Sunday, December 12, 2021

A Criminal Bent Of Mind ! #GoFigure

Finally, it's all figured out...
The protagonist of her story...
The said lady with a sad history of affairs...
Is nothing short of a psychopath ...
A woman with a split personality ...
Another, a bipolar disorder ...
Is it possible?
Most certainly, must have been possible ...
In a twisted mind ...
Always at work ...
Creating dubious characters to write about ...
A Criminal Bent Of Mind ! Indeed !  A very Agathaistique turn in the stories ...
A pretty Sherlocky intense stare ...
Or a fumbling Watson following the agile and quick Holmes...
Come to think of it ...
Maybe all these characters stay in her head and ...
She just wears her dark Cape ...
And, conjures up a scene in her imagination...
A la Madame X style ...
Or a Lara Croft with acrobatic stunts ...
Nimbleness her front foot ...
And on backfoot ...
Matahari ! 
Now, #GoFigure 

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