Monday, April 11, 2011


Euphoria! A Beautiful feeling! Ask me... am in that state of bliss ever since I met you.

Life couldn't get any better. Am floating through varied levels of varied emotions... from a high to a low, to a state where one doesn't fathom what one is doing.
Am delirious with happiness....... pinch me...... Is this a dream or reality?

My days are incomplete and really do not kick start without seeing you come dawn, my day doesn't end with sunset or dusk but deep into the night it prolongs, with you until sleep takes control. There is an aura around you, a halo that attracts me to you like a moth to the flame.

Ever since you came back in my life, happiness has been travelling through my meandering veins.
Your astonishingly handsome persona has blown me off my feet again. Romantic Knights have disappeared with time, yet you remain eternal in my heart my Knight in shining armor.

Love isn't visible or tangible, love has no name nor a fancy dressing. It's pure ecstasy.
Every thing is as new as dew, just like the bloom in spring. Hope has sprung alive again... Living every moment and soaking in the joy.

I love you. Euphoria is back again!

Humorously yours ji...Shola aur Shabnam...

Aap shola ho toh mein shabnam hoon ji,
Aap aag ho toh mein Baraf ka gola hoon ji (heheheheh),
Kal tak hum judaa thei, aaj miley hain ji,
Ab bhi hum behti nadi ke do bichde kinaare hain ji,
Kal phir bhi hum sagar mein jaa milenge ji...
Aap shola ho to mein shabnam hoon ji.

Aapki nigaahein jis tarah se hamein dekhti hain ji,
Aisa lagta hai hum pighalene lage hain ji,
Aap ne jo apna dil e jigar hamein diya toh ji,
Lagta hai jaise yeh jahan hill gaya ji.

Yeh jo ishq hai ji,
ek ibadaat hai ji,
Aasan nahi hai yeh safar ji,
Manzil abhi bahut door hai ji.
Aap shola ho to hum shabnam hain ji.

Ek guzaarish hai ji,
Iss bechaain dil ko,
Na todna ji,
Har baar yeh girr kar uth nahi sakta ji,
Ab toh hamara budaapa bhi kareeb hai ji.
Aap shola ho toh hum shabnam hain ji,
Aap laava hain toh hum baraf ka gola hain ji (lol).

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Kids this is for you....Sapnon ka Saudagar......

Sapnon ka Saudagar aaya,
Le lo tum sapney naye, Tumse kismet khel chuki, Ab tum kismet se khelo.....

Beautifully worded song. Without a captain let your ship reach it's port.... You be the captain of the ship. Take on your Freedom headlong, but with freedom comes responsibility. Don't forget that. I haven't forgotten.

Each new dawn brings with it new challenges, we must meet these challenges with a smile and confidence. The moment we lose faith in ourselves and our dreams, we collapse into a heap and it sets us back.

You have your future beckoning you, where's the worry and certainly there is no hurry. Take your time. But, know this for sure, that this lady is there by your side always. I may not support your wild ideas always but I won't stop you. Learn from your mistakes, just like I did. I shall not teach you, I shall inspire you to take the right decision. Let my life and times be your guide.

Know this for sure, Guys, am always gonna be there when you stumble and fall. I shall back you in every endeavour of yours, come hail or thunderstorm. But, blistering typhoons, don't rub me on the wrong side, for then I shall be a torrent of well worded unjustness at that moment. But, know this for sure, I will be there for you always.

There is a lot to say, but this is enough for the time being coz I know you are disturbed today and need this little bit of gyan from me.

Bye babies.... Love you guys.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

What does it matter...

What does it matter if I am in a loving relationship?
What does it matter if I am loving every moment of being in love?
What does it matter if I live life on my terms?
What does it matter if the world knows?

What matters is whether I am happy...
What matters is he is happy...
What matters is people related to us are happy.... Are they?
I guess they would be, once they know. they have been through the ups and downs with us, they know us well and will be the happiest in our happiness. Of course there would be lots of questions to be answered and a lot of answers to be questioned. I am ready for it, but are YOU?

Today, a lot is occupying my thoughts. A lot is churning within. A lot to contemplate. A lot to introspect.

What do I want? I don't know. Does it matter? Maybe it does. We aren't living separate to the world. We are living in conjunction with the world. For every thing, we are so dependent on people around us, the society et al. Their opinion matters. Does it really? No, it doesn't. If it did, then we should matter to them too. Where is everybody when we are going through our turmoils alone? Nobody matters.

It's just you and me. We have to decide, what is it that we want from life? What is it we want from each other? What is it that we are looking forward to? What is it that got us together? What is it that makes us tick? What does it matter.....

By the way, what is it that would make me TICK? Just asking.

Another day filled with sunshine and your smile...

Yet another day, starting with you....
Yet another sunshine bright and beautiful,
Coz I am with you.

We are miles apart ,
Yet so near,
two hearts beating together,
Yearning for each other,
It's a beautiful feeling,
One needs to feel it ,
to know what true love is all about.

I love the way you look at me,
I love the way you make me feel,
Special and loved...
That's what was missing all these years,
And now I have an abundance of your love........

Keep loving me,
I crave for your love and smile,
Nothing matters more than your happiness.
You have given me a lifetime of joy,
Just by being there, Just by seeking me out....
Nothing else matters now.... Just you and me.

Let's flow with this feeling,
Let's seek ultimate bliss,
Just by being there for each other...
Nothing else matters anymore.

Destiny separated us,
Destiny brought us together,
Let's not waste this reunion,
Let's just be who we are,
Lovers all the way...
In every which way....
Nothing else matters.

Yet another day, filled with the brightness of your smile,
Yet another day in your company,
Yet another day filled with dreams,
Yet another day..... wishing I was in your arms,
Yet another day, waking up and feeling blessed...
Nothing else matters anymore....
Just you and me... on a different plane..
Away from the rest of the world...
Just you and me in eternal bond...
A bond called love....
Love that legends are made of...
let the world remember us for that...
We shall become immortal in this fire...
That tests us forever.
Nothing else matters but your smile.... I Love you.

Friday, April 8, 2011

On a Platonic Note....

Hmmmmmm.... Platonic.... far fetched thought in today's world, but yes possible.

A man and woman can really love each other and yet remain the best of friends. It's possible. I have a lot of friends and they love me a lot but that doesn't mean we have an otherwise relationship. We are there for each other when one or the other is down and out, totally worn out by the rigors of life.

I am their muse, I am their support, I am in their thoughts, I bring a smile to their weary lips... that doesn't mean anything but that I am dependable and they can count on me when the need arises. This relationship is platonic.

I love my friends and they love me. We are there for each other though we are thousands of miles apart, we haven't met in ages... yet we are there for each other , thanks to technology. This is being platonic.

Our world is torn apart by strife, we need to bring the level of tension down for each other. Get the bubbliness of youth and freshness of childhood in our relationships. Be there for loved ones , one and all. All because, life is like a lemon, bitter outer rind and sour within. It's up to us to add sugar and make it into a refreshing lemonade. Right? It's all in our hands, what we make of our life and our feelings and how we present it.

I am a sucker for love. Anybody who expresses it wholeheartedly is welcome in my life coz I don't believe in breaking hearts. Term it platonic, my relation to others feelings..... but that's how it is. You can't go around distributing your love, to every tom, dick and hairy harry... hahahah.....
But you can be the one person , they can depend on in times of crisis. That's what friendship is all about. I am always there for my friends and they are there for me with their oodles of love, care and concern and silly apprehensions.

If I am a Princess for one, then am a Sweetheart for another, a cutiepie for one more and a moron for the fourth one, but am there .... Always. This is purely platonic. There is just one, for whom this heart really beats but we have agreed to keep our relationship platonic and must say my heart bleeds at the mere thought of it, but a pact is a pact..Ain't it? So, platonic it is, the way of life for me, in all my relationships, no doubts about it.

So,Platonic is the watchword for the day.... Let me mull over it and think some more and then perhaps get back to putting down my weird thoughts in words that seldom make a difference to what others think ... It's my way of looking at life and all the surreal realities of it.. Bring it game for another platonic relationship........... No need to feel jealous about it mate... That's the way you want it, that's the way you get it , with a spritz of lemon juice over it.

Am keeping the faith... believing that I am faithful in my relationship, although there are a lot of others interested in me.... It's your call, your take on it... Platonic or not.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Huge Difference....

On a positive note, first time in today's stressful day, let me tell you what a huge difference you have made to my life.

You have brought sunshine back into my dull and dreary life. You have irradiated it with your smile and must say I love to watch you smiling when we video chat.

It's the most beautiful moment of my life and I am enjoying every second of this AHA! moment.
A calmness has enveloped my fiery profile. You douse the fire that rages in me off and on. You are the balm that has eased the ache. You are what you are and don't go changing for anyone not even for me....Coz I love you just the way you are.... plain and simple.

You said , don't get hurt this time. I say, I am positive I am not going to get hurt this time, because it's you who is standing tall beside me ... My pillar of strength. I know, you won't let anyone hurt me, nor will you hurt me... Coz you love me unconditionally. What else can I ask for? Am happy and contented in the knowledge that you are my full and final calling... nothing and no one matters anymore.

I love you with no limitations whatsoever. Now, it's up to you to decide whether you are ready to receive this beauty with the booty and the bounty. Lol.

You have made a huge difference and I can sense it. Soak in every moment and every bit of this gift , that's what my heart says to me and I, like a puppy dog, follow my heart.

I guess, finally it's time to update my status as IN A RELATIONSHIP. I LOVE YOU.

Blast it......

Blast it ... All it takes to set you thinking negative is a bloody one liner from someone. It just sets your mood off. All you can do at that moment is huff and puff your anger away. Just when you are getting on with your already messed up life, some one has to shove his butt in. Rascal.

Am in no mood to consider any sort of reconciliation. All set to sue at least. Rascal.

Got to take these junkies head on and teach them a lesson they will never forget. Don't mess with me is the message to put across. Rascal.

What a way to whet your reprisal to someone you don't want to speak to. Rascal.

RASCAL.... Yes that's the most I have allowed myself to express openly. Else there is so much bottled up within that it would cause a volcano to erupt.

Damn... Why do I waste my time worrying about other people and their opinions? Rascals.

I do wish , someday somebody should wipe them off from the face of Earth. Blast it....