Thursday, December 30, 2021

Was it real or unreal ?

It felt so unreal ...
Yet, was so real ...
Then, what happened to the magic?

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

There's no permanence, yet ... #GoFigure

There is no permanence...
They spoke at length about it ...
Yet, there's something that's nagging her ...
What's it about him ?
Something that she can't shake off ...
The voice ...
The sincerity in the spoken words ...
Something about him was different...
Yet, it frizzled out ...
Like a flat coke ...
Yet a coke nonetheless ...
Maybe he feels the void too...
As she does...
But, who will take the first step...
The step to bridge the gap ...
Or it would indeed mean ...
An end to something that was beautiful...
Beautiful, while it lasted !
There's no permanence...
Or, is there? #GoFigure

Saturday, December 25, 2021

Relationships have a time frame, just a matter of acceptance! #GoFigure

How profound is it to make a statement ...
Relationships have a time frame ...
Just a matter of acceptance ! 
It was beautiful while it lasted...
Something different...
Pristine and an exhilarating experience at the same time ...
But, it didn't last ...
What happened, is a mystery ...
With a heavy heart one must let go ...
A lump forming in the throat ...
Unshed tears welling at the rim of the eyes ...
A sigh is released ...
And, she walks towards the sunset all alone !
Relationships have a time frame ...
Hence, proven ! #GoFigure 

Friday, December 24, 2021

Full Stop! #GoFigure

There comes a time in life...
When you pause and reflect...
There comes a time when you keep walking and let go ...
There comes a time when you run away from what bogs you down...
And then, a time comes when you put a full Stop to everything ...
Anything that hampers your peace of mind...
You have no time for nonsense...
You don't need anyone around...
You are comfortable in your space...
You don't need an encroachment in that space...
Any activity that disturbs the peace...
The moment you are at ...
Just put a Full Stop to it ...
You don't need drama in your life...
You are happy in your solitude...
That, that moment you put a Full Stop ...
You stop the advancement of any peril...
Even if it's meant to be...

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Another one bites the dust #GoFigure

What do they have in mind when they approach a lady?
A mint with a hole ?
Or a minting press ?
Men! Rolling eyes ...
She's better off without them !
It's peaceful without the Martians ...
It does hurt a bit...
Because one does give away a part of themselves...
Only to be hurt in the process ...
But, better late than never ...
A stitch in time saves nine ! Another one bites the dust !
She dusts the dirt of emotions off herself and walks away ! #GoFigure

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Uff yeh nazaakat! #GoFigure

The shy boyish grin ...
The uninhibited smile ...
Gushing like an infatuated teen ...
Ah! Dil le gayi yeh ada...
Uff yeh nazaakat !
Wondering, at this age ...
How does it seem? 
Looking into the mirror...
She smiles...
For there too in the reflection...
She mirrors his thoughts ! 
Fleeting thoughts of what not ...
All that was sitting on a backburner ...
Brought forth by one right swipe ...

Sunday, December 12, 2021

A Criminal Bent Of Mind ! #GoFigure

Finally, it's all figured out...
The protagonist of her story...
The said lady with a sad history of affairs...
Is nothing short of a psychopath ...
A woman with a split personality ...
Another, a bipolar disorder ...
Is it possible?
Most certainly, must have been possible ...
In a twisted mind ...
Always at work ...
Creating dubious characters to write about ...
A Criminal Bent Of Mind ! Indeed !  A very Agathaistique turn in the stories ...
A pretty Sherlocky intense stare ...
Or a fumbling Watson following the agile and quick Holmes...
Come to think of it ...
Maybe all these characters stay in her head and ...
She just wears her dark Cape ...
And, conjures up a scene in her imagination...
A la Madame X style ...
Or a Lara Croft with acrobatic stunts ...
Nimbleness her front foot ...
And on backfoot ...
Matahari ! 
Now, #GoFigure 

To drive or not to drive ... A wedge driven in the decision ! #GoFigure

Breathe in breathe out...
Hold your bated breathes brethren of the same kind ...
If you are indeed...
Here comes a jaunty anecdote on my fourth driving licence...
What!!! You exclaim...
What's so different about it ?
Well, I have been having a driving licence since I was about 22...
Yet, I don't drive !!!
I just go and get it renewed...
And, there's the catch !!!
I enrol into a driving school each time in order to relearn ...
What I seemingly never learnt ! 
I do pass the driving tests though !
So, where's the joke ?
Well! After getting the licence...
It goes right into my Baba Azam ke zamaane ka wallet ...
Which would be better off in a museum...
As an artifact to be marveled at !
So, getting back to my driving licence...
It remains deeply ensconced...
In the crevices of the wallet and ...
No jokes! Till am asked to produce for some documentation and I realise...
It's expired! 
Just like an old hag...
Hanging onto the last clutches of the tattered and torn ... Wallet !
Well to come to the irritating point ...
Which I know you already are Dear Reader ...
Oh no! Not the irritating point but the irritated reader ...
Hehehe! Here goes the diarrhoea of giggles thinking of my poor Driving instructor...
Who holds his heart in his hand ...
No, not for me!
Am nearly 52...
But, I do make heads turn at this age too ...
Oh no! Not for my good looks ...
But, for my temper...
Usually, people fold their hands and pray to their respective God's before starting a drive ...
He turns to me with folded hands and says ...
Madamji! Please keep your temper in check while driving...
Let the world do what it desires but you don't lose your temper...
And then, for the next designated half hour...
An argument ensues between him and me ...
Where I quote Traffic rules and keep abusing people on the road who don't follow them...
Especially, autorickshaw drivers, morning walkers, Two wheeler idiots ...
But of course, for not following traffic rules! 
I wonder, where did I learn the choicest of abuses from...
Watching someone do that all the time ...
Sigh! I didn't learn anything good from him...
Only to abuse power ...
There I go off on a tangent again !
I have been told to learn and give my test and get my licence and keep it in my wallet again...
By my children, of course!
They wouldn't want anyone to be harmed in the process of my debacles at driving independently ever...
Sigh! When will I fulfill my bucket list of driving all alone some day ? #GoFigure

Saturday, December 11, 2021

The burnt frame ...

There's something about a half burnt frame same as a half baked truth ! #GoFigure ...
You may lament a lot...
People see your perspective...
Not the truth that you have hidden for years ...
Wish they could read through your lies ...
Transparent and the whole naked truth ! #GoFigure 

Monday, September 13, 2021

#Onam her way !

Her favourite ... #Onam for #Sadhya #Pookolam ... Nothing to beat the feeling ! #GoFigure 

Jumping Jack ! #GoFigure

Jumpsuit and her favourite boots #DocMartens to go with it ! What a pair ! #GoFigure 

Gliding through Aamby Valley !

A Glider for the lady ...
A #Bucketlist fulfilled ! 
Many more to go...
Slow yet steady...
Reaching there ...
Gliding through life ! 

A drive to Mandwa !

A Mercedes and a grand old man as company on a beautiful ferry ride to Mandwa ... #GoFigure ... I wish I was sailing away ! 

Kaapi time !

Kaapi just the way it ought to be ! #Coffee the southern accent and a tired old lady ! #GoFigure 

The drive to Daman !

A beautiful drive that was a surprise!
The cool afternoon of a January day...
A lady is hijacked...
Surprisingly, willing to travel...
With a singing partner...
The winding traffic laden road not withstanding...
A beautiful drive in anticipation...
Ending in a proposal...
Leading to passionate love making...
All gone...
In a whiff of smouldering ashes...
Just a dream that ended hurtful...
Just like any other nightmare that was true...
Just another sinner...
Just another walking away from it all ...
Strange! Isn't it? #GoFigure 

You don't add images to a broken frame... #GoFigure !

You don't break your heart for the ones who are leaving...
You don't cry for the ones who have left...
You don't add images to a broken frame ! #GoFigure ...
The one that floats forever...
You don't change the course of the floating dead...
You don't break branches from the tree of time...
You don't add images to a broken frame! #GoFigure ...
As simple as that...
Leave her alone...
She's happy in her solitude...
Her being as a whole all by itself...
All by herself! 
She's stopped adding images to her broken frame ! #GoFigure 

Friday, May 28, 2021

The Morph ...

"I grabbed a pile of dust, and holding it up, foolishly asked for as many birthdays as the grains of dust, I forgot to ask that they be years of youth." ... #Ovid #Metamorphoses
Just a pile of dust ...
A major part ...
Just my skin ... #GoFigure

The Thrill ...

Nothing beats the high ...
The high one gets ...
On being with a gangster...
The Thrill of the kill...
The power over a powerful person...
The Thrill that can kill...
Yet, women do it for the high it gives...
Not for money nor for love ...
Just the thrill of being powerful...
Powerful enough to make a powerful man bend ...
Aha! The surge of adrenaline when the world fears you coz' ...
The most powerful man revers you ...
The gangsters mob...
The authorities...
All bowing to her ...
For the gangster bows in front of her !
The Thrill of the kill... #GoFigure 

Thursday, May 13, 2021

The Shadow of Death !

Creepy as it may seem...
Creepy as it may sound when heard ...
But it is true...
The Shadow of Death exists ...
It remains embedded in our subconscious mind...
Only emerging to kill once again...
Again and again...
All it knows is bloodshed...
The Shadow of Death ...
It's hand crimson with the blood of the lot...
The lot that has sinned ...
Is it a man or a woman?...
No one knows except the Shadow of Death ! #GoFigure

Friday, April 30, 2021

The Walking Dead !

There's a pandemonium...
The result of a pandemic...
Endemic to human fraility...
A sickening disease of the mind...
The walking dead...
Zombies existing only to die...
Freedom lost...
Caged while the birds and bees roam free...
The Earth is healing?
It's revolting...
It's taking back what man took...
Not by force but man's own doing...
A laughter echoes through the concrete jungle...
Behind grilled doors and windows...
Pigeon hole existence ..
Nothing but the walking dead! #GoFigure

Saturday, March 27, 2021

The Chopper !

Chop chop chop ...
There it goes high up in the hair ...
And then, bang on target on the board...
The chopping board, silly ! 
The multi purpose board ...
The multi purpose chopper ...
Shining steel ...
Sharp and raring to go ...
Rearing it's head up ...
Only to fall down hard...
On the victim of its blow ...
An innocent vegetable or a piece of steak ...
Or the thumb of an infidel bastard...
Choice is yours ...
What you choose ...
A vegetable or a piece of meat ...
Or an unfaithful one ! 
She made her choice ...
She rose from her ashes ...
And she flew up ...
Soaring high up in the sky ...
Towards the blazing Sun...
It was acceptable to burn her feathers yet again ...
Rather than suffer in silence ! 

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

A much needed break...

The past year has made one feel differently about everything ...
Be it life or relations ...
Catapulted from a busy urbane life ...
To a life of laid-back attitude...
Nothing is permanent ...
Neither you nor another ...
What changes overnight; none can predict ...
So, might as well wake up smiling ...
Prepare your morning cuppa ...
Put up your legs on the ottoman ...
And, relax ...
Take the day as it comes ...
Work or no work ...
Enjoy your time away from the maddening crowd ...
Enjoy your sabbatical ...
Relish the joy of solitude ...
A lot ain't needed to be happy ...
A lot can happen in a moment ...
So, sit back and relax ...
Soak in the morning rays ...
Watch the various hues of the sunrise ...
You never know if it will be your last ! #GoFigure