Wednesday, March 10, 2021

A much needed break...

The past year has made one feel differently about everything ...
Be it life or relations ...
Catapulted from a busy urbane life ...
To a life of laid-back attitude...
Nothing is permanent ...
Neither you nor another ...
What changes overnight; none can predict ...
So, might as well wake up smiling ...
Prepare your morning cuppa ...
Put up your legs on the ottoman ...
And, relax ...
Take the day as it comes ...
Work or no work ...
Enjoy your time away from the maddening crowd ...
Enjoy your sabbatical ...
Relish the joy of solitude ...
A lot ain't needed to be happy ...
A lot can happen in a moment ...
So, sit back and relax ...
Soak in the morning rays ...
Watch the various hues of the sunrise ...
You never know if it will be your last ! #GoFigure 

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