Friday, December 24, 2021

Full Stop! #GoFigure

There comes a time in life...
When you pause and reflect...
There comes a time when you keep walking and let go ...
There comes a time when you run away from what bogs you down...
And then, a time comes when you put a full Stop to everything ...
Anything that hampers your peace of mind...
You have no time for nonsense...
You don't need anyone around...
You are comfortable in your space...
You don't need an encroachment in that space...
Any activity that disturbs the peace...
The moment you are at ...
Just put a Full Stop to it ...
You don't need drama in your life...
You are happy in your solitude...
That, that moment you put a Full Stop ...
You stop the advancement of any peril...
Even if it's meant to be...

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