
Sure it could have been ...Love...
Or maybe some fatal attraction....
But it has ended and there's no looking back at the sour grapes.
Grapes that have wilted and turned into wrinkled raisins....
Love gone sour.....`
Lost forever somewhere.

Sad that it was so shortlived....

So sad to put it down in words.....
No words to describe it...
A relationship withered away ....
Sad that it was so shortlived.
Glad that it ended without any hassles.....
But sad that it had to end this way....
Miscommunication or blame it on no communication....
But it did end ultimately.
Am not sure if I am hurting....
But yes, there is a lump in my throat....
Those sweet moments and their memories tormenting....
Yet, life moves on, goes on and ....
We move with the flow.
Sad that it ended, sad that it was so shortlived....
But an explanation is surely due...
Isn't it so?

Monday, July 18, 2011

Assumptions.... conclusions... a figment of your imagination...

Yup... your assumptions...
Your conclusions.....
All are a figment of your overactive imagination....
An imagination that I cannot control...
Yes, I can feed it fodder....
For you to wonder....
What is it that I am made of.....

I don't need your advice ....
To stay focused...
I shall do what pleases me.....
It's my life after all.....
You can't just barge in .....
You can't just assume...
You can't just conclude...
Whatever you feel like....
I am who I am ... from my past experiences..
I can't let another rule my life for me....
Don't jump to conclusions....
Don't assume things.....
I am already hurting...
Don't hurt me no more.

Tonight a tear rolls down my cheek....

Not tonight....
Tonight a tear rolls down my cheek...
A lonely tiresome tear peeps out from the corner of my lashes....
Not tonight dear.....
Am just spent in my thoughts ...
The tear.... a harbinger of my emotions....
Let it wash the darkness of the night away....
For tomorrow I shall cry no more...
Tomorrow will be another dawn....
Another day to begin.

Am welling within with pent up emotions...
Am hurting somewhere deep down there....
The depths of my heart hold many secrets...
Secrets unknown to know my fear....
My fear isn't unfounded...
It has deep rooted history...
It springs from experience bitter and sweet....
Let me be.... Let me be alone in my melancholy sadness...
I need no one near.

Tonight a tear rolls down my cheek...
I catch it in my palm....
I watch it fade away with time....
The salt left behind.

Stay focused....

Yup, Stay focused Radhika...
Stay grounded Radhika...
Yet not again Radhika....
Stay away Radhika.......
A constant dilemma...
I face every moment....
I look at my cellphone.... I look at my netbook....
But, I can't , can't just stay away...
Stay Focused O' mind of mine....
Stay on the path you have chosen...
Don't let anything or anyone....
Stop you from becoming what you can....
No, I don't want roses...
I don't want thorns...
I don't need a companion...
I am better left alone....
I don't want emotions...
I don't want pain....
Leave me alone....
Just let me be...
Somebody stop me as the MASK said...
I say too.... Stop Radhika.`..
Right there in your tracks...
Tread no further....
There is pain in there...
Stay focused..
Stay grounded..
Stand tall...
Unwavering and avoid a fall.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Someone to talk to....

I needed someone to talk to...
I needed someone to confide in....
 Guess I found that one person in you....
Is it really true?...
I dunno....
All I know is that ...
Today at the end of the day...
Am a happy soul going to bed.

You may find it astonishing...
But in you I found a buddy...
Whom I can open up to....
Unabashedly, shamelessly ..
Yet happy in the knowledge ...
That I have been heard....
Am really a happy soul ...
Going to bed... all alone``.... yet happy.`

The last hug.....

I remember the last hug....
The last embrace.....
The memory lingers on......
Maybe an entire lifetime... It might remain...
We were so close...
Nothing in between...
Just plain emotions and passion...
Where did it all go....
Where did you disappear...
I pine for your love...
I crave for your attention....
I miss being with you......
I miss your lips and the warm kisses...
Those stolen moments....
Why did you change?....
It wasn't called for....
I didn't change...
Time didn't change...
But your emotions changed...
Your attitude changed...
And I was left stranded....
Holding my wounded heart...
Crying my soul away....
I remember the last hug...
I remember the last embrace...
It was warm...
So full of love and joy...
An inner peace had enveloped me...
Yet am disturbed today.

Why did you change?...
Where did it all go wrong?...
Questions to which you hold the answers...
Not me...
You hold the key to unlock your heart...
Stony heart that is.

Let the rains wash my tears away....

It's raining ... It's pouring...
What a rhyme...
But a different way to put my thoughts through...
Let the downpour...
Flood my bleeding heart...
And let it take the outpour of emotions with it ....
Let the rains wash my tears away.....
Let it smoothen my aching heart...
Let the pain ebb.. let it hurt.....
It's like the tide, which waxes and wanes with the moon....
Let it come... am all set to take it in my stride...
Am game for the fight.............